
Wednesday, September 14, 2022

{ Hello crisp mornings, and an Autumn Reading List?}


I am soaking in all the crisp mornings.  The moment I get up, I pull back the curtains, open the blinds and window, and just take a big whiff of the morning air.

When I was little, I would hear people talking about the smell of Autumn, how you open a window or step outside and there's a scent that permeates the air.  I used to think they were crazy.  Really,
I did.  
After all, how could a season have a scent?  I mean outside of the usual things we attribute to a specific time of year.

Pumpkins, apple and cinnamon in the Fall
Hot chocolate and peppermint in the Winter
Cut grass and rain soaked earth in the Spring
Coconut, barbecues and margaritas in the Summer


But aside from those, there does seem to be a certain scent on early cool Autumn mornings.....and I absolutely love it.
I usually sit at the window with Elliott.  He loves just watching the birds flying by, giving them his chattering once in a while.  He is so cute to watch. 



I had the day to myself, so I slowly pottered around, watched a few beautiful Autumn inspired vlogs, as well as some book and reading vlogs.  Do you any of you watch those?  

It may sound strange to watch a video of someone reading, but I personally find those so relaxing, and then there's the constant flood of gorgeous books.  I tell you, I could live in a library and be content.  
With the way technology keeps advancing and all the ebooks, audiobooks etc., I don't think I will ever quite be into that kind of reading.  I have a Kindle, like one of the older ones and it has thousands of books, no joke, but I don't think I have ever fully read a whole book on that Kindle.  

And not because I don't like the books I have, I love them, I just find the whole ebook so impersonal.

I much prefer the feel of a real book and the smell of the pages.  


While watching the book vlogs, and seeing their Fall Reading lists, I thought, that I would look into maybe compiling my own.  Then I laughed at myself, because I remembered my list for the year, you know the one I was so excited to get through.

I guess I bit off more than I can chew, which is not super surprising for me.  Hahah

Anyway, I do have a few review books coming in for the next few months, there's quite a few National Geographic books and some cookbooks and food related books or a book, I can't quite remember what was on the list.  But yeah, not so much reading material per say, so I need to throw in some of mine.

However, I was wanting Autumn inspired books, and I'm not sure that I have anything like that on my shelves.  I guess I need to do a quick look through and then maybe seek out some good books to pick up for the Autumn and Winter season.

I also plan on doing a list for shows and movies, for this season as well.  I'm excited about that, and I'll share them here in a post.

Little Women is definitely going on that reading list though.  I've been wanting to re-read it for a while and I think it fits this time of year. 

As I get more into the Autumn spirit, you will no doubt see a change on the way the blog looks, the way my photos look, a lot of Autumn inspired posts and so on.  

You know a few years ago, about the time we moved to Texas, our life was in such a chaotic stage, that I kind of stopped decorating for the seasons, or paying attention to anything.  We kind of just lived day to day, one foot in front of the other, so to speak.

It's just the stage of life I found myself in, and that's ok, but I am happy to be back on track, back to being excited about the different seasons and holidays, about decorating and bringing that feeling into my home.

Now I've never been one to go all out, like some people, but I do like to have a few things here and there that remind us of the time of year we are currently in.


So in ending, I am curious.  Do you have specific shows or movies you watch during different seasons?  Do you plan book reading lists according to those seasons too?

What is on your list?

I would love to know what you all will be watching or reading too.


  1. What a beautiful post! Beautiful pictures. I love seeing how you spend your day. I’m like you…I have the Kindle reading app on my tablet but I read more physical books. I can also relate to life being too chaotic in the past to appreciate and decorate for the coming seasons, and I’m so glad I have time to really enjoy that now. I’ve never thought of an autumn reading list, but I love the idea and can’t wait to see your suggestions in an upcoming post.

  2. I also have a really old kindle but never got into using it. I do prefer using an old fashion book. It's just so much better. I love your blog!!!! It brings such a feeling of comfort and coziness.

  3. I've never been able to get into using a Kindle or those types of reading apps. I can appreciate that it saves space if you're in a small house or apartment and can't have tons of bookshelves, and probably saves money too, but like others, I'm old school and prefer the feel of an actual book in my hands. Also, reading on any type of screen seems to really bother my eyes and give me headaches after a while. Although, when I'm trying to read in bed with a beastly 600+ page hard cover book in my hands, a Kindle would come in handy there! LOL

    I do try to watch a scary movie each day in October but I don't do any kind of fall themed reading. I don't do any reading list of any kind actually. Just not my thing. I'm a slow reader and constantly have way too many books I want to read, so trying to stick to a list would not work.

    I agree about the fall scent in the air! There definitely is something you just can't pinpoint.

  4. Autumn means to me that I go to the forest more often. It's a 10 minute bike ride on my electric bike. And then I walk about 5 kilometers (a little less after covid). I walk slowly and take a good look around. It smells so good in the woods now (we live a bit further north than you, here in Europe). It's colder now. The leaves of the oak are already turning red. Some birches too (yellow). Mushrooms, lots of mushrooms. That's what I like in the fall.

    I don't read a lot of books about fall. Good idea. I'm going to the thrift store next week to look for a few. I did decorate when the kids were little. Not anymore. I don't know... What's the added value? My house already has fall colors (earth tones). But I still have some ceramic pumpkins somewhere.

    In the fall, I cook more stews. That is common in the Netherlands. Only my husband and I love it. Not our sons. Maybe I can add some to the stews so it's more to their liking. Your blog got me excited again. And to answer your question: I have no book list. But I reread books. I love to reread my favorite books. For me there’s nothing I like better than diving back into one of my favorite stories (in my new, red chair).


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
