
Monday, May 24, 2021

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 05/24/2021 }

Good morning everyone, hope you've had a wonderful weekend.
Ours was pretty good.  We celebrated my husband's 48th birthday on Saturday, then Sunday we went to church as a family, the kids came with and it was wonderful of course.  We followed that up with a lunch at IHOP, then came home and just relaxed the rest of the day.
Before I go on with the Happy Homemaker Monday, I thought I would quickly answer a question that seems to come up quite often.  I don't know why, or why this issue even matters, but I'm constantly being asked about my prayer list in this feature, and why I used to have the President on there and I don't anymore.
The answer is simple.  Just because I don't name people on there specifically, it doesn't mean I don't pray for them.  The reason I don't post about any political people I'm praying for, is because it seemed to cause major drama.  I had some pretty nasty anonymous comments, and I don't want my blog to become anything political at all.
This blog has never been about politics and it never will be.  It is about homemaking, my Christian faith, my family, our life, cooking and crafts and so on.  

So no, I will no longer, ever actually, post anything political including who I am or am not praying for.  Praying is something personal, and who each person prays for, shouldn't even be brought into question, in my opinion.

I hope that answers the questions, and that we can put that issue to rest and just move on with our usual  homemaking shenanigans.

Right, let's get on now.  Wishing you all a blessed week ahead!

Happy Homemaker Monday
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The weather::: 
Quite rainy weather lately.  Looks like another rainy week ahead, which is fine, it cools things down because Texas seems to have gone straight into summer heat. 
Monday - Scattered Thunderstorms, 78
Tuesday - Isolated Thunderstorms, 85
Wednesday - Partly cloudy, 90
Thursday - PM Thunderstorms, 90
Friday - Scattered Thunderstorms, 80
Saturday - AM Thunderstorms, 85
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 85
On my reading pile::: 
It is What you Make of It by Justin McRoberts, for an upcoming book review.  

On my TV:::  
Been watching some Brazilian Crime Channels on Youtube, as well as the usual slow living vlogs.
On the menu for this week:::
Have a plan until Friday but then need to get groceries, so I'll be working on the new menu throughout the week.
Monday -  Creamy Swiss Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Salad
Tuesday - Poor Man's Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches, Macaroni and Cheese
Wednesday - Garlic Beef and Broccoli, Basmati Rice
Thursday - Ono's Hawaiian Chicken, Aioli Spaghetti
Friday - *Grocery Shopping*

On my to do list::: 
Housework - Usual tidy up, dusting.
Grocery Shopping on Friday

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating::: 
Still working on the Sweet Blossom Blanket from Sue Rawlinson of Sweet Pea Crochet.  
Looking around the house::: 
It is quite dark, cloudy and rainy outside.  It's pretty warm in the house, so I have some of the overhead fans on to circulate the air a bit.
Hubby is getting ready for work, so is Jasmine.  Nick as always, is still asleep. 

From the camera::: 
The progress of the crochet blanket.      

Something fun to share::: 
Sharing something a little different today, instead of a video I'm giving you a website.  I mentioned it in my previous post, which was Sandra's Saturday Surfing.  
Wayback Machine let's you put in a link to a website and see exactly what it looked like years before.  It was quite fun seeing my blog as it was back in 2006 and so forth.  The templates, what I was sharing, oh it was just a trip back in time.  Give it a try.  

On my prayer list::: 
Our Marley, as we navigate this craziness that is going on with him.  Thank you to the person who mentioned Lyme Disease, that is something we will bring to the Vet and have them test for. 


  1. Prayers for Marley, we are getting rain finally.

  2. Mine is a shortened version this week due to blog feed problems I was having. Have a fantastic week and thanks for hosting! :)

  3. I'm so sorry to hear Marley is still having issues! Hugs and prayers that you get to the bottom of his ailment soon.

    Happy Birthday Curt!

    Thank you so much for that link to the wayback machine! You may not remember, but I "LOST" my original blog, 3 Sides of Crazy, when it was hijacked and GOOGLE said I couldn't provide enough proof it was mine to reclaim it. I was so mad that was when I became Chasing MY Life and moved my platform to wordpress. But, now I can actually see posts from way back thanks to your link - THANK YOU!

    Have a blessed week my friend!

  4. It's why I don't have a prayer list post. But I will pray for those that commented negatively. God Bless Them ! Have a great week.

  5. Hi Sweetie!
    Continued prayers for Marley 🙏 And I love how your blanket is turning out so far. Such pretty colors. I'm excited to check out that link you shared 😊 Have a blessed week ahead. xo

  6. Just one more comment re your prayer list. Amazingly, you should still be including the President of these United States. With all the hatred, turmoil, deaths, violence and months of misery we have all had to endure, at least the light at the end of the tunnel appears to be closer re getting the virus under control. Amen and have a great week and summer.

  7. I'm so sorry people were judging your prayer list, I had that happen once as well and it wasn't nice. Your blanket is beautiful. Hope you had a nice Monday and have a wonderful week!

  8. I think a lot of people ask about your prayer list because when Donald Trump was president you always said "I pray for the president and his family" but ever since Joe Biden took office you have not one said "I pray for the president and his family" so of course that gets noticed. You have Republicans reading your blog but you have Democrats as well. I am one of them. Joe Biden is doing his best to take care of every American. Not just the Democrats. Every American. Whether you voted for him or not. He's a good man. Okay, enough on that subject. Happy belated birthday to your hubby. Sounds like he had a good day. I'm so sorry Marley is still not feeling well. I hope you all find answers soon. I know how much you love him. Will keep him in my prayers. And finally, the colors on that crochet blanket are beautiful. Have a good week.

  9. Hoping Marley feels better and I agree our blogs are for us to have fun and not to have all these negative comments. Do what is best for you.
    Have a great week

  10. Happy bday to your hubby. Mine has his birthday this month too.
    Sending more prayers for Marley. It's hard to see our fur babies suffer, especially since they can't tell us what's wrong.
    Love the's gorgeous.

  11. You have a wonderful blog which I enjoy visiting. It is rare if I get political on my blog, but when I have, a couple of bloggers have not been happy with me about it. I believe the important thing is to be praying anyhow even if others don't like it.


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
