
Monday, January 29, 2024

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 01/29/2024 }


Good morning everyone, hope you've had a wonderful weekend.  Are you ready for a whole new week ahead?   
We had a productive weekend.  We've been wanting (mainly me lol), to pull carpet in different areas of the house and replace it with laminate flooring.  I just don't like carpet in the whole house, especially in high traffic areas.  So, yesterday we finally started with the hallway.  We kind of suspected that there was some sort of damage on the sub floor, because there was a specific spot in the middle of the hallway, that no matter how much we carpet cleaned, it would always dry into a dark brown stain.  
Just as we suspected, when we pulled back the carpet, there was a stain on the sub floor itself.  I think we got to it in time or we would have had some major issues there.
We got it all sorted, bought the flooring, and will install it this weekend.  I'll show you a post on it later this week, I already took pictures of the before and will show the after.  I'm so excited.
Anyway, that's for another post, I've babbled enough in this introduction.  Let's just get going with our Happy Homemaker Monday.
Have a blessed week.    
 *** The Weather *** 
Very cold mornings with frost covered grass, but this week we are having pretty nice temperatures.   
Monday - Sunny, 69
Tuesday - Sunny, 69
Wednesday - Partly cloudy, 68
Thursday - Sunny, 68
Friday- Thunderstorms, 68
Saturday - Thunderstorms, 62
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 54
*** Right now I am *** 
Just saw hubby off to work, and have come back to sit on my bed to work on this post.  As always my fur babies are snuggled under the blankets and napping, and I have the Portuguese tv channel on with the local news.    
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
Now that we started the renovation in the hallways, there are a couple of other things we want to change in the house.  I am thinking about what needs to be done, so I must make a list either today or sometime this week. 
*** How I am feeling ***
I'm feeling really good.  I'm down 7 pounds and have a lot more energy, I've also been sleeping very well the past week.  Amazing what a change in eating habits can do.    
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
As always, I've had my coffee, and I'll have some oatmeal later this morning.   
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Spicy Chicken Salad (spinach and lettuce, spicy chicken pattie)
*** On the dinner plate ***
Sausage Stuffed Zucchini and Eggplant Boats.  I'll make a salad to go with it.    
*** On the menu *** 
Need to start the new meal plan today, so I have meals until Wednesday shopping. 
Breakfast - Instant Pot Creamy Oatmeal with blueberries
Lunch - Spicy Chicken Salad (spinach and lettuce, spicy chicken pattie)
Dinner - Sausage Stuffed Zucchini and Eggplant Boats, salad  
Breakfast - Scrambled eggs with spinach and tomato
Lunch - Wholewheat Toast with half an avocado, Greek yogurt
Dinner - Beef Fajitas, Brown Mexican Rice, Sauteed Squash  
Breakfast - Paleo Pumpkin Waffles
Lunch - Leftover Squash with Salmon
Dinner - Chicken Stew, Biscuits, Brussel Sprouts Salad 
Breakfast - Instant Pot Creamy Oatmeal with Blueberries
Lunch - Leftover Brussel Sprouts Salad with Tuna
Dinner -
*** What I am wearing *** 
Black Romper Jumpsuit and a Cardigan
*** On my reading pile *** 
The Tale of Hilltop Farm by Susan Wittig Albert 
Secrets of a Hutterite Kitchen by Mary-Ann Kirkby

*** On my TV this week ***
Youtube - Brazilian and Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs  
Turkish shows - Hudutsuz Sevda  
Netflix - The Pacific
Period dramas
*** Looking around the house *** 
A bit of a tip at the moment, since we're currently renovating the hallway.  I need to give it a tidy and organize a little, just kind of move all the project items to the corner in the hallway, and just clean the living room carpet and dust.   
 *** To do list *** 
Wash the kitchen floor
Vacuum the bedrooms and living spaces
Start meal plan
Pay bills  
*** From the camera *** 
I have been happily snapping away the past couple days, so I have a quite a few new photos for blog posts.  
When Curt and I went out on Saturday to run errands, we also went by Walmart for some things I was needing grocery wise.  However, I also picked up 4 herbs to bring home, they were only $2.98 and they will be perfect on my kitchen window shelf.  I got Basil, Rosemary, Mint and Cilantro.
 *** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
Worshiping the creation is never a pathway to life;  it leads you in the opposite direction.  Today you will give your life to something.  Will it be the Creator, whose grace alone can satisfy and transform your heart, or the creation, which was designed to do neither?
- New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp -

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Let's chat!

