
Monday, April 17, 2006

It Feels Like..................

someone standing over me with a knife inserted into my stomach, and slowly twisting, one way and then the other. There, does that give you a little insight as to what I'm feeling like this morning?

I was sooooooo hoping that I would skip the bug that's going around and even though I was feeling sick the past two days, I guess I was in denial. "oh it's just something I ate" I told myself over and over.
If there is one thing I can't stand, is the feeling of nausea. Don't get me wrong, I hate actually throwing up but at least you get an instant relief.......something that is NOT happening with me. Boy I just hope this goes away and fast, I had the hardest time getting out of bed this morning. I finally forced myself at 6:45am which to me is already too late, but at least I'm up right???

So how was everyone's Easter? We started off a bit rocky, hubby was cranky for some reason and I have learnt to just ignore him rather than try to talk, for fear of getting my head chewed off LOL
Guess he woke up on the wrong side of the bed?
The kids wanted to decorate the eggs yesterday while we watched "Jesus of Nazareth". Since I have a small TV in the kitchen which I use when I'm cooking or whatever, the plan was to decorate the eggs on the kitchen table so that the kids could make all the mess they wanted, but I would still be able to watch my movie,but seeing that yesterday was Easter and full of God's presence and love etc.......Satan decided to try and sneak up on me and ruin the day.

Well what do you know? I had everything set up and ready to go, the movie was about to start and BAM the TV turned itself off and I have NOT been able to get it to work again.

So now the question became, what do I do? I don't want to miss "Jesus of Nazareth", but I also can't tell the kids that there will be no egg decorating and since the movie lasted 8 hours (yeah, I sat and watched tv straight for 8 hours), no matter what time we decided to do them, it's a given that I would miss the movie.

What did I do then? I dragged one of the table benches to the living room, set out newspaper on the carpet, put the bench on them, and then used more paper to cover the bench, and THAT is where we did our eggs, while mommy and daddy were able to join in AND continue to watch our movie. So THERE Satan, how about THAT?!?!?!!? LOL

The worst thing that can happen to me is when things get in the way of something I want, and more specifically, reading the bible or devoting time to GOD. The claws really do come out!!! LOL

I have this book called "Look Who's Laughing" and it's by Ann Spangler & Shari MacDonald, but it also has the collaboration of a number of others.
The book has a compilation of stories about fun, faith, family and friendship and it's such a good read. I bought it in a Christian store a couple of years ago and then brought it home and read probably the first few pages before getting sidetracked with something else and totally forgot about it. While doing some spring cleaning last week I found it again and I'm so thrilled, I just can't wait to dig into it.

I think one of my favorite stories is called

"The Offering"

One Sunday a pastor told his congregation that the church needed some extra money and asked the people to prayerfully consider putting a little extra in the offering plate. He said that whoever gave the most would be able to pick out three hymns.
After the offering plates were passed, the pastor glanced down and noticed that someone had placed a $1,000 bill in the offering. He was so excited that he immediately shared his joy with his congregation and said he'd like to personally thank the person who placed the money in the plate.
Rosie, from all the way in the back, shyly