
Tuesday, September 06, 2022

{ Our long weekend and email subscriptions }


I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend.  We spent ours at home, just relaxing, doing things around here, and enjoying our time together.  We were supposed to have a barbecue at my niece's house, but unfortunately my sister in law is sick, and so it was moved to next weekend.

Usually we would barbecue something at home, but it so happens that we are out of gas, and still haven't refilled the bottle.  We decided we are going to refill it anyway, even though summer is coming to and end, because you never know if you'll lose power in the Winter, and at least that way, we can use the grill to cook, if need be.



My boys worked hard on Saturday, mowing our 3 acres.  They took turns on the mower, replaced the blades which is a whole project in itself, weed eated, watered, took trash to the dump and so forth.

I know I don't show Nick on here much, he doesn't like being on camera at all, but he didn't mind me taking these pics.  It's so surreal to me looking at my son, knowing he is 19 years old, when just yesterday he was a little baby.  If you've followed me from the beginning, you know he was just 3 years old when I started blogging.  Crazy huh?



While they worked outside, I worked inside.  I have been wanting to clean out and organize my laundry area cabinets.  They've been needing a good cleaning, and one of them has become a catch all for random items.  My idea is to get some of the little organizer baskets from Dollar Tree, but in the meantime, I am using some extra ones that I have laying around.

I also refilled my glass pitcher with the laundry detergent.  I've had this pitcher for a while, and it's missing the metal lid.  I was going to get rid of it, but then decided to use it for the soap instead.  I was going to use a little bit of fabric as a lid, but then found a plastic twist lid from a different container, and it fits perfectly.  (It was from one of those mixed nut containers, from Sam's club).

You know me, I'm a huge believer in using what we already have on hand, and not wasting.


I still have one more cabinet to go through this week, and hopefully I'll make it to Dollar Tree to grab some of the cheap organizers.  I would like to get some blue ones, to match my laundry area and kitchen.



I baked some cinnamon rolls, made a delicious curry for dinner and spent the afternoon ironing.  I know, some of you hate it, but I love ironing.  I learned from a very young age to iron, and just grew to love it.  Maybe I'm crazy, but I find there is something so calming about the process of ironing clothes.

The way the iron moves back and forth, slowly, removing every line and crease.  Folding the clothes into a neat pile, then packing them away in their drawers.  You know how clothes dried out on a line have a certain scent to them?

I think ironed clothes have that too. 


Sunday, we had church in the morning, then came home, and did practically nothing.  Like nothing, nothingggggg.  Have you ever had one of those days, where the extent of your doing is basically keeping yourself alive, eating and sleeping?  Yeah, one of those!

Monday morning, we went to breakfast, just Curt and I, then came home and worked on the back yard.  We took turns mowing, and watering the veggie garden, then came back in, took our showers, I made us a yummy Instant Pot Chili Mac for dinner, and that was it.  

So yeah, a very easy, chill long weekend, which we very much enjoyed.

Now, before I close off this post, I want to point your attention to my sidebar real quick.  If you look over to your right side, at the very top, you will a new widget to Subscribe to new Posts through email.

A couple of you have reached out to me, both here, through email and on Instagram, to let me know that you are no longer receiving email notifications when I publish a new post.  

I checked on my side, and everything is fine, I haven't changed anything that would affect that function at all.  So I went looking for answers, contacted blogger and google, and did some research.  It turns out that the email notifications through feedburner have been discontinued.  Which means, if you subscribed to my blog through email before, you will no longer receive notifications.

They don't plan on bringing it back or fixing it.  It's basically a "You're on your own", kinda deal.   Bummer!!!

I sat for about an hour earlier today, and found a different website that offers email subscriptions and have installed that one for you.  All you have to do is subscribe again through that little box on the right, and hopefully, each time I publish a new post, you will get an email notification.

I say hopefully, because I've never used this new website and really don't know if it will work the same way, it is supposed to, so we will see.  I actually signed up for my own blog, and will check after this post is up, if I get notified or not.

I really do hope this sorts the problem out for you all, if not, I don't know what else to do.  I don't know why google would decide that ending that function was a good idea.  No clue!!!

Anyway, please let me know if you do sign up, and if it does work, especially for those of you having issues with the email subscriptions.

I'm an going to close this off for the night, I can feel a headache coming on, and being on the computer just makes it worse.  I guess it's time to put technology to bed, and go enjoy the rest of my night.

Have a wonderful evening everyone, see you all tomorrow!!!


  1. Goodmorning Sandra!
    Thank you so much for your kindly comment on my blog yesterday! Aritha recommended your blog to me and immediately I was enthousiast! You inspired me to blog every day now (for almost 2 weeks:) and it is so good for me to bring some order in my chaotic thoughts.
    Loving Ironing? Wauw!!
    Sorry for my English, Sometimes it must be laughable... Have a blessed day!

  2. Sounds like a lovely long weekend to me. =) Since trying to get back into blogging myself, I've also noticed some things don't work like they used to. Bloglovin, for example, is apparently a dead site now. I think I have the email subscription widget on my blog but since I have no following yet (lol) I have no idea if it works. It's really much more frustrating getting going this time than it was 10+ years ago!

  3. What a great weekend! And yes, I can totally relate to the kids growing up way too fast thing. I started my blog when my son was 2 and sometimes I run across an old post with a picture of him and it just makes my mama heart want to cry because he is 17 now.

  4. That sounds like a wonderful weekend! I love that you spent time together, working around, and doing nothing too. We do the same! And yes. I heard about Feedburner a bit ago, and because I know nothing about technology, a nice blogger friend of a friend set up a new subscription for me. It is Mailchimp, and so far, I think it works well. Have a cozy evening. Rainy and cool here!

  5. I had the same thing happen to me. It's a little frustrating. Hope you have a great week!

  6. Let me know if the site you use for email notifications works.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