It is a rainy, cloudy, foggy morning here in North Texas.  Thankfully the temperatures have gone up a little so we're sitting at a balmy 43 degrees.  I'll take it!

Come on in and sit with me a little, we haven't chatted in a while and I feel like we need to catch up and have a cup of coffee or tea.

First of all, can you believe that we are practically at the end of January of 2024?  What even is that?  

So for the most part, I think that you all know the general gist of what has been happening around my home, I tend to share a little every Monday on my Happy Homemaker Monday.  If you're not following that weekly post, be sure to check it out, I think you may enjoy reading all the ladies contributions.

I guess I'll start with a update on my health.  I mentioned that I got my routine blood work results last week and that everything was fine, except for elevated Triglycerides.  I immediately went into work on what I ate.

I cut out all chips, candies, chocolate, pastries, cakes, juices and sodas, along with my coffee creamer.  I haven't had potatoes, I have switched to wholewheat pasta and rice, and I've upped my vegetables and salads.  I'm also having about 3 or 4 walnuts every day, as a snack.  The bread was the hardest for me because I love my bread, but I've also switched to wholewheat and only have 2 pieces of toast every few days.

I have also been exercising at least 20 minutes a day, mostly walking at home exercises, and I've also been staying busy at home.  

Ladies, nothing like a health scare to get your home organized real quick.  I have been in the kitchen all week, reorganizing every cabinet, for hours on end.  Hahahah

So far, I have lost 7 pounds, I have a ton more energy, I feel better, I feel lighter and I do not have crazy cravings for carbs and sugars like I did before.

It's just crazy how much your body is affected by what you feed it.  I am so happy and have thanked God for these blood test results, because they have me the kick start I needed to get back in shape and eat healthier food.
Now, I have a lot of pictures that I've snapped the past few days, so I'm just going to include them in this post, randomly as I think they're pretty self explanatory.




I started our taxes which is something I just really dislike doing.  No matter how much they deduct, it seems they're never satisfied and we always owe, right? But that's life.  

I've also been watching some Netflix shows and movies, one of which Curt and I watched last night, and it was so good.  The Society of the Snow, which is based on a true story about the airplane crash in 1972, in Uruguay.  The survivors make it through 72 days which is incredible.  It's a wonderful movie but makes you think about what you would do in that situation, and what they had to do to survive the hunger and thirst. 
14 of the 16 survivors are still alive today and if you want to read a real account, Time has an article with an interview of one of the survivors, which is very interesting.






The past week I have spent my days, cleaning, organizing and getting to some projects that need our attention around the house.  If you recall, we bought the house in 2019 and there is a lot that we want to change, but it doesn't depend on us, it depends on our finances and on God's timing.

I believe in letting things play out as they should, and as finances become available, we slowly get through the list.

One of the biggest makeovers will be our dining and den area which has the paneling.  I don't like paneling, it makes the room look very outdated and dark, and I've finally convinced my husband to either pull it down or paint it.  We are also going to stain the brick fireplace, a darker red.  Attach a wooden floating shelf to the mantle, remove the carpet and do wood floor, and add a barn door to the kitchen area.

Nothing is cheap, everything costs money, so it's a big project that will be done slowly, one thing at a time, until it is complete.  I for one can't wait to get in there and begin.






I have also been feeling the crochet bug again and I am so happy to say that.  I've missed crocheting but I think that a hobby has to be something that you enjoy, and if you're not feeling it, there's no sense in pushing through it.
The truth is that the past 3 or so years, I just haven't had the want to crochet.  I have a lot of unfinished projects, a lot of yarn, but not the motivation, however it's suddenly creeping up inside me again.  I've started by bookmarking a few blankets I want to make, and have been eyeing out my yarn stash to see what I have that could turn into a beautiful crochet work.
It may just take off this weekend, who knows.  
I am just enjoying this new stage of my life.  I've slowed down a lot, I am no longer running around, constantly busy, constantly saying yes to people and commitments.  Just taking my time, taking my days as they come and loving every minute of being a homemaker.
The love I have for my home and for making a cozy warm place for my family to retire home to, after a long day at work, has never left me, but it did get squashed down a bit.  These days I find myself constantly cleaning, organizing, thinking and planning and really trying to get back to that place of a happy homemaker.
I believe I'm almost back there.  Maybe that's why the crochet has stirred up within my soul. Maybe that's why I've suddenly also started getting back to watching period dramas and interesting movies and documentaries.

