When I started my blog, my intention was to always talk about, and focus on homemaking. As I've said over the years, I find that homemaking in and of itself, has taken a backseat. It is often looked as taboo, not something you want to admit to doing, there's nothing glamorous or exciting about it, so they say.
I guess when we look at it through those eyes, they're probably correct, but when you're a Christian woman and a homemaker, who takes pride in being at home, taking care of the family and the house, then all these little things we do, are loved and appreciated.
So returning to more consistent blogging means you'll get a look at my day to day life, what I do around here, of course books and tv shows etc. are also included, but the focus of my blog IS homemaking.
With that said, hello friends!
I snapped a few pics the past few days, just doing random things, taken during random moments, hence the different clothes I'm wearing in the photos. No I don't change clothes multiple times a day, yes I did when I was a teenager, but who didn't right?

I started my morning by doing a quick change of the bed linens. There is just something about a freshly made bed, with wonderfully clean smelling linens, isn't there?
Of course this usually means dodging animals who have a habit of either jumping on the bed, or walking around my feet with each step I take. It used to annoy me but God reminded me that they love me, they want to be with me, and instead of fighting it I should just leave them be. So I basically make the bed around them, and yes I do have to move one or the other out of the way at times, but for the most part, I love having them with me all the time.
Once my bed is made, whether completely changing linens or just making the bed in the morning, I will sit down with the two babies, and read my Bible or do devotionals. I usually take this time to sit in the quiet as well and pray, for me, for my family, for you all and for everyone and everything needing prayer.
It helps to start and set the tone for the rest of the day.
The linens where immediately washed and set to dry. I used to throw them in the dryer, but for the past few years, I've been placing them in the living room on my drying racks. I just prefer to do it this way, they give the living room a wonderful scent, Elliott loves hiding under them and napping, and I save electricity too.
Now I just need to iron these, put them in the cabinet and they're all set for next time.
Why do you iron your sheets and pillowcases Sandra?
Well because that's how I learned from my great grandmother. I think a lot of things I do are also just part of my European culture. Ironing is something we do all the time, all the laundry is ironed, even underwear (although I don't go that far anymore), but it's just part of the laundry process that we have done for generations, so it's normal to us to wash the clothes, dry and then iron.
Good thing I love ironing or it would be one of the homemaking chores that I would really dislike doing.

I've also been keeping up with the back porch area, which is a constant need for sweeping and cleaning. The winds we get here throw all the pollen off the big tree in the yard, and it covers the ground, the furniture, everything.
I will tell you this, it teaches me patience like none other. Nothing like sweeping and cleaning and then a few hours later seeing it all a huge mess again.
But, I just get back out there, sweep, tidy and use it as a form of exercise. Hahaha
Whether outside or inside, there is always something to do, something to clean, something to tidy. I will never understand anyone who believes being a homemaker is a lazy job. Unless I'm doing it wrong, but I always have something going on and needing attention.
And that is how my day usually goes, buzzing around like a little bee from area to area. By the time my head hits the pillow at night I am just exhausted. I wake up every morning around 4:30 am, don't ask why, I have no clue but my internal clock seems to have switched as I've gotten older. I honestly don't know what it's like to sleep in and haven't in years.
Are you an early riser too?
Your day Sandra is full
ReplyDeleteand it is very pleasant to go about your business without complaint.
I find a lot in common with my own day like waking up in the morning!
Have a beautiful Sunday!
I can usually find stuff to do around the house, I don't like to just sit and watch TV which I rarely have on any more
ReplyDeleteHi Sandra, I'm loving the more frequent blog posts. I love seeing how other bloggers fill their days. Have a wonderful weekend!