
Tuesday, March 01, 2022

{ Spring cleaning has begun - The bedroom }

Officially it is not Spring until the 20th of March, but can you tell how eager I am for it to come around?
I am over the slush, ice, snow and bitter cold that cuts to the bone.  I'm giving it it's marching orders, and demanding it leaves my home immediately.  It saw itself in, and it can see itself out.

Thankfully, we seem to be over the cold temperatures, and starting this week we are going to be enjoying high 70s.  
The minute this happens each year, I kick into overdrive.  It is like, just as the new life is beginning to take place in preparation for Spring, something within me begins feeling and acting the same way.

The plans start spinning in my head, all sorts of lists, ideas, gardening, pool time and barbecues.
Nature begins preparing outside, and I begin preparing inside.


Yesterday morning, I got my beans soaking to cook later.  I always have beans in the freezer, divided into individual tupperware, that I pull out for our meals as needed.  Then I quickly moved around the kitchen cleaning up, tidying and setting things straight in the kitchen.  

I was determined to start cleaning in my bedroom.  My main idea was to dust and vacuum, clean the headboard, pull the mattress off and spray it etc.  To be fair, I hadn't planned on actually spring cleaning, but giving it a good clean and tidy.

But before I got stuck on that, I wanted to give the fireplace a good clean, since we had used it so much last week during the most recent, winter storm.



Once that was done.  I headed to the bedroom.  I started by moving the mattress and box springs off the frame, wiped down, dusted and vacuumed the bed frame and fabric headboard, the moved the bed out to vacuum underneath.  The wall behind the bed was full of dust and cat hair.....gross.

I wiped down the walls, gave everything a good clean, and then thought "while I have the bed moved, I may as well spring clean the entire bedroom, move the furniture around a bit and leave it all looking and smelling nice and fresh."

And so spring cleaning officially began.......I moved the bed to the opposite wall, and moved the tv to where the bed used to be.  I washed curtains, wiped down the ceiling fan, changed the bed linens, organized and tidied.



The only thing I didn't do, was wash all my pillows, which I'll be doing tomorrow so that I can set them outside to dry.  I also plan to wash all the windows on the outside, including the screens.



I don't often show my bedroom, it's just not something I tend to take photos of.  I don't particularly care for the color of the walls and still plan to paint them white, sometimes this spring.  But, I do love my bedroom and aside from the kitchen, it is by far, my favorite room in the house. 


This wall below, where my writing desk sits, is a tough one for me to decorate.  I just can't seem to figure out what to do with it, until about a month ago, when I was telling Curt that I need more bookshelves for all the books I have.

He came to me the next day with plans to show me, and I am soooooo excited to seem them come to life.  We are going to build a full wall bookshelf, to the left of the window, from floor to ceiling.  It will be slanted at the top, just following the natural line of the wall and the beams above.  

If I could snap my fingers and have it done already, I would.  I'm that excited for it.


I love our side tables as well.  They are simple, but so pretty and I really like the way the books look on it.  I keep my Bible, devotionals and some Christian books on my side.  On top, I have the Alexa Echo, and then a Cath Kidston metal box, where I keep my hand cream, my motrin,  and the tv controls.

I've had that box for so long but wasn't using it for anything, and I don't like a messy side table, so this way everything is contained, out of sight and I have a pretty box to display too.


Curt's side table has a Bible, some Christian books,  along with some science ones as well.  He is deciding on which box he wants to place on the table, he has quite a few really pretty wood boxes, just has to pick one.

But on the table, he also has his Armor of God box.  It is a metal box, containing all the different pieces of the Armor of God, that come out individually and each talks about what it is, along with the Bible verse that goes with it.  It is beautiful, I love it.


It took me a few hours to get everything done, but the room looks so pretty and welcoming.  I already loved spending time in there, and now I'll enjoy it even more.



After I was done, I had some lunch, then sat down to read my book, while Elliott napped beside me.  And shortly after, I had a knock at the door, with a new review book from the publisher.  
It looks quite interesting, I don't remember requesting this one, but then I have so many books sent to me that I probably just forgot.  It's called A Thousand Steps into Night by Traci Chee.

Will let you know how it was, when I review it here on the blog.


I then had to pick Jasmine up at 3, came back home and immediately got going with dinner.  I switched up the meal plan yesterday, I had pastries planned, but the family wanted the baked ziti instead, so that is what I made.  Paired it with a caesar salad and some breadsticks and it was the best dinner, ever.  
And that was my day, just cleaning and doing mom things, but it's the kind of life that I love and am so thankful and blessed to have.  I thrive on homemaking,  cooking for my family, cleaning my house and all those things that maybe others don't enjoy.  

Today, I am just taking it easy, my body is a bit sore from the cleaning and moving the bed and tv etc.  It is also that time you know, and I've noticed since I hit perimenopause, the first two days are just awful.  Hormonal headaches, cramping, light headed, and just generally feeling unwell.  So I'm going to hang out with Elliott in my cozy bedroom, catch up on my reading, working on my budget for this new month, plan my menu and things like that.  

Things that I can do while sitting down.  I don't know about you all, but I can't be still for very long without starting to feel really guilty, like I should be up doing things.  This way, I am sitting but I'm still being productive.  It's how I trick myself into enjoying down time.  Hahahah
I also went by and visited all of your Happy Homemaker Monday posts, and left comments.  I wish I was better about doing it every Monday, but it doesn't always happen.
Right, I better get on off here and go take a motrin, the cramps are starting to kick in again.


  1. I too spring-cleaned (early this year) my bedroom yesterday. so nice to have a clean smelling bedroom. I do like your bedroom and it will look so good with book shelves!

    Have a great week

  2. Your bedroom looks so lovely and peaceful! Good job on the spring cleaning... here is is autumn and I am so ready for summer to be gone! I guess that is the great thing about seasons... they only last a while! xx


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