I do still watch my Turkish shows, but definitely not as much as I did last year, those have taken a bit of a backseat for the moment.

Yesterday I also returned to Facebook, with the intention of downloading all my photos and videos, but Facebook has made it so difficult for us to download our own property.  I've had to send a request, and now I'm waiting for THEM to email me a link for me to be allowed to download MY photos.  Does that make any sense?

But while waiting, I said a quick hello and had so many old friends pop in.  I've stayed in touch with many of you through Instagram but there are some that never left Facebook, so I've missed out on their lives.  It's been wonderful reconnecting.

Am I returning for good to Facebook?  I don't think so, my opinion on that website has not changed but I may stick around and pop in every now and then, just chat with old friends.

Anyway, that's basically what has been going on around here.  I know it's been a very long while, since I did a sit down post.  All I've kept up are the Happy Homemaker Mondays and though I love them, and they keep at least some nuance of the old blog going, it's not what I want my blog to consist of.  I'm going to once again give daily posting a chance.  Let's see how it goes.

Well friends, my cup of coffee has but a sip left, and it's no doubt freezing cold, so I'm going to end this post.  Thank you for sitting with me and chatting.  I will be back soon.

Have a blessed Thursday!

Monday, January 22, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 01/22/2024

Good morning from a very cold and icy Texas.  
There is a thin sheet of ice covering everything outside, and though it looks quite pretty, it's not very safe to drive on.  Giving thanks to God that I don't need to go out this week, but if you're out there, please be careful.
I hope you've all had a restful, relaxing weekend, and I wish you a blessed and productive week ahead.  
 *** The Weather *** 
We've been in a winter warning with icy rain and very cold temps.  It's supposed to end by noon today, but the rain will continue on and off throughout the week. 
Monday - Showers, 41
Tuesday - Rain, 46
Wednesday - Showers, 50
Thursday - Partly cloudy, 60
Friday- Showers, 60
Saturday - Am showers, 52
Sunday - Sunny, 56 
*** Right now I am *** 
Sitting in bed and working on this post.  I have Julie Green Ministries on the TV, and Kaia and Elliott are both fast asleep next to me.  
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
I got my routine blood work results last week.  Everything is fine, but my Triglycerides are slightly elevated.  I have to return in 3 months to do the blood test again to see what the levels are at.  
In the meantime, I have to cut all junk food, all sugary stuff, cut back on carbs and increase my exercise.  Although I knew this was something that could show up (it is genetic and runs in my family, high triglycerides, high cholesterol, diabetes), I was a little taken back.  You guys know how much I love food and cooking, so this is a challenge.  However, I am turning 50 this year, and I've been wanting to get healthier, so this was the push I needed.  Since Wednesday, I have cut all sugary treats, and have also cut out white bread, white pasta, rice and potatoes.  I've upped my veggies and protein, upped my exercise, and I've so far lost 5 pounds.  It's not easy, but it's doable and I am determined to drop those triglycerides levels and get healthier.  
If any of you deal with this too, and have any advice on what to eat and what not to eat etc., please leave it down in the comments.  I would really appreciate it :)
*** How I am feeling ***
Aside from being cold, I'm doing surprisingly well.  I've stopped having cravings for carbs and sugar, I've lost weight, I have more energy.  Amazing how the bad food affects you without you even noticing.  
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
I've just had a cup of coffee.  I've cut out creamer, so just been using a sprinkle of either pumpkin pie spice or cinnamon, and some 2% milk. 
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Steamed Broccoli, Tuna, diced onion and tomato with a drizzle of olive oil.  
*** On the dinner plate ***
Baked Fish Fillets with tomato, onion and peppers, served with wholewheat rice and a Brussel sprouts salad.  
*** On the menu *** 
I have to change the way I eat, and I told my family I would continue cooking the same way, but change things slightly.  They have all jumped in with me and said they will eat whatever I make.  So basically, there will be meals I make that will remain the same, and where they eat the carbs, I will opt for the salad and veggies along with the meat.  Some meals, I will make using wholewheat pasta or rice, and they will eat that as well.   

