
Monday, January 08, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 01/08/2024


Good morning ladies, how are you doing this Monday morning?
I am so tired, so so tired and have a bit of a headache (no doubt from the exhaustion).  I've been up since 1:30am.  You know I used to think once my kids were all grown up, I would get good sleep and not have interrupted sleep of any kind.  It's not so though, I've been struggling this month with my perimenopause symptoms and insomnia is one of those, but it also doesn't help that when I finally fall asleep, one of the animals deems it appropriate to wake me up.
Last night it was Kaia, she just wanted cuddles, and I couldn't go back to sleep, and then at 3am, our rooster started crowing, wanting out of his coop.  LOL  
Anyway, that was my night, and that's why I am so tired this morning.  We'll make it through though, it will be ok.  
Right, let's get on with our post for today.  Have yourselves a blessed week! 

*** The Weather ***
It is currently raining and windy.  The wind is supposed to last until tomorrow around 6pm, and the rain will be on and off all day.   

Monday - Rain, 58
Tuesday - Sunny/wind, 50
Wednesday - Sunny, 61
Thursday - Sunny, 66
Friday - Mostly sunny, 44
Saturday - Partly cloudy, 44
Sunday - Partly cloudy, 37
*** Right now I am ***
Working on this post, sipping on my second cup of coffee and listening to a podcast.  
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
Nothing in specific, but I do want to make this year that I get projects and renovations finished around the house, so thinking I need to start a list.     
*** How I am feeling *** 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
As I mentioned above, I'm working on my second cup of coffee.  I've also had a small bowl of oatmeal.  I made my Instant Pot Creamy Oatmeal yesterday morning, and it's usually enough for at least 4 days.   
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Not sure, I'm thinking maybe an egg salad sandwich.   

*** On the dinner plate *** 
Pasta with Tomato Sauce, One Hour Skillet Focaccia, Salad

*** On the menu ***  
Monday - Pasta with Tomato Sauce, One Hour Skillet Focaccia, Salad 
Tuesday - Turkish Chicken with Potatoes and onions, Mixed Vegetables 
Wednesday - Zucchini Lasagna, Creamy Broccoli
Thursday - Beef Rissois, Tomato Rice, Salad
Friday - BBQ Ribs, Macaroni and Cheese, Beans
Saturday -
Sunday -

*** What I am wearing *** 
Still in my pajamas.   
*** On my reading pile *** 
Jonathan Cahn's The Return of the Gods.  
*** On my TV this week ***  
Youtube - Brazilian and Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs
Turkish shows - Hudutsuz Sevda, and there are a ton of new series that just started, so I'll look into those
Netflix - Barbarians

*** Looking around the house *** 
Just need to do the usual Monday cleaning, after the weekend.     
*** To do list ***
Clean the house
Dust and mop
Women's well check on Friday
*** From the camera *** 
I have not been taking photos at all, I think I do have some on my camera that I haven't transferred over to the computer yet, but I don't think I have anything new to share today.  That's sad.  I have to remedy that immediately. 

*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
I am starting my Bible reading again, and this time I'm going to follow a different plan.  Instead of starting in Genesis again and going all the way through, I'm going to start in John, then Romans, then Ephesians, Phillippians, Proverbs and finishing with Psalms.  
Why that order you may ask?
John - Story of Jesus' life
Romans - our Christian beliefs
Ephesians - How to live a holy life
Philippians -  How to have joy in our trials
Proverbs - How to live wisely
Psalms - Following God's direction for our lives


  1. Your Bible reading plan sounds like a good one! Hope you get a better rest tonight. Insomnia is no fun. I often find if I will start praying for others, or try reviewing a memory verse, I will often go right to sleep!

  2. Hoping you are able to get a good night's sleep tonight....

  3. Hello Dearest!
    I hope you're able to get much better sleep tonight. Perimenopause can be the worst for that - ugh!! And I get the animals things doesn't help. Ruby can have skin things at time and will scratch like crazy and wake me up.
    Blessings for a wonderful week ahead. xoxo

  4. Olá Sandra, vou escrever em português, acredito que entenda. Fiquei muito feliz em ler que você vem buscando Vlogs do Brasil, que bacana. Sou brasileira e moro numa região de montanhas no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Seus sintomas tem sido os meus, mas consegui dar uma boa melhorada depois de uma visita médica e algumas receitas de remédios manipulados. Um ótimo dia para você, e descanse um pouco.

  5. I love reading all of these and watching you ladies plan your homes so well.

  6. Hope you are all caught up on your sleep and feeling better today. I go through times where I don't pick my camera up as much either, so odd how the habit is there until it's not. Have a great week!

  7. Good morning :) I had two of those early morning days this week. Monday morning my husband had to get on the road at 4:00 a.m. so we woke up at 3:15. The next night I was so ready for a full nights sleep and then at 3:00 a.m my dog woke me up needing to go out. He never does that, so I figured he must really need to go, so I had to sit up for about 15 minutes while he was out. Finally last night was a peaceful sleep.

    I love your Bible reading order. I never can make it all the way through in a year. I do best when I have devotionals to guide me or a Bible Study. My goal is to have notes on every page, signifying that something in the text has spoken to me.

    I always love reading what shows or YouTube you're watching :) Thanks for sharing.

    Have a great week! Hope you get some sleep :)

  8. Hate nights when you can't catch up with sleep.. and in my case it only gets worse as I age.
    Have a great week

  9. Hi! I use earplugs for sleeping at night, quality ones are very helpful. ❤️


  10. In general, good sleep is a big problem!! But if we manage to calm down half an hour before going to sleep, we will have a peaceful night!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
