
Monday, August 05, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday - 08/05/2024

Good morning everyone, and a very Happy Monday to you all! 
It's another beautiful morning here in Texas, and I'm enjoying it knowing full well that in about an hour or two, it will be so hot that I will not want to set foot outside.  Anxiously waiting for Fall, I tell you!
I hope you all had a good relaxing weekend, and I wish you all a good week ahead.  Whether you are at stay at home mom, or heading back into work, I wish you a blessed and productive week.
Now, let's get on with our post for today. 

*** The Weather *** 
The weather, the weather.  I am trying to find kind words to describe the scorching heat, but I just can't seem to.  So I'll leave you with the temperatures and just move on.   

*** Right now I am ***
Sitting on my bed, chatting with my husband through messages, he has a very busy week ahead and we're just talking him through it.  I'm also working on this post, looking at the beautiful trees outside my window and listening to the fur babies asleep next to me. 
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
About my last post and the significance of it especially this morning, as news are breaking of a market crash worldwide.  Please don't panic with the news, just stand firm and lean into God now more than ever.  Read my last post, and hopefully it gives you some peace.  I just shared my feelings and thoughts lately but it may inspire some of you to do the same. 
*** How I am feeling *** 
I'm sore.  We did two days at the gym, both Saturday morning and Sunday, and I'm definitely feeling it today.  Won't be working out today, so my body can have a rest day. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
I've just had my usual early morning coffee, have not yet eaten anything.  I'm starting an intermittent fast again today, so doing the 8/16.  I'll have breakfast around 10am.  Will be having 2 scrambled eggs. 
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Chickpea tuna salad. 
*** On the dinner plate *** 
Tomato Meatballs with Creamy Garlic Polenta, Broccoli and Cauliflower
*** On the menu *** 

Tomato Meatballs with Creamy Garlic Polenta, Broccoli and Cauliflower   
Chicken Enchiladas, Best Beans Ever, Tomato Rice
Tuna Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Salad
Tacos, Chips and Salsa (I'll have something else)
Teriyaki Short Ribs, Chow Mein, Vegetable Egg Rolls
My birthday - not sure, but I'm not cooking that's for certain.  I'll be making a Tres Leches Cake
Roast Chicken, Garlic Parsley Potatoes, Zucchini in Tomato Sauce 

*** What I am wearing *** 
Summer nightie, will change into a dress or skirt for the day.    
*** On my reading pile *** 
1 Samuel in the Bible.  
Hoping to finish Bright Raven Skies which is the third and last in the Sweet Black Waves Trilogy by Kristina Perez
Also, will be starting The Cut Out Girl by Bart Van Es.

*** On my TV this week *** 
The usual YouTube homemaking channels.  
My Lady Jane on Amazon Prime.
Also still want to watch The Winter King.
*** Looking around the house *** 
It is really quiet, everyone is off to work so it's just me and the fur babies.  I need to give it the usual Monday morning clean and tidy, but it's not a huge mess like it used to be when the kids were little.
*** To do list *** 
Bible and Devotional time 
Water plants on the porch
Start choosing and cutting the fabric for the mushrooms
*** From the camera *** 
I had almost forgotten how much I love yarn and hooks, and just how pretty they look together. 

*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
As I mentioned above, we are waking up to some disconcerting news about the world market crashing.  There's all kinds of talks of recessions and this and that, but as much as that sounds concerning, let's remember that we can't let it overwhelm or consume us.  Be aware, not consumed.  So stand fast, dig deeper into the word, and lean closer to God.
Start looking into preparing especially when it comes to meals.  Make a plan, jot down some recipes or meal ideas.  
At the end of the day, it will be ok friends, no matter what comes our way, remember that Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.
God Bless!  

Also, let's pray for all those who are in the path of Hurricane Debby!


  1. Good morning! We're not quite as warm as you, but hot is hot and August is my cocoon month with black out shades and all. Fall can't come soon enough for me! Have a blessed week.

  2. I'm soooo glad our temperatures will be less hot this week. I feel for you. Love the picture of your kitchen with all the books above the cabinets.
    Have a great week

  3. We are battling Heat here in Louisiana. Hopefully it will move on it killing my yard.

  4. Hello my Lovely!
    It's deliciously cooler here today (in the 60's )and I have all the windows open. I'm with you and hold fast to Him and His word and His promises and I worry so much less than I once would have with a crazy world.
    Those have to be the prettiest crochet hooks I've ever seen. 😍
    Blessings. xo

  5. Coming Back after Mr's surgery and hospital stay.

  6. Hallo, I love to read what you eat. Here in The Netherlands it is warm and clammy. I don't like it but it is better that extreme heat. I can't share my link, but don't know why not so here is mine:


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