With that in mind, I am changing the way I show you my menu, just slightly, to include breakfast and lunch.  It is a way for me to keep track as well of what I am eating.
Breakfast - 2 egg spinach omelet
Lunch - Steamed Broccoli, Tuna, diced tomato and onion with a drizzle of olive oil
Dinner - Baked Fish Fillets with tomato, onion and peppers, wholewheat rice, Brussel sprouts salad  
Breakfast - Oatmeal with cinnamon and a drizzle of honey
Lunch - Chicken, Bean and Kale soup
Dinner - Turkey Meatball Subs (I will do lettuce wraps instead of the buns)  
Breakfast - Egg Veggie Bites
Lunch - Wholewheat Toast with Avocado, salt and pepper
Dinner - Chicken a la King, Couscous, Salad 
Breakfast - Greek Yogurt with blueberries, chia seeds and walnuts
Lunch - Leftover salad from dinner
Dinner - Sausage Stuffed Zucchini Boats, Broccoli
Breakfast - Egg Veggie Bites
Lunch - Chickpea Salmon salad, onion, tomato, garlic, cilantro and parsley and little drizzle of olive oil
Dinner - Upside Down Pizza (Cauliflower Veggie Pizza for me)
Breakfast - Wholewheat toast
Lunch - Spicy Chicken Sandwich (lettuce wrap instead of bun, for me)
Dinner - Roast Pork, Mashed Potatoes, Spinach Salad (I will eat this meal, but will have a boiled potato instead)
Breakfast - Oatmeal
Lunch - Chicken Salad
Dinner - Cheesy Beef Mexican Rice, Roasted Brussel sprouts
*** What I am wearing *** 
Still in my pajamas. 
*** On my reading pile *** 
The Tale of Hilltop Farm by Susan Wittig Albert 
*** On my TV this week ***
Youtube - Brazilian and Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs  
Turkish shows - Hudutsuz Sevda  
Netflix - All the light we cannot see
Period dramas
*** Looking around the house *** 
Both Kaia and Elliott are shedding, so there's a constant need to vacuum around here.  The house itself is cozy and warm, we've kept the fire going for 5 days now.  There's just something about a fire going, low lights, and a warmth that just makes a home so inviting. 
 *** To do list *** 
I have some laundry to iron
Clean around fireplace, all the ashes 
Take photos for a blog post 
*** From the camera *** 
I love winter, not so much the ice, but winter itself.  It's magical and creepy and wonderful, all packaged into one.  
 *** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
Our church has been talking about the importance of fasting in our lives, as Christians.  I have only very recently started fasting once in a while, but it definitely does help get closer to God.  
Do you fast? 

Monday, January 15, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 01/15/2024

Good morning from a very cold Texas.  We have a horrid wind chill that is bringing down the temperatures immensely, to the point where the real feel is -15 at times. For Texas, that is insane, at least in my opinion. I feel like Texas is colder than when we lived in Idaho. 
It is just after 8am, and I need to get this post up because I'm feeling extremely lazy today, and if I don't grab the computer and do what I need to do, I am going to completely forget about it. I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday Monday, if you are in the cold areas of the country, please stay safe and warm, and remember to check on your animals.  
We've been constantly checking on our chickens, changing water out constantly because it keeps freezing and just making sure they are warm.  They haven't left their coop in 2 days, they are nice and cozy in there and refuse to come out into these cold temps, and I don't blame them one bit. 
Anyway, let's get going. I hope you all have a blessed week ahead. 
 *** The Weather *** 
Winter warning, cold wind chill warning and snow warning, although the snow part hasn't come through, and that's ok.  We are experiencing very cold weather and it is set to continue over the next week or two.
Monday - Clear, -4 
Tuesday - Sunny, -1 
Wednesday - Sunny, 11 
Thursday - Sunny, 10 
Friday- Sunny, 2 
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 3 
Sunday - Cloudy, 6 
*** Right now I am *** 
Trying to get this post up, listening to a live with Julie Green Ministries on the telly, and telling myself that I need to get out of this bed soon and get dressed, and start my day.  It's going to take quite a bit of convincing for me Hahahah 
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
I had my women's check up on Friday and everything went well, although I have to say, the new doctor was not very gentle with the breast exam and my word, she actually hurt me.  There's nothing more frustrating as when a doctor pushes really hard or presses really hard on a part of the body, and then asks if it hurts.  Like.....yesssss??? Anyway, that went well, and then I had to draw blood for the routine blood work, and just waiting on those results.  Anyone else get a bit anxious, even though there is nothing to be anxious about?  Why does health stuff always make our anxiety rear it's ugly head 
*** How I am feeling ***
Cold, very cold. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
Two cups of coffee, one at 4am and then another at 7am, and a big bowl of my Instant Pot Creamy Oatmeal 
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Still have some leftover lasagna from Saturday night, so will have some of that. 
*** On the dinner plate ***
 *** On the menu *** 
Meals are planned until Thursday, that is shopping day for me, and then new meal plan kicks in.  
Tuesday - Upside Down Pizza, Salad  
Wednesday - Beef Tortellini, Garlic Bread  
Friday -
Saturday - 
*** What I am wearing *** 
Still in my pajamas. 
*** On my reading pile *** 
The Tale of Hilltop Farm by Susan Wittig Albert 
*** On my TV this week ***
Youtube - Brazilian and Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs  
Turkish shows - Hudutsuz Sevda  
Netflix - All the light we cannot see 
*** Looking around the house *** 
It's clean and tidy and cozy.  I do need to go throw some more wood into the fire though before it goes out completely. 
 *** To do list *** 
*** From the camera *** 
 I took some photos but haven't edited them.  I need to get better at this and get back on track. 
 *** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
Our best life is found when we trust God completely and live surrendered to His will.

