
Monday, May 20, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 05/20/2024

Good morning sweet ladies, welcome back to the blog.  I feel a bit weird even saying that, considering the fact that my poor blog has been so neglected, but try as a I may to get back into the rhythm of posting consistently, I just seem to fail no matter what.  Anyway, it is what it is, at least for now.

It is Monday morning, another start to a week, it is also my husband's birthday week.  He is turning 51 on Wednesday.  

This week I hope to get a bit more gardening done.  We've been slowly working on our back patio, creating a patio garden, adding some flowers and plants and just trying to make it a wonderful, comfy place to hang out during the summer.  I can't wait to get out there and enjoy a cup of coffee. 
I do hope to take photos and post about it.  Fingers crossed I actually go through with it.

Anyway, let's get on with our post.  I wish you all a very blessed week!


*** The Weather *** 
We got a little break on the bad weather, last week, but we do have some strong storms moving in on Wednesday.  
Monday - Mostly sunny, 95
Tuesday - Partly cloudy, 95
Wednesday - Thunderstorms, 77
Thursday - Thunderstorms, 79
Friday- Sunny, 95
Saturday - Sunny, 94
Sunday - Sunny, 98
*** Right now I am *** 
Sitting at my desk and working on this post.  I tried sitting in bed as I usually do when I type up our Happy Homemaker Monday, but my sciatica is not having it today. 
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
Nothing in particular, just mainly a list of to do's, what meals to add to the new meal plan and things like that.      
*** How I am feeling ***
I'm ok, it's that week of the month, so between cramps and hormonal headaches, it's hard to feel 100% right?
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
Had coffee with coconut milk, and a bowl of Weetabix.
*** On the lunch plate *** 
*** On the dinner plate ***
Chicken and Zucchini Bake, Garlic Quinoa, Squash in Tomato Sauce. 
*** On the menu *** 
Starting to work on the new meal plan.

Chicken and Zucchini Bake, Garlic Quinoa, Squash in Tomato Sauce
Eggplant and Lentils Curry, Rice, Pita  
Curt's Birthday, he is wanting to grill steaks for everyone.  I'll make some roast potatoes and a salad as well.  Lemon Cake with Lemon Frosting (his fave)




*** What I am wearing *** 
Still in my nightgown.  Will either pop on some leggings later for my workout or will do a dress, just want something comfy for now, and then change into the workout clothes in the afternoon.

*** On my reading pile *** 
Book of Revelations. 

*** On my TV this week ***
Youtube - Brazilian and Portuguese Homemaking Vlogs, Slow Living and Quiet Vlogs 
Turkish shows - Ruzgarli Tepe, Gelin, Kara Agac Destani, Elimi Birakma
Sic Portugal TV - Senhora do Mar
Paramount - Star Trek Discovery

*** Looking around the house *** 
It's cloudy outside so the house looks quite dark, even though it's 8:35am.  
I need to just tidy up, give a quick vacuum and dusting, and the house is pretty much set for the day.   
*** To do list *** 
Cleaning the house
Bible and Devotional time
Reading time
Crochet time
Meal plan and budget plan

*** From the camera *** 
Another gorgeous Monarch Butterfly in my garden.  

*** What I am crocheting or sewing ***
Nordic Crochet blanket. 
*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
It's never hopeless and you're never helpless if Immanuel has invaded your life with His glory and grace. - New Morning Mercies by Paul David Tripp


  1. Take care of the sciatica! Happy Birthday to your husband and have a wonderful week

  2. Do you have a recipe to share for the chicken zucchini bake? It sounds very good and healthy. Happy birthday to you husband.

  3. Happy Birthday to your husband.

  4. Congratulations on your husband's birthday.
    I have been reading along with you for a while and enjoy it.
    Have a nice week.
    Greetings from the Netherlands

  5. Happy new week dear Friend! And early birthday blessings to your Hubby! I hope he has a great day. Don't worry about the posting. Life ebbs and flows that way. Do what works for you when it does. Appreciate all you share here. :) Thanks for always hosting! xoxo

  6. Hello Sandra, my first visit here came over from Pioneer Woman at Heart's blog and I will be back. Right now I am sitting at the computer like I do every morning, breakie for me was toasted banana bread and an egg flip (milkshake with an egg in it). I am dressed for the day it is the first think I do when I get up

  7. Sciatica is the worst. I've had a couple of recent flare-ups.

    The butterfly picture is stunning! The wildlife is pretty boring here in the middle of the city!

    What are you thinking about the Book of Revelation so far?

  8. Your day sounds so calming. I need to carve out some days like that for myself. I always love seeing what's on your tv :) Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful week!

  9. What a beautiful butterfly in the photo!
    Happy birthday to your husband!
    Have a beautiful and creative day!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
