
Sunday, November 05, 2023

A Saturday of pottering around


It is currently 6:46am, and I have been up since 4.  Thank you daylight savings, thank you for this nonsense every year.  I must say that when we were stationed in Arizona, for those 5 years it was wonderful not having to ever switch the clocks, back or forth.  

Wish I could go back to that.

I was supposed to come in and do this post yesterday, Saturday, but I was so busy cleaning and pottering around, that I didn't get a chance, and by the time my lower back begged me to stop, I just had time to jump in the shower and get in bed.


My day actually started kind of slow.  I wasn't going to do anything but laundry, of course, and then I sat and read through my Spirit of Christmas book.  Just mindlessly turning the pages, chatting with whoever walk by, and really just doing nothing.

Then the afternoon came around, and all of a sudden I felt this need to clean all the carpets.  I did try to push that thought out of my mind, but it was like my body was on automatic and I got up, and immediately started working on the house. 

In between carpet cleaning, I dusted and switched out the dining room curtains with clean ones, so that I could wash the ones currently hanging up.


Pottered around the kitchen, cut up the fresh parsley and cilantro, for the freezer.  Also cut up a watermelon and gave some to the chickens as a snack, they love it.

I moved around my house with a purpose.  When we look at our homemaking with fresh eyes, and a mind focused on purpose and on glorifying God, everything is easier, and suddenly the tasks at hand don't seem do daunting.

By the time my back signaled that I was starting to overdo it, I realized it was way past dinner time.  Thankfully my husband and son reminded me that I don't cook one day on the weekend, and that I didn't have to make anything, they would fend for themselves.  However, they did end up picking up Sonic, which I will say used to be one of my favorites and now is just a disappointment.

Is it just me, or is take out just disappointing lately?  I find it all so heavy, greasy and not good like it used to be years ago.  Maybe I'm growing up and not enjoying it, but I am not the only one thinking it, I have seen plenty of family members and friends complaining about the same.  I don't know what is going on, but truth be told, we would all be better off not eating that stuff anyway, so maybe this is a way of quitting?



Overall, it was a good productive Saturday, and I'm glad I got it all done yesterday, because this afternoon Jasmine and her boyfriend are coming over, along with my brother and sister in law, for a coffee and cake.  

Since I have church this morning, I really didn't want to come home after church and then rush to clean or tidy up.  Oh don't even laugh, you know you do the same when you have someone visiting, no matter how much your house looks put together, you still rush to try and make sure it's all perfect.  I don't know why we do that, because none of my family cares about those things, but me personally, I do.

Might just be a pride thing for us homemakers.

Anyway, I am going to be serving coffee, I'm also going to make a Chocolate Yogurt Cake, a Bola de Carne (Portuguese Bacon, Ham and Chourico Bread), and then I also have some hotdogs which I'll make into some Brazilian Hotdogs for an early dinner.  I figure if we all eat these, no one will be hungry for a big dinner anyway.  I guess it will be a snacky kind of early dinner for us all.

But I'll take pictures of everything, and show you after.

I'm going to get ready for the day, and start baking.  Have a blessed Sunday ladies ♥

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