
Saturday, February 19, 2022

{ My kind of Saturday }


When I was younger, actually when I was a teenager, I loved sleeping in.  I would sleep until 10 or 11 and sometimes feel like I didn't have enough sleep.

I also remember seeing my parents taking afternoon naps on the weekends, and I couldn't understand why.  I felt that it was such a waste of a good day.  Musings from a teenager who didn't understand adulthood and how much she would one day come to treasure the naps and the early mornings.

Nowadays, if I get a chance to get in even just a 10 minute nap, you bet I will take it.  Although, to be honest, it's like my body just goes into nap mode if I am sitting down for longer than 10 minutes.  The eyes start closing, your body starts relaxing, and before you know it you're sitting on the couch, mouth wide open and fast asleep.

My kids like to laugh at me when they walk by.  I must look quite the sigh Hahahah


About 10 years ago, I started realizing that I am in fact, a morning person.  I treasure the quietness, the darkness of dawn, being able to sit on the couch with a cup of hot coffee, and being with my own thoughts and the Lord, while the house is still fast asleep.

Though, before my Marley passed away last year, he would be at my feet too.  Now my company comes in the form of a fluffy cat.  Who would have ever thought that I would have a cat for a the highly allergic to cat person.  But he brings me so much joy.  He waits for me every morning, on the other side of my bedroom door, and the minute I open it, he starts purring and meowing softly at me.

As I walk into the kitchen, he drops at my feet constantly, laying on his back, stretching, meowing, tail wagging, purring loudly, and those moments right there, bring me such happiness.  They truly warm my heart.

My Elliott, my sweet boy ♥




My morning started at 6am, I made myself a cup of coffee, fed Elliott and opened the curtains in the living room.  I prayed, I scrolled through Instagram for a few minutes and then enjoyed the last bit of my coffee, while watching the sun rising and the birds outside the window.



After dropping Jasmine at work, I made my way home and started the laundry going.  Made a sandwich, and refilled my salt container.




Gave the kitchen and the island a quick clean and tidy, and watered my plants.  

Speaking of plants, I wanted to show you this Peace Lily.  I received it from my mother in law, 4 years ago when my grandmother passed away.  Since then, I've been able to propagate it a couple times, have lost some of it, but it's coming back again and I'm so happy to see it thriving.

It's sad that I've lost both my grandmother and my mother in law within these past 4 years, but each time I look at this plant, I remember them both fondly, and I smile knowing that they are both in Heaven, probably having the biggest chat over a cup of tea.


I got all my housework done, then sat down on my bed with my book.  It's the kind of day that I just love.  Not having real commitments to be anywhere and being able to read for as long as I want to.

I wasn't sure I would enjoy the book, it started really well, then it got a bit blah and I almost, almost put it aside and reached for a different one.  However, I didn't.  I told myself I had to read these books, that was the goal and that were the rules I made, so it would be kind of wrong to break them.  Besides, I am trying really hard to stick with my reading goal for this.

Around lunch time, I set it aside, because Curt and I had to run to Walmart to pick up some laundry detergent, which I didn't get at the commissary, and a few other little bits that the commissary didn't have.

We returned home and I went right back to my book.



As I read more into it, I am finding it more interesting and am quite enjoying the story.  If you don't know, it is a novel about the plague in London and tells the story of Anna Frith, in the year 1666.  The story itself is inspired on the true events that occurred in the village of Eyam during that horrible plague.

If it's something that interests you, you may enjoy this book.

And that my friends was my Saturday, nothing really going on.  Just a very laid back, slow day that is now culminating in me sitting on my bed, again, this time showered and in my warm pajamas, ready to continue reading a little more before calling it a night.

I know, it's a Saturday night and my idea of a fun time, is curling up with a book and being asleep before 10pm.  *snicker*

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