
Monday, August 22, 2022

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 08/22/2022 }

Good morning, from a very wet and cool Texas.

We are on day 3 of rain, and it's been such a blessing to our State. 96% of the State was in a drought, we were blasted with really high temperatures, for weeks and weeks, and not a drop of rain. Then Thursday night, the rain came, and it's been steadily falling, since then.

My garden is thriving and happy, the veggies are soaking in as much moisture as they can and doing so well. My grass is even turning green, thank goodness.

Now, let's go see what is happening around our homes. Have a wonderful, blessed week!

♥♥ The Weather ♥♥
Wet, cool, wonderful. The temperatures have dropped, we are staying in the 80s, and the blessed rain has been pouring down on our parched land. We have more rain ahead the next two weeks.

Monday - Showers, 80
Tuesday - Mostly sunny, 88
Wednesday - Partly cloudy, 88
Thursday - Mostly sunny, 88
Friday - Mostly sunny, 90
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 92
Sunday - Thunderstorms, 91

♥♥ As I look outside my window ♥♥
A little bit of a breeze, and rain pouring down. Everything looks so green this morning.

♥♥ Right now I am ♥♥
Sitting on my bed, typing this post and drinking my coffee.

♥♥ Thinking and pondering ♥♥
On my mom's health. As I mentioned before, back in April, we had to move her to a nursing home. She has brain atrophy, and had developed a huge bed sore, that none of us knew about, because she hadn't mentioned anything at all.

She's now been in the nursing home for going on 4 months, she is still not walking and is bed ridden. Her bed sore is almost completely healed (Praise God), but her condition makes this whole situation harder. She is very confused, she doesn't process information like she used to, she has problems moving her body because her brain is not sending out the signals. It's just a very difficult situation, and we've left it in God's hands because the future belongs to Him and only He knows how this will go. It's not easy to sit back and watch though. She's 73, she can't eat on her own, she can't get up, she can't walk. It's sad.

♥♥ How am I feeling ♥♥
Very happy due to the rain we are finally getting. I've always loved rainy days but am enjoying this rainfall more than anything.

♥♥ On the breakfast plate ♥♥
Cup of coffee with pumpkin spice creamer. I know, I know, but I just had to. For breakfast, I'll be having some toast with the apple butter I just made this weekend.

♥♥ On the lunch plate ♥♥
Not sure, I'll have to figure that out later. I'm craving pumpkin soup for some reason, so I may make some with the pumpkin I have in the freezer.

♥♥ On the dinner plate ♥♥
Slow Cooker Creamy Chicken Chili, Cornbread and Biscuits

♥♥ What I'm wearing ♥♥
Still in my nightgown, it's only 730am.

♥♥ On my reading pile ♥♥
Reading through Isaiah in the Bible. I love the book of Isaiah, and lately it seems everywhere I look, it is being quoted, even our church sermon yesterday focused on Isaiah 2.
Paul David Tripp New Morning Mercies devotional.
I am finishing Butter in the Well today, and then moving on to the next one in the series, called Prairie Bloomin, which was formerly titled Prärieblomman.

♥♥ On my TV this week ♥♥
Mad About You
Homemaking vlogs
Becoming Elizabeth (watching the last episodes)
The Lost Kingdom (only watched the first season, so getting back on it)
House of Dragons

♥♥ On the menu ♥♥
Monday - Slow Cooker Creamy Chicken Chili, Cornbread and Biscuits
Tuesday - Million Dollar Spaghetti, Salad
Wednesday - Honey Walnut Shrimp, Beef Bulgogi, Basmati rice and Egg Rolls
Thursday - Cowboy Casserole, Black eyed pea salad
Friday - Coney Island Chili Dog Tacos, Waffle Fries
Saturday - Arroz de Marisco (Seafood Rice), Salad
Sunday - Bacon Cheeseburgers, Fries, Shakes

Desserts this week - Rice Pudding, Chocolate Chip Cookies

♥♥ Looking around the house ♥♥
The house is dark, as it always is when it's raining. Love it!!!
There is a bunch of white fluff on the living room floor, from Kaia tearing up a toy this morning. What is it with dogs and beating the fluff out of their toys? Hahaha

♥♥ To Do List for the week ♥♥
- Pickup Prescriptions from base hospital
- Start writing the Bible
- Carpet clean bedroom

♥♥ Something fun to share ♥♥
I just need to share this channel with you. Adventures with Purpose on Youtube, is a group of volunteer divers, that have been helping families retrieve their missing loved ones, from water ways.

They have solved 23 cases the past 2 years, some being 30 years old.

They just solved the case of missing teenager, Kiely Rodni, yesterday afternoon. They arrived in Truckee, California (where she went missing), on Friday, and by Sunday afternoon, they were able to retrieve her vehicle with her inside, from the Prosser Lake. Such a heartbreaking discovery, but so thankful that they were able to help her family.

Just had to share this channel with you, they are phenomenal at what they do. I have been binging their videos since last week.

♥♥ From the camera ♥♥
Pumpkin Spice Apple Butter. I had apples to use up, so made another batch of the apple butter, it gave me 2 jars, and a little bit left that I have in the fridge. 

♥♥ Devotional ♥♥ 
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. — Galatians 6:7


  1. Happy new week Dear Friend! God is so good and I'm SO HAPPY for your rain blessing!! I pray for anyone getting flooded though too. (please balance too Lord - Lol). Prayers and hugs about your Mom too. I relate with the helpless pain of seeing our loved one's age and feeling so helpless. May God lift her and comfort her. Biggest hugs! And that apple butter looks amazing! I may need to try to make something like that this Fall. Yum 😋

  2. Yay for rain!!! Keeping your mom in my prayers! Oh that apple butter...Yum!! Happy Monday!

  3. I'm glad the heat/drought areas are getting some relief! Our weather here in Wisconsin has been so gloriously fall-like, I love it. I finished watching Becoming Elizabeth and enjoyed it enough that it put me back in Tudor history mode and I pulled out all my Tudor related dvds. Finishing up White Queen, probably today, then will move right into White Princess. I'm hoping to post my thoughts on my blog after each one. I have House of the Dragon on the dvr but haven't watched it yet. That pumpkin spice apple butter sounds yummy!!!

  4. SO happy you've been getting some much needed rain and also so glad you're not in the flooding area! Keeping your mom in my prayers. After all these years of being a caregiver I understand how hard it is to be on the sidelines of your situation. Sending you BIG hugs and BIGGER prayers.

  5. We need rain here. The creeks are so dry. I love making apple butter. After seeing yours, I can't wait to get some apples from the orchard and make some. Have a fantastic week!

  6. I love your "from my camera". Nice! Here in Europa all is dry too. Longing for rain, rain, rain.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
