
Sunday, March 09, 2025

{ Hiatus from Social Media }


I am taking a week long, maybe longer, hiatus from social media. I won't be posting on Instagram stories, won't be active on the app at all, and may even delete it for the next week so that I don't have the temptation of opening it up. 
Over the years, I have unplugged at different times, when I felt the need to.
I think it's one of the reasons I am so grateful to God, that I am not an influencer and needing social media to earn my living.  I would have a very hard time doing that, I don't like the pressure, I don't like the feeling of being forced to be on something constantly because I need to.
Unplugging for me is much easier than maybe for most.  I am not a person that goes with the crowd, never have been, matter of fact I am the type of person that if everyone is loving something a certain month, I will immediately dislike it.  I have never liked the hive mentality, feeling like everyone needs to like something, do something, dress the same way, read the same books, eat the same things.  I dislike it with a passion, honestly.  It's quite funny actually to think of the visceral reaction my body has to things like this.
Anyway, I have been finding that lately, no matter which social media app I open, it is just filled with bad news, horrible things, death and dismay and it's starting to affect me.  I am constantly sad, anxious, worried and it's not a good way to live.  As always, the Holy Spirit steps in at times like these, and prompts me to look elsewhere, and to unplug and that is what I'm doing.  I started on Saturday and I have to say, just one day of not constantly grabbing my phone, has done wonders for my soul.
So, you won't see me posting on Instagram at least for this week, maybe longer, I am not sure, I will wait until Saturday to see how I feel.  But I just wanted to let you know, in case you follow me over there too, so you wouldn't wonder where I suddenly disappeared to.
I am devoting my time now to reading, praying, crocheting and blogging.  All things that make me happy and fill my soul with joy instead of dread.  
Here's to a week of soul searching, contentment and happiness.  



  1. Good for you! May this break bring you peace.

  2. I have to take regular breaks too. Even when I like lots of cute animal posts or funny videos to sort out my algorithm the awful stuff comes back far too quickly. Hope you enjoy your break!

  3. Sandra, I'm with you on not following the crowds! I will go the total opposite way of what society tells me is important. I think that's one of the reasons I homeschooled my kids for 20 years! But, as for social media, good for you. I have a love-hate relationship with it and only stay on to see family that lives far away. Otherwise it's just junk. Enjoy your break and thankfully we have a blogging community to enjoy :)


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
