
Friday, May 21, 2021

{ Faith and Food Friday #1}


28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. - Matthew 11:28-29 
Of the things in my life that I love the most, aside from my husband and children, the Lord is number one on the list.   Then there are other things I enjoy, like cooking, photography and crocheting.

As you know, here on the blog, I love to share my life as a homemaker, what I'm doing, what my days are like, things I enjoy, places I visit etc.

While trying to figure out how to make the process back to daily blogging, I find that the easiest way to do that, is to have a bit of a schedule or specific days or posts, like the Happy Homemaker Monday, that keep me on track.  

About a week and a half ago, this thought came to me.  Why not do a feature that brings both your love for God and your love for cooking together?  Pick a day in the week, obviously not Monday, but one of the others, and then find something that you can share or talk about.  But it must be something you will want to come back and share every week.

As I sat and thought on this, the name Faith and Food Friday  popped into my head.  I immediately thanked God, for I knew where it came from, it was His idea and not mine.  I've talked often about those little nudges He gives me at times, words, pushes in a specific direction, a video I needed to watch, a story I needed to read, and so on.

I couldn't believe just how simple but to the point it was.  Perfect, just as He is!

So starting today, this Friday the 21st of May, 2021, I am kicking off the very first Faith and Food Friday.

What is it?  

Well, it is just a simple way for me to share the Lord's word, a scripture, or a lesson I have learned that past week.....along with a recipe.  What better way to feed our bodies and our soul, right?

I'm hoping it is also an encouragement for you to stop and spend some time the Father.  We all have such busy lives, and sometimes we use the excuse of not having a moment to read the Bible, or to pray. 

With this Friday feature, I'm hoping that at least on Fridays you will slow down, pull out the Bible, read a verse, say a prayer and start the habit of spending time with the word.

Maybe you will start just on Fridays, then add one more day, and another, until you are in the habit of being with Him, every day.  At least that is my hope for you.

If you want to join in, you are more than welcome to.  Share a favorite verse, a devotional, a lesson you've learned or are in the process of learning, a testimony and a favorite recipe.

Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts. 
Acts 2:46 
I hope you will join me on this journey, to a closer relationship with God.    
Together, we can fill our hearts and work towards being more like Jesus...while also filling our tummies and exchanging some family favorite recipes. 


Creamy Oregano Chicken

4 chicken breasts, skinless, and pounded down to 1/2 inch thickness (I usually will take the breasts and slice them in half lengthwise)
Milk and bread crumbs for dredging
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/3 cup chicken broth
Minced garlic
3/4 cup whipping cream
Black pepper to taste and oregano to taste
Parmesan cheese 

Dredge the chicken breasts in the milk and then in the flour. 

In a skillet, melt the butter and then fry the chicken until done.  It will take about 10 minutes, flipping over halfway through.  Set aside and keep warm.

When done, scrape all the bits from the bottom of the skillet, add in the chicken broth and garlic, and cook for about a minute.  Add in the heavy cream, black pepper and oregano, and finish off with some Parmesan cheese to taste.

Combine well and let it thicken slightly, over slow heat.  Pour over the chicken and serve immediately.

I served ours with egg noodles, and a side salad.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this idea. Perfect devotion to open with. I also LOVE the recipe. I've just gotten home from my trip and am slowly getting back into routine so while I just saw this post, I will join in next week. :)


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
