
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

{ Wednesday in pictures }

July 17, 2024

::::  A hot cup of coffee to start the day, in this gorgeous mug I found at the Thrift Store.  I was standing in front of the mugs and saying to my husband "well I definitely don't need any more coffee mugs", and as I said that my eyes shifted over to the right and I see this beauty standing there.  I immediately followed up with "but this one is coming home with me".  To say my husband laughed would be an understatement 🤣

July 17, 2024

July 17, 2024

::::  The dreaded laundry that never ends.  But I have a tip for you, I used to pour the detergent from the cup provided and then wash it out, or pour some water and swish it around and do it at least 2 or 3 times to clean it because I didn't like placing it back with detergent on it.  

Then one day I decided to just take one of the pieces of clothing I was washing and use it to clean up the remaining detergent in the cup.  It worked, cup came out clean and I didn't waste any detergent either.  Saves me the back and forth with water.

July 17, 2024

July 17, 2024

::::  Dishes are a constant, morning, afternoon and night.  Then you wake up in the morning and magically dishes have appeared in the sink again.

July 17, 2024

July 17, 2024

July 17, 2024

::::  My home is my pride and joy, and no matter how mundane the chores may be from day to day, I love cleaning, setting things right, tidying and creating a safe haven for my family.

July 17, 2024

July 17, 2024

::::  It's been horribly hot and some of the plants have been struggling, but many are just blooming and glowing.  My Turk's caps come back every year, more glorious and beautiful than ever.

July 17, 2024

::::  My daily reading is always my Bible and a book.  In the Bible, as I wait for my new Revelation Bible Study, I am re-reading 1 Samuel.  Such a wonderful book.  Also finishing up What the River knows by Isabel Ibanez.

July 17, 2024

July 17, 2024

July 17, 2024


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds suspicious dishes in the sink the next morning. I even wake up to see crumbs on the counter that weren't there the night before. It's exhausting trying to keep up. I love your outlook on homemaking. It's a gift we wives and mothers have to provide a safe and clean environment for our family. I find myself complaining a lot but it really is a job I'm thankful to have.

  2. You’ve reminded me I need to go water my plants! It’s actually been warm here today, about 24c and it’s going to be warmer tomorrow (although nothing like your temperatures), makes a change from the drizzle.

  3. very hot here too, for three weeks it's been 38-41 °C

  4. I finally got over here to see your new mug :) I love it! Since buying the ones I bought, I need to purge some of the ones that I never use. But it's fun to grab a new one now and then. And then, when we pass them on to the thrift store, we are giving someone else the joy of finding it on the shelf one day :)

    Have a great week!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