Monday, January 08, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 01/08/2024


Good morning ladies, how are you doing this Monday morning?
I am so tired, so so tired and have a bit of a headache (no doubt from the exhaustion).  I've been up since 1:30am.  You know I used to think once my kids were all grown up, I would get good sleep and not have interrupted sleep of any kind.  It's not so though, I've been struggling this month with my perimenopause symptoms and insomnia is one of those, but it also doesn't help that when I finally fall asleep, one of the animals deems it appropriate to wake me up.
Last night it was Kaia, she just wanted cuddles, and I couldn't go back to sleep, and then at 3am, our rooster started crowing, wanting out of his coop.  LOL  
Anyway, that was my night, and that's why I am so tired this morning.  We'll make it through though, it will be ok.  
Right, let's get on with our post for today.  Have yourselves a blessed week! 

*** The Weather ***
It is currently raining and windy.  The wind is supposed to last until tomorrow around 6pm, and the rain will be on and off all day.   

Monday - Rain, 58
Tuesday - Sunny/wind, 50
Wednesday - Sunny, 61
Thursday - Sunny, 66
Friday - Mostly sunny, 44
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 44
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 37
*** Right now I am ***
Working on this post, sipping on my second cup of coffee and listening to a podcast.  
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
Nothing in specific, but I do want to make this year that I get projects and renovations finished around the house, so thinking I need to start a list.     
*** How I am feeling *** 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
As I mentioned above, I'm working on my second cup of coffee.  I've also had a small bowl of oatmeal.  I made my Instant Pot Creamy Oatmeal yesterday morning, and it's usually enough for at least 4 days.   
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Not sure, I'm thinking maybe an egg salad sandwich.   

*** On the dinner plate *** 
Pasta with Tomato Sauce, One Hour Skillet Focaccia, Salad

*** On the menu ***  
Monday - Pasta with Tomato Sauce, One Hour Skillet Focaccia, Salad 
Tuesday - Turkish Chicken with Potatoes and onions, Mixed Vegetables 
Wednesday - Zucchini Lasagna, Creamy Broccoli
Thursday - Beef Rissois, Tomato Rice, Salad
Friday - BBQ Ribs, Macaroni and Cheese, Beans
Saturday -
Sunday -

*** What I am wearing *** 
Still in my pajamas.   
*** On my reading pile *** 
Jonathan Cahn's The Return of the Gods.  
*** On my TV this week ***  
Youtube - Brazilian and Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs
Turkish shows - Hudutsuz Sevda, and there are a ton of new series that just started, so I'll look into those
Netflix - Barbarians

*** Looking around the house *** 
Just need to do the usual Monday cleaning, after the weekend.     
*** To do list ***
Clean the house
Dust and mop
Women's well check on Friday
*** From the camera *** 
I have not been taking photos at all, I think I do have some on my camera that I haven't transferred over to the computer yet, but I don't think I have anything new to share today.  That's sad.  I have to remedy that immediately. 

