
Friday, January 24, 2025

{ Show and Tell Friday }

Good morning my friends, here we are, Friday!!!

I haven't done a show and tell Friday for many years.  It's something we used to do back in the early days of blogging.  Many of us would take this day to show something we treasured, or something we found interesting.  
I was recently going through some old medical records, and came upon the hospital paperwork from when my children were born.
The specifics we know, like the day and time and so on, but there are other things that I didn't know, that I found written in the doctors notes.  And as I read through them, memories of those days flooded back.
We were stationed at Mountain Home AFB, in Idaho.  We were newly married, still trying to figure things out, trying to start this family and both still young.  But, I loved those days, I miss them so much, and seeing those hospital records flooded me with this sense of homesickness, in a way.
Anyway, here is Jasmine's....

I vividly remember Jasmine's birth because it was a difficult birth with no pain meds, seemed like it lasted forever, needed forceps and oxygen and it was just chaotic.  

However, I didn't know how long each stage had lasted, so it was neat seeing it in writing.  

First stage 7 hours and 40 mins, and second stage 1 hour and 39 mins.  Nuts!!!!

And here is Nick's, which was way faster, thankfully and didn't involve as much craziness.  

First stage 3 hours and second stage 1 hour.  So 4 hours in all.  That boy was not waiting in there.  Hahahah

These little things, these memories, mean so much to me.  I have both mine, and my kids medical records.  When we moved from base to base, we had to request our records and they would print it all out and hand it to us.  I will be placing theirs in their folders and will had it to them at some time.  

Anyway, that is my show and tell for today.  May not mean anything to you all, obviously, but I love having this recorded for prosperity.

A true treasure indeed.

1 comment:

  1. The most important thing for a mother is the birth of her children!!
    We are all looking forward to spring!!


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