
Sunday, November 13, 2022

{ A bit of a stressful week, but all things are back on track }


Oh what a stressful week it was.

Monday morning, we woke up to Kaia being unwell, lethargic and running a fever.   What we assumed was just an upset stomach, quickly became a bit scary.  We took her to the vet that afternoon, and they did a Parvo test, as a precaution because she is under 1 year old.

Thankfully, it was negative, as the vet and we both suspected.

It turned out to be a gastrointestinal issue, due to her eating a pig bone.  One of Curt's students had given him a pig bone for her to chew on.  The thing is, Kaia chewed right through it and ate some of it.  I have never liked pig bones, or any bones for the dogs, I always worry about it splintering and creating shards.

The veterinary confirmed that pig bones are not to be given to your dogs, neither are rawhide bones, or any kind of bone that can splinter and shard.  We were horrified.  She set our minds at easy and told us that it wasn't our fault, that we didn't know, and she sees a lot of this at her office because people don't know.  But from that moment on, not to give her any.  

It was a slow week.  She was put on antibiotics with an added medicine to rectify and regulate her gastrointestinal system.  She was also put on anti nausea pills, because she was really nauseous.

She didn't full recover until Thursday afternoon.  Today she is back to her bubbly normal self, running, eating and being as sweet as can be.

So, I guess I just wanted to share that with you, to warn you of the pig bones and rawhide bones.  The vet suggest rather giving them a knuckle, which doesn't break apart or shard.  


This sweet boy has been understanding, and for the most part left her alone, although Monday morning, he was trying to play with her and she got quite annoyed.  They usually play hide and seek, chase each other etc.  He didn't understand that she wasn't well, so when she came walking slowly into our bedroom, he came running out from under the bed and jumped on her.  

As I'm sure you can understand, she was not impressed.  Poor baby!

He quickly understood she wasn't well, and left her alone the rest of the week.


The early mornings I spent with my sick girl, meant a lot of moments with my Bible and the Lord.  I love getting up long before everyone else, lighting a candle, grabbing a cup of coffee and just enjoying the stillness of dawn.

And then as the sun starts to shine, I step outside just to catch the magical light reflecting off the leaves and vines on the fence.  





With the days getting shorter, and colder, I have been making use of my clothesline even more.  I want to enjoy every minute that I can still hang my clothes out to dry.

So when I washed my kitchen towels, tablecloth, fall kitchen towels and placemats, they all went straight out on the line.  I think it's one of those timeless homemaking chores, that we as homemakers will always be connected by.  



I also removed and packed away all the Fall decorations.  If it were up to me, all the Christmas would come out, but I've had to hold off on it because hubby says "Only after Thanskgiving".  Hahaha

He's lucky I love him, so I'll just humor him.  But everything is ready to go.  


And with the cold coming in, it also means I get to pull out my big fuzzy slippers, sweaters, long sleeves, scarves and hats.  I do love winter time.  I used to prefer summer, but with me inching ever more closer to menopause, I just can't handle the heat anymore.  
At least with the cold I can layer, and put on more, wrap myself in a blanket and so forth.  Love it! 



I've slipped on the flannel sheets, and for some reason I sleep so much better in the winter, with the flannel sheets, than in the summer.  It's probably all psychological, but nonetheless, it is what it is.
As we get closer to Thanksgiving, I am full speed ahead with planning and lists.  I want to try and get as much done before the day, as possible.  This year, I don't know if I've mentioned it yet, but the World Cup 2022, begins right around Thanksgiving, and both Portugal and Brasil are playing on Thanksgiving day.
My family and I are so thrilled, not only do we eat yummy food, but we get to watch something that we LOVE.  It is sure to be an amazing day. 


Right now, I am going to watch a Christmas movie, while I continue to crack pecans.  Yes, I am still trying to get through the boxes we have.  But it's a blessing to have these many, especially since I can freeze them.

I will leave you with a picture of mine and Curt's gifts above, from our church, last weekend.  It was in celebration of Veteran's day and they gifted both the veteran and the wives.  It was extremely sweet of them.

Anyway, I hope you are all having a wonderful, restful weekend.  

I will see you all back here in the morning, for our Happy Homemaker Monday!!!


  1. I’m so sorry Kaia has been sick, but relieved to read all is well now. I know that was scary. I’m with you…I’m so ready to put out the Christmas decorations, but I’m trying to hold off. Love your slippers!! 😁 It’s been really cold here this weekend. We’ve been trying to stay warm. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  2. Well this is as freaky as it gets! I signed in to my OLD blog and tried to comment here and it still would not let me. BUT for some reason, this time, it let me put my name in and comment. Sandra, I just dont understand it. Amyway..Im glad your puupy girl is on the mends. You know we are in the middle of our pecan harvest here, so the dogs eat pecans here all the time. I dont know why their not all dead because they smell like it (gives them bad gas, lol). So when I first saw your post on IG, I wondered if pecans may have been Kaia's issue. Dogs shouldnt eat pecans in the shell either but I cant stop them here on this farm. Thankfully, yall found the source and no longer have to worry about it. Hope you are having a good day sister.

  3. So sorry that your sweet puppy was sick. I wasn't aware that pig bones were not good for them.

  4. So sorry about your doggo! Makes me think of the time we left a coffee cake covered in foil on the kitchen table overnight. Next day the entire coffee cake and a good bit of foil was in our tiny little dog. She went to the vet and survived but yah. Not fun times for the dog or the family. Glad to hear yours is back to her old self and hopefully playing with that beautiful cat!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