*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
I am starting my Bible reading again, and this time I'm going to follow a different plan.  Instead of starting in Genesis again and going all the way through, I'm going to start in John, then Romans, then Ephesians, Phillippians, Proverbs and finishing with Psalms.  
Why that order you may ask?
John - Story of Jesus' life
Romans - our Christian beliefs
Ephesians - How to live a holy life
Philippians -  How to have joy in our trials
Proverbs - How to live wisely
Psalms - Following God's direction for our lives

Monday, January 01, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 01/01/2024


Good morning my friends, and welcome 2024!
For some reason I am finding it easier to type 2024 than any other year previous.  I used to take at least a month to get into the new year, but not seeing that this time.  Hahaha
Anyway, I hope you all had a wonderful New Years Eve.  We, as always, did not celebrate or do anything.  It was a normal day like any other, ending in me falling asleep at 9:30pm.  I'm such a partier aren't I?  
As we start 2024, I want to wish you all a blessed year ahead.  I pray that God blesses you immensely, that He guides your step, that you are filled with love and peace and above all health.  Let's make this year the best one yet, shall we?
Just like the beginning of 2023, I am going to once again try to post more, maybe try another 365, but without actually telling myself it's a 365.  My brain tends to rebel when it is given a timeline or specific job LOL  Anyone else like that?
So, I don't make resolutions, but I do want to do a few things more this year.  Embrace my age, I am turning 50 in August and overnight, it feels like I am showing it.  I want to live more, be better, have more joy, my happiness, share my life, get back to basics here on the blog, share more recipes, encourage more younger women to enjoy being homemakers and loving their home.  But above all, I want to be led by Christ in every thing that I do.
What are your goals or determinations for 2024?
Once again, Happy New Year my lovely fellow bloggers.  Let's start it right with our Happy Homemaker Monday.  Let's get on with our last Happy Homemaker Monday of  2023. 

*** The Weather ***
A bit cold, the mornings have been in the low 20s, and the highs hanging around 50s.  I doubt we will see warmth again, at least for the next 3 months.  

Monday - Cloudy, 43
Tuesday - Cloudy, 51
Wednesday - Sunny, 54
Thursday - Partly cloudy, 50
Friday - Showers, 50
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 53
Sunday - Mostly sunny, 59
*** Right now I am ***
In bed, under the warm covers because it's a bit chilly.  I have Kaia and Elliott asleep under their own blankets, next to me.  I am also watching a grocery haul from Portugal on Youtube as I type up this post. .  
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
About the new year and what is ahead.  I used to really stress and feel anxious, not knowing what was coming, but I stopped that, and this year I am just going into it knowing that God is in control.  Whatever happens is meant to happen and no amount of worrying will change it.   
*** How I am feeling *** 
I'm doing good.  My brother in law is currently sick, he has been sick for 3 days, but he is the only one in the house.  Neither I, nor my husband or son have gotten sick.  Weird!   
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
I had a bowl of banana nut crunch cereal, and a cup of coffee.  
*** On the lunch plate *** 
I made a pot of Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana for dinner, and there is a lot leftover, so that's what I'll be having for lunch.  

*** On the dinner plate *** 
Sardine Fish Cakes, Tomato Rice and Salad

*** On the menu ***  
Monday - Sardine Fish Cakes, Tomato Rice and Salad 
Tuesday - Chicken with Carrots in a tomato sauce, mashed potatoes, sauteed zucchini 
Wednesday - Amish Hamburger Steak, Egg Noodles
Thursday - * New menu kicks in *
Saturday -
Sunday -

*** What I am wearing *** 
I would give you 3 guesses, but you would probably get it right the first time....yes, my winter pajamas.  
*** On my reading pile *** 
Jonathan Cahn's The Return of the Gods.  
*** On my TV this week ***  
Youtube - Brazilian Homemaking Vlogs,
Turkish shows - Dizik Talesi, Hudutsuz Sevda
Netflix - Barbarians

*** Looking around the house *** 
I need to water my plants, and also need to carpet clean the dining room and living room.  They are the high traffic areas, so always needing a spot clean.   
*** To do list ***
Carpet clean
Water plants
Get ready for the week, everyone is back at work tomorrow
Write up new meal plan and grocery list
*** From the camera *** 
I have really been enjoying my incense burners lately, just find that they are the best at making a whole room smell wonderful.  

*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
Dear God, help us to be grateful in all situations. Show us how to speak light and goodness into our lives and the lives of those around us. Amen.