
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

{ Good Dog and Best Patient Award }


Our sweet Kaia is home and resting, thanks to our good Lord!

She came home sporting a Good Dog Bandana, given by the vet's office, for being the best patient and a really good dog.  The vet said she was a social butterfly LOL

Apparently, our Kaia was still recovering but trying to play with the other puppies and kittens that had been neutered and spayed, keeping them entertained and making them feel better.  The vet and the technicians all loved her.



We opted to do a onesie instead of the Elizabethan Cone, better known as the Cone of Shame  hahaha

She did come home with the cone, but wasn't liking it at all, and a couple times walked into things.  So with the vet's approval we decided to do the onesie instead.

I must say, she has not once even attempted to look at or touch or lick her sutures, it's as if they aren't even there, but we will still keep the onesie on for the next 14 days.

The onesie we picked was the Recovery Vest.  It comes with a pocket where you insert a Lavender essential oil disk, to keep the pet calm and to help with anxiety as well.
We got the large size because it was the closest to her weight range, although it is a little big on her, but it doesn't bother her at all.  It's soft thin material, and because it's not snug on her body, it doesn't rub on or snag on her sutures at all.  It also allows the skin to breathe.

She does have a slight skin irritation, and has medication for that, along with her pain meds.  But she is doing so well, she has eaten, she is drinking, she tries to play and run, but also gets tired pretty quickly and takes a lot of naps.  

Kaia had a slight temp this morning, but the vet said that's normal due to the surgery and anesthesia etc.  At the time I'm typing this post though, her temperature is back to normal.
The thing I'm finding the hardest, is keeping her from jumping on the bed or couch.  We pick her up and put her on, or pick her up and put her down, but there have been a few times that she just goes and does it before we even get to her.  Keeps me on my toes for sure.
We are just thrilled that she is home, recovering, the surgery is done and went well and now we can just concentrate on her healing. 



  1. I have never heard of the onesie. Sounds like an interesting option.
    Hope Kaia has a speedy recovery.

  2. Sandra,
    Kaia is so beautiful. We have a lab german pointer that is black. I am glad she is doing okay. That onesie is the coolest thing!!!!!! I mean who would have thought. I love your header for the blog. :)

  3. She is beautiful. And such a good girl! So glad she is home, safe and sound, where she can rest with her people. We had a onesie for Mocha too. So much better than the cone!

  4. Aww, she is so cute. Glad she's doing well. I'd never heard of the onsie for such things either. We haven't had dogs for many years now, and way back when we had ours spayed they didn't come home with a cone or anything. How times change. :)


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