
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

{ Rainy days }


The Rain by Raymond Garfield Dandrige
The clouds are shedding tears of joy,
They fall with rhythmic beat
Upon the earth, and soon destroy
Dust dunes and waves of heat.


Each falling drop enforcement bears
To river, lake and rill,
And sweet refreshment gladly shares
With wooded dell and hill.


Every flower, bud and leaf,
Each blossom, branch and tree
Distills the rain, 'tis my belief,
To feed the honey bee.


I pity every wretch I find
Who, frowning in disdain,
Is deaf and dumb and also blind
To beauty in the rain.



The past two days, we have been blessed with late afternoon storms.  The skies go from blue to a dark purple, the wind kicks up, and big fat rain drops start falling.

It rains and rains for a few hours, then clears up.

But just the few hours of rain each afternoon, has brought so much joy to everyone, nature, animals and humans alike.  The air feels fresher, the fields are green and the air seems lighter.

I don't know how many more days of rain we will have, but I will be sure to enjoy them.  Maybe it's summer's last hoorah before welcoming in Fall?


  1. Hooray for your rain! We had the sky turn all dark, storm brewing on Monday afternoon, and then, Nothing. Hoping some of your rain moves our way. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  2. O, rain! How happy that it is raining!

  3. I'm so happy for you all there!! Just beautiful 🙏 😊

  4. Such a beautiful poem! I lived most of my life in the Netherlands, so rain was never something to be happy about (they say we even have more rain than Ireland). But now I live on Curaçao (Dutch Caribbean) and here I am happy when it rains every once in a while...


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
