
Thursday, August 11, 2022

{ Chicken Blender Pie - Cooking Thursday }

Good morning ladies, hope your Thursday has started off well.
It's Thursday and you know what that means, time to share some of our favorite recipes.  Recently, I have been keeping a notebook and just writing down recipes I see online, or watch someone making on a Youtube video.  It's just a book of jumbled quick writings, and at first I thought that I need to put it all down on the computer and make it neat, print it out and put it in my recipe file.
I will do that I'm sure, but I'm getting such joy out of seeing just hand written recipes, that I plan on keeping the notebook as well.  It reminds me of days gone by, of a time where hand written recipes meant something, were handed down, had splatters of food smudged onto the handwriting.
Usually the handwritten recipes, meant they were the best, family passed down, generation to generation type.
Who knows, maybe one day one of my kids will take these notebooks and make good use of them.
Anyway, it's Thursday, it's time to post a recipe, and then take my trusty notebook and go around to see what other recipes you all have shared.  Can't wait to see.
Here's my contribution for today, this super easy simple blender pie.  You can use chicken or meat or even fish for the filling.  The best part is that you can make your filling however you like, sometimes I make a tomato based filling, other times I keep it cream based, as the one I'm sharing below.
It makes for a yummy, filling meal, that your family will surely love.  And best part, it's great for using leftover chicken or beef.
Hope you enjoy!


Torta de Liquidificador
(Chicken Blender Pie)

Ingredients for dough:
1 and 1/4 cups milk
1/2 cup of water
2 tablespoons of baking powder
1 cup of oil
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups of flour

Ingredients for filling:
Leftover chicken (or 1 pound chicken breasts, cut into small cubes)
1 small onion, finely diced
1 small tomato, finely diced
Half a green pepper, finely diced
Garlic to taste
Olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Oregano to taste

Shredded cheese of your choice


Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.
In a sauce pan, add a little bit of olive oil, garlic and the diced onion.  Cook over medium heat until onion is translucent.  Add in the chicken, green pepper and tomato, and continue cooking until tomato is soft and chicken is cooked through.  Next, add in the spices, adjusting to taste, and lastly the cream.

Set aside.

Add the dough ingredients to the blender, starting with the wet ingredients first, and then the dry.  Blend until well mixed.  You should have a creamy looking batter.

Grease a baking dish.  I use a 13 by 9.  Then pour in half of the batter, spoon the chicken mixture over it, evenly.  Sprinkle on shredded cheese (if you like more cheese add more, if you don't want as much, add only a little, and if you don't want cheese, feel free to omit it).

Then pour over the remaining batter and using a spoon, evenly spread it out.  

At this point, you can sprinkle on more cheese if you like.  I don't always do that, just depends what mood I'm in.

Bake for 50 minutes or until pie is cooked, and browned on the top.

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