
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

{ Another Winter Storm }


This week, oh this week has been a bit unproductive.  Partly because we've been dealing with another winter storm, which has actually shut down the base today, and caused icy roads.  But also, partly because I've taken the past two days, Monday and Tuesday, to stop, sit and recharge.

Ok so what was I recharging from?

I need to be completely honest with you all, and lately social media, news, the world in general is really starting to get on my nerves.  There is too much noise, too much nonsense, too much going on.  Althought the only social media I really stick to is Instagram,  even that is starting to irritate me.

Can we just talk about the new influx of reels on that platform?

Why?  It used to be a place where we enjoyed a feed of beautiful photos, and then of course stories, if you wanted to.  Now, it is a constant push for videos.  I try to scroll down my feed and it is just reel after reel, I may as well be on TikTok.
Sometimes all that constant visual attack becomes a bit too much.  So I took Monday and Tuesday to sit.  I just did my housework, sat and had coffee, read and basically just turned things off.  I feel much better now.



I caught up on one of my Portuguese soaps, snacked on things I shouldn't, and finished my Year of Wonders book.

I also:
Used some of my book credits on Paperbackswap to order a book series that I have been wanting.
Janette Oke's Women of the West.  I got books 1 through 8.

Made a delicious but simple cake for our afternoon coffee.  It is a condensed milk cake, all done in the blender, so really easy to throw together.


Talked back and forth with my stepmom in South Africa.  My mother is not doing very well and may need to be put in a home, which is a very difficult decision to make.  We are trying to figure out what to do, which home is best and how to go about this without making my mother angry.  

You know I always heard about situations like this, and knew that one day I may be faced with it myself, but when it finally comes knocking at the door, you're never really prepared to make that decision and all the consequences that come with it.


I also took some time to deal with all my plants in the house.  I'm propagating my Heartleaf philodendron right now.  It was so full, and had many hanging branches, so cut it back a bit, cut off some of the dead leaves, and have a ton of cuttings sitting in water to root.
I was going to propagate my money tree as well, but it doesn't have many good branches yet, and I didn't want to mess with it.  It is looking beautiful though.  I actually need to get a new bigger pot to transplant it.



The weather.......what can I say that isn't summed up in one single word.....CRAZY!!!  I will never understand going from 83 one night, and waking up to 20 degrees in the morning.  

It does make everything look beautiful, so there's that at least.  Funny thing though is that just a few days ago, I was commenting with Curt on how the grass is all starting to turn green.  He loves it but also doesn't look forward to that simply because of the time it takes to cut all the grass, in a 3 acre property. 


The past two days, I did a quick tidy up on my bookshelves as well, rotated some out, moved some to the front and others to a different shelf.  I got some review books in the mail that I need to place in my usual "Book Review" shelf, so that I don't get them mixed up with my own books.
Which reminds me, I need to check my emails and make sure all the review books have made it in from the publishers.

Dinners these past two nights have been some of our faves too.  Monday night we had Spaghetti and Meatballs, and last night we had Sausage Rice.  Tonight I'm making my dad's favorite chicken with carrots, will pair it with potato and carrot mash and a salad.

We have snow coming down at the moment, and this winter storm is lasting until tomorrow night, so we may all be snowed in again tomorrow.  It will be another day of reading, watching TV, and spending time together.

I also went through my Youtube and removed some subscriptions to channels I don't watch anymore.  I've done the same with Instagram, and have removed any account that is anything political related or news or anything of that sort.  Instead I have kept my feed to homemaking, crochet, and other pretty things that bring me joy. 

I don't know folks, the older I get the less patience I have for nonsense.  I want my life to be surrounded by good Christian things, pretty things, people that I find inspiring and so forth.  I've struggled lately even with some homemaking channels and accounts who have become exhausting to follow.  

Everything is about keeping up with the Joneses, the latest trend, making money, bringing in more followers and the kind of things that do not interest me at all.  I just want peace and quiet  Hahahah

Anyone else feeling the same way lately?

Just peace, just quiet, real homemaking without commercializing it, reading good books and staying true to ourselves.   Let's get back to exchanging recipes, talking about our families, showing our crochet doilies and things of that sort.   Maybe it's just me, but that's how I've been feeling.

Anyway, that's where I've been the past 2 days and what I've been up to.  I am going to type up the recipe for the cake, so that I can post it on the food blog.  I hope you're all doing well, and keeping warm.

I WILL be back tomorrow with another post, so see you then.


  1. The reels & ads on IG annoy me too. I just want to see the posts of people I follow in my main feed!

  2. I think we are north of you.... we have had winds and cold...very rare for our area. and I understand how you feel with all that is going on right now....We are in Canada and this past weekend was very troubling ......Thank goodness our hope is in God and we can look up.....

  3. tired of ads & reels too. I need to eliminate more stuff yet, and me too keeping only what I like. sometimes we need a few days to recharge

  4. I'm not sure how I came across your blog, but it's lovely! Just wanted to share that and say hello, which is something I always appreciate.

    I totally understand how you feel the need to unplug. I've really been thinking about the reasoning behind my social media posts lately and haven't been posting. I'm doing a Bible study on biblical womanhood and some things have popped up in my heart as I've contemplated and prayed over what I've been learning and how I can apply that to my everyday life. I do still get on social media, but I only do that in small increments and I've been reading more to replace it. I think it's good for us to do this kind of thing occasionally to reset our minds and hearts. You're definitely not alone. I hope the days "away" did your heart some good.

    Thanks for sharing with us! Feel free to stop by my blog!

    Jennifer, from Overflowing with Thankfulness

  5. Oh, I so get it. I've been in this week with Covid and while I haven't felt real good, I'm definitely all that sick, so it's been a great time to ponder and recharge. I just can't listen to the talking heads, just gives me such heaviness and social media can be the same but I do enjoy staying in touch with friends from all over the country. Blessings abundant!


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
