
Sunday, October 22, 2023

{ A Typical Weekend }


Some weekends fly by, and seem to be a continuation from the week.  You know what I mean?

As in, you can't really distinguish between a week day or a weekend, because you're so busy, you don't get to rest and take it slow.  

I have to admit that I have far more of those, than actual weekend days where I get up slowly, potter around, and relax all day.  But, when those days come around, I take full advantage.

This weekend has been one of those......slow mornings, cups of coffee, homemade bread with yummy butter, family meals eating through bouts of laughter, games, tv shows, naps and some normal daily homemaking sprinkled in between.



Some chores are always present, no matter what day, month or year.  Laundry is one, I don't know how many times I carry that basket back and forth, between my laundry area and the closet.  
Is it tiring?  It is, and often times I just want to never have to look at another load of laundry, but it's in those moments, that we need to thank God.  If I have laundry to do, it means my family is clothed and warm.




Cooking meals is another chore that is ever present. 
However,  I don't cook on Sundays, we often just eat leftovers or have sandwiches or whatever we want.  Although, that's not always the case, there are some Sundays that I do end up in the kitchen cooking a meal, or baking a treat.  It depends on what is going on, if we have family visiting or whatever the situation may be.....but as a norm, Sundays are my day off from the kitchen.

Funny thing is that by Monday, I am itching to get back in there, to cook up a yummy meal for the family.  

Thank God for my great grandmother's influence in that area.



And in between these chores, on those lazy slow weekends, you will no doubt find me sitting, watching something on tv.  Usually the fur babies will be laying by me, Elliott above my head and Kaia at my side.

Random family members will walk by and take a turn sitting down, chatting, watching something quickly and then going about their day.  Weekends are very much, do as you please days.



But weekends are also spent outdoors.  Often walking around the property, checking on things, and this time of the year, will find us preparing for our Pecan harvest, which is just around the corner.





Probably another two weeks or so, before they're ready.  When they are, our property will be littered with brown pecans.  The squirrels and birds will have plenty to eat, and there is always more than enough for us too.  

We will spend weeks, harvesting every day, going out there, filling buckets, emptying into big boxes, and processing them inside.  Most of our harvest we give away to family, friends and coworkers.  They're always very thankful for the bags of pecans they get, and Curt and I are firm believers in sharing our bounty, since it was given to us freely from God.


Another job which is never ending around here, as we head into Fall, is the chopping of wood for the fireplace. Some years we slack a little, and tend to run out pretty quick, but this year we've been on it earlier. 
All thanks to our huge pine tree, that was brought down by a big storm that came through a few months back.  I was so sad to see our beautiful pine chopped in half, and when we first noticed it, it broke my heart, but God reminded me that not everything that seems bad, is.  Because that huge 50 foot pine tree was broken exactly in half, and it has provided us with a ton of firewood.  
We haven't even begun to get it all chopped up, from what fell to the ground, and we already have so much firewood.  Obviously we will be sharing with my brother as well, but we both will have plenty to last through the cold months of winter.  



Now chores like this may seem to be a lot of work, and they can be, but I find that they are more relaxing than stressful, and so they easily fit into our laid back weekends.

As always, Sundays are church days, and Curt and I are thrilled to have found a church we are absolutely loving.  Sometimes God puts you in a place for a season, then moves you out, whether you're ready or not, because He needs you elsewhere.

While I loved the small little 20 people church we attended, I felt stifled, and stagnant in my spiritual life.  I started feeling the nudge from God about 2 years ago, to move, to go elsewhere, but I didn't listen.  

Until 4 weeks ago when I made the decision, and Curt wasn't ready yet, so I got dressed, jumped in my car and went to a new church by myself.  If I tell you I was nervous, that is an understatement.  I was terrified.

But I followed God's order, and obeyed and ended up finding a church that not only provides us with the worship music we love, but with a Pastor that in 4 weeks has ignited a spiritual love inside me, like never before.

I feel like we sit down in church and it's already time to leave, and I don't want it to end.  Then I come home, and can't wait until the next week to be back.  That is when you know you're on the right track.

Anyway, all that to say this morning we had church, and our Pastor started a new series called The Crucible, and it's all about trials and faith and how to move through those moments in life, when everything seems to be going wrong.

It was fantastic, and I can not wait until next weekend.

Well my friends, I am going to put an end to this post.  My fingers are hurting.  I have developed arthritis in some of my fingers, due to my approaching menopause.  I swear, I had no idea menopause and changes in hormones could cause so many issues, but yes, I have arthritis and some days the swelling in the joints are extremely painful, especially typing.

So, I am going to stop, and give my hand a rest.  Have a blessed night, and I will see you all bright and early, for our Happy Homemaker Monday.

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