
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Court Order!!!

I was checking my emails this morning and got this from my sister in law. Just love it and thought I would share it here, will be a good way to start the day :)


You have been accused of bombarding God with prayers!
You are hereby sentenced to long life & prosperity, No
bail, No appeal. You have been classified blessed and
hereby detained in God's custody forever. Amen . You
have been destined to make it and you shall surely
achieve all your goals this year.

Father bless all my friends in whatever it is that You
know they may be needing this day! And may their life
be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they
seek to have a closer relationship with you. As u
wake up to a bright new day so shall u also wake up to
meet your blessing at your door step. AMEN

So today has been absolutely what a morning I had.
I dropped off the kids at school and headed home, walked in the door and sat at the computer and then realized that I was making chicken in my slow cooker today, so went ahead and got all that started. By the time I looked at the clock it was 9am.
I didn't think anything of it, and went about doing dishes, cleaning the kitchen etc, but something kept nagging me, I didn't know what. I try to ignore but it was like one of those leeches that just keeps sucking away at you...........I look up at the clock again and it's 9:15am and then it hits me "OMG I have a WIC appointment today", I run and get my folder and it says the appt. is at 9:40am and it's a recertification one so it means I have to take Nicholas, and all this other paperwork, including my hubby's LES (proof of income).

I run to the computer and go to the pay site and now I'm trying to print it out, it's already 9:20am and I'm panicking. Two pages come out completely blank!!!
My ink cartridges are empty. OH NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
I can't just go without the LES. I sit down for about a minute and say "Ok Lord, I'm going to need your help here, I'm freaking out!".
I know that I have to run and get a new one and then still come home and print it out and STILL drive to the appt.
I just decide to go I grab Nicholas, drive to the BX and it's usually a while to get out of there cause for some annoying reason, they have 6 check out points but only one open. TYPICAL!!!!
I find the ink which in itself is a big deal seeing that I can never get the right one. Then I calmy walk to the check out and there's no one there. Hmmmmm, weird!!!
I pay for it and look behind me and there's like 5 or 6 people waiting LOL
, thank you Lord!!!

I quickly drive back home, throw the cartridge in the printer and print out the LES. Then grab Nic and out the door we go again, I didn't even bother looking at the clock.
When I got to the WIC office I look up at the clock and it's exactly 9:41am LOL
I would NEVER have made it, so I thank God for the help this morning. :)

I have to tell you, I feel so much better this morning. The whole stomach thing is gone, I do have a cold, but that is perfectly fine by me.

As I was driving down the road this morning, I started noticing that you can tell exactly which woman has a baby or kid in the car with her.
We're all doing that driving, with the right arm stretched as far as it will go, trying to pass the toy or the snack to the screaming kid in the back. LOL
You know when the kids want something, they want it like yesterday, which is frustrating. Try driving while trying to open up a bag of chips or cookies. Better yet, when you're driving and all of a sudden out of the corner of your eye you see a hand with an just seems to levitate there and then you hear "mommy can you wash this for me?"
UMMMM, sure let me just turn on the water right here under the steering wheel. Are you kidding me?!?!?!?
The wonderful joys of motherhood. I tell you, some days I want to just run for it. When there's loads of laundry that just seem to multiply. It's like it triples in the basket while waiting to join the others in the washer.
Or the neverending many different cups or glasses do you need to drink something? If they drink juice it's one, and then they decide they want a different drink so why not get a different cup to match? Boggles me!!!!
Or when you feel absolutely horrible and drag yourself through the preparation of dinner, when all you really want to do is throw them some lettuce and say "HAVE AT IT".

See life is full of joy it's just how we choose to see it. Yes there's times that even the happiness and rewards of being a mom just seem to get squished with every yell, and whine and complaint....but it's how we react to that which makes it all worth it.
Well I have dishes calling my name, and more laundry to get out of the dryer, so I hope you all have a calming and relaxing day, full of love and kisses from yucky sticky hands. You know you love it :)


  1. I'm glad you made it all on time. God is good

  2. I knew you'd make it.....Don't you know we are da da da......SUPER MOMS!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Em - I've used that prayer so many times LOL I think he knows it that when he hears it I'm REALLY freaked out with something LOL
    I hadn't heard of Sara Groves, but I'm definitely going to look for into it and get the CD. Thank you for sharing that with me, I'm sure I'll love it :)

    Mel - God is indeed good. I can't believe I made it on time LOL

    Court - LOL we're all supermoms....YAY LOL


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
