
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

{ It is in the everyday things around us "


"She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” (Proverbs 31:27-29 ESV
My home is my castle.  It has been so for many years.  Actually thinking back, some of my earliest memories, even as a 5 year old child, were of me playing and pretending to have a family and keeping a home.
I found the whole concept of being a mother and wife, taking care of my children and the house, as something magical.  It was something I wanted so badly and couldn't wait until my turn came, to be and live that life that had until that moment, just lived in my mind.


I've never been one to enjoy big crowds, going out every day, big parties or needing to always have people around me.  I do quite well in my home, alone, surrounded by my belongings, my pets and my husband and children.  
Over the years, I have had family and friends find me strange, not in a mean way, but not quite understanding how I could be so content inside these four walls.  But as time has gone by, many have come to not only understand me but embrace this slowness as well.  I mean, look at the world around us, who actually wants to be out there messing around in that nonsense? *snicker*
“It’s amazing how lovely common things become, if one only knows how to look at them.” 
~ Louisa May Alcott



I've mentioned this quite a lot during my blogging journey.  The fact that we sometimes overlook what is around us, because it may not seem like something worth taking note of.  I've learned to love everything I do, to smile as I go along, and to really enjoy my work at home.

Something as simple as taking the time to throw some beans on the crockpot for a couple of hours, then freeze them for future meals.  I find that when I put in the effort during my day, I am always rewarded deeply by what that small amount of time produces.


I keep seeing this meme going around social media platforms, that shows the world in chaos in the background, and a homemaker just going about her chores in the garden.  I always laugh because I feel that it so perfectly depicts me in these tumultuous times we live in.

Everything is going beserk around us, and I'm just over here making homemade cream cheese, baking cakes, planting, weeding, reading and taking photos.  It's quite funny when you stop and think about it.


The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and surely it is in the everyday things around us that the beauty of life lies.  
~Laura Ingalls Wilder 
I've been completely immersed in my home, the past few weeks.  It's like I was on a long vacation and then returned, feeling so grateful for my little corner in the world.  I've fluttered about from room to room, cleaning and looking things over.  Writing down list after list of things I need to do, fix or change in that specific area.  
I think I had forgotten just how much I enjoy home projects.  It keeps me busy, it keeps me calm and it keeps my mind relaxed.  When we stop and do nothing, we give the enemy the chance to swoop right in, plant doubts and worries on our mind, kick up that anxiety and make us want to withdraw into a place of sadness and darkness.

So I've been keeping busy, and also getting ready to make something I've been wanting to make for a while, but never could find the time or motivation to do it.  Can't wait to show you.  It has to do with sewing....that's all I'll say.  You will see soon.





It doesn't matter what is happening outside the walls of your homes.  As homemakers, we have our own mission to accomplish.  A mission that was given to us by God, under His blessing and that is what we strive to do.  

So, here I am, another day of homemaking, playing with my gorgeous furry babies and sipping delicious tea.  I don't know about you all, but this homemaking life is definitely for me.


  1. My dear friend I am the same way. When I cannot do anything to make the chaos around us in the world better I make the immediate area (my home) better for my loved ones in hopes that it will ease the anxiety that we are all feeling and bring peace to not only me, but those around me by extension. A simple clean home and home cooked meal can make such a difference. Have a wonderful day.

  2. I agree 100 %. I put my time in working but Now you can't move me from home. I am in my own little bubble between the house and yard. But the Heat is keeping me inside. I am also planning a sewing project too.

  3. This is the most beautiful thing I have read lately! And I couldn't agree more. My home is and has always been my refuge from the world. I am so thankful to know you feel the same. Have a cozy evening!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
