
Monday, September 06, 2021

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 09/06/2021 }

Happy Monday!!!

I wanna start by wishing you all a wonderful Labor Day, hope you've been enjoying the long weekend so far.  As we go into this new week, let this week be the week of blessings, breakthroughs and abundant joy. 
I am bringing out the Fall HHM picture today, I know technically Fall hasn't started yet, but the minute September rolls around, I'm ready for it.  Maybe this picture will coax the cooler temperatures into showing up.  
Right, let's get on with it....oh and by the way, I pulled a HHM from 2014.  You know me, once in a while I like to change things up.  Feel free to do the same, you can always pull one of your older posts from previous years.  The only thing I always ask, is that if you join me in this feature every Monday, that you don't change the categories or add your own, or call it something else.  It kind of ruins the purpose doesn't it?

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning::::
For now, just a cup of coffee while I type this post up.  Later, I will make some Instant Pot Oatmeal.  

Looking around the house::::
Very quiet, aside from the crickets outside the window.  Curt is up and at his computer, working on his college work.  Kids are still asleep, though Jasmine will be up for work in an hour.  
On today's to do list::::
Vacuum and carpet clean den.
Put a post up on the blog, aside from this one.
Add the new meal plan to the chalkboard wall in the kitchen.
Make my garlic paste

Currently reading::::
Acts in the Bible
Kicking Ass in a Corset, for a book review coming up.  

On the TV this week::::
Danielle Kirsty on Youtube
Digging for Britain
Homemaking Vlogs
London Hospital 

The weather outside is::::
So the weatherman says we are cooling down, and I was so excited thinking Fall temperatures, but no, he just meant 90's.  Bummer!!!

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Frango a Moda do Alentejo (Roast Garlic Chicken and Potatoes)

Tuesday - Hay and Straw, Garlic Pull Apart Bread

Wednesday - Monterey Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Sauteed Greens

Thursday - Ravioli Lasagna, Salad

Friday - Beef and Onions, Rice, Roasted Cauliflower

Saturday - Portuguese Meatballs, Fries

Sunday - Chicken Curry and Rice, Garlic Naan

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::
Get in the pool, read, or crochet. 

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::

I want to try a German Pizza, will probably make it on Jasmine's day off, so that we can have it for lunch.  
Also making a Pecan Pie Cobbler this week, for dessert.  

One of my simple pleasures::::
Reading through old diaries, especially those of people on ships, or pioneers homesteading etc.

Favorite photo from the camera::::
Sweet Elliott taking a nap on the couch.  He has become my little shadow since my Marley died.

Looking Around the House::::

It's cloudy outside, so the house looks pretty dark.  Elliott is asleep on the bed next to me, while I work on this post.  I need to mop my kitchen floors, and also need to wash my windows, but not sure if I'll get to that today.  
I have two boxes of Fall decorations, sitting in the hallway.  I pulled them out yesterday so that I can get decorating today.

Praying for::::
♥♥  My sister in law.  Praise God, Friday was the first day she was able to go all day without needing her oxygen, and she is starting to feel much better from the Covid and Pneumonia.  Continuing to pray for healing so that she can also get back to her cancer treatments.
♥♥  Curt's aunt Mickey, she has Covid AND pneumonia as well (seems to be going around now), and unfortunately is in the ICU on a ventilator.  Doctors are not giving very good reports as she doesn't seem to be responding to treatment.  Please pray for her.  
♥♥  My niece Tiffany's baby boy.  She is 23 weeks pregnant, there was some issue with the baby having too much fluid in the brain, but after a visit with a specialist that seems to have resolved on it's own.  However, her placenta is now laying low and basically on the cervix, so that's not good.  Please pray that her placenta corrects itself.  
♥♥  Still praying for Afghanistan.  
♥♥  For our military
♥♥  Many on our church prayer list, some very sick, others slowly healing from a myriad of health problems.  

Bible Verse, Devotional that is resonating with me at the moment:::: 
As I read through Acts, I can't help but think how appropriate it is for the current world we live in.  Especially when we look at Saul's transformation into Paul.  I pray that same transformation for many, especially in Afghanistan.  That they have encounters with Jesus, that their hearts turn from evil and that they find salvation. 


  1. You and I often have a like mindedness that amuses me. You have a Pecan Pie Cobbler you want to try and I made a recipe yesterday for Pumpkin Pineapple Pecan cake that I developed and is already being requested for a second time this week. Both your recipe and mine say - BRING ON FALL and the cooler temperatures!!!

    The German pizza sounds intriguing too. Adorable picture of Elliott. Shadows are good, but I'm sorry he's having a tough transition time.

    Sending BIG hugs and prayers for Hayley, Aunt Mickey, Tiffany and her baby boy.

    I hope your temperatures cool down and you have a great week.

  2. Thank you for hosting and for sharing such a wonderful post with your so inspiring plans for the week just begun!
    Sending blessings across the ocean
    Xx Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ linking "Thomas & Grace Tosier and the Georgian chocolate".

  3. Sorry I added a few. I won't anymore.

  4. Great new post. I love the fall picture just wish our weather got color.

  5. Glad your sister-in-law is doing well with her recovery from Covid, prayers for continued recovery and a successful treatment for her cancer. Many prayers for the rest of your family's health as well. What is German pizza? I'm intrigued. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  6. Thanks for the winter tea recipe. Pecan Pie Cobbler .. never heard of it but just the name makes me think I would love this.
    Healing vibes for all in need around you. Have a great week

  7. Sorry I'm doing Tuesday edition this week Friend. 😊 And I love the Fall feel of this post- and seeing sweet Elliot. Prayers for all of you to continue to heal. I wonder what the heck German pizza is? Involve sauerkraut? Lol
    Have a blessed rest of your week. xo


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
