
Monday, July 29, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 07/29/2024


Good morning sweet ladies, hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
I just saw hubby off to work, got my breakfast and am settling in to get this post up.  It's a beautiful morning here in Texas, the sun is shining, there is a slight breeze and the temperatures are just perfect....for the moment at least.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and am wishing you a very blessed week ahead.

*** The Weather *** 
The temperatures have been perfect but unfortunately they are short lived and we are headed back to triple digits.  Can Fall just come in real quick?  Like tomorrow? 

*** Right now I am ***
Working on this post, sitting in bed and listening to Julie Green's teaching.    
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
Nothing specific, just a running checklist of what I have to do today and the rest of the week. 
*** How I am feeling *** 
I'm feeling pretty good.  Didn't get as much sleep as I would have liked to, felt like I kept waking up, so I'm a little tired this morning, but nothing that will interfere with my day. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
Cup of coffee with 2% milk and Weetabix.  
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Either a yogurt with granola and blueberries, or a salad. 
*** On the dinner plate *** 
Korean Bulgogi with Basmati rice (cauliflower rice for me)
*** On the menu *** 
Starting the new meal plan today and hopefully grocery shopping tomorrow morning. 

Korean Bulgogi with Basmati rice (cauliflower rice for me)   
Roast chicken legs, Wholewheat Garlic Spaghetti, Sauteed Purple cabbage
*** What I am wearing *** 
Nightgown at the moment, then a summer dress.  
*** On my reading pile *** 
1 Samuel in the Bible.  I think I'm going to restart the Bible again after I'm done with this book.  
Wild Savage Stars by Kristina Perez - book 2 after Sweet Black Waves

*** On my TV this week *** 
Not a lot, aside from a YouTube video here or there, I'm reading more than watching anything. 
Youtube - usual homemaking, quiet, slow living videos, but also been watching some book hauls and book reviews.
*** Looking around the house *** 
The sun is shining through the windows and bathing everything in golden light.  I love morning light it is beautiful and magical.
*** To do list *** 
Bible and Devotional time 
Water plants outside
Mail off book for Paperbackswap
*** From the camera *** 
I just love this picture of me in the kitchen.  Barefoot, standing at the sink, just me in my happy place. 

July 27, 2024
*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
John 2 1:11
Philippians 4:19
Jeremiah 29:11
Just a few scriptures to get in your heart today, scriptures that will strengthen your faith and keep you focuses and grounded. 


  1. I know what you mean about Fall! Can't come soon enough though I hate wishing for days to move quickly. YUM, yogurt with granola and blueberries is my go to meal! Have a WONDERFUL week my friend.

  2. Hello! Such a cozy post this morning! Can I ask where you find your summer dresses? I would love to know. Thank you and have a lovely day!

  3. Beautiful texts to encourage, indeed!
    I often eat yogurt with granola for breakfast, delicious!
    Have a nice week

  4. Happy new week to you Sandra! It was such a hot muggy one here too - blech. Dreaming of Fall ahead as well. :) I love that pic of you in your element! You're looking so amazing and I aspire to get further in my health journey and work at it every day too. Matt has been joining me more now with working out/walking, planning healthy food and snacks. We're both slowly losing and feeling better. Blessings on your week! xo


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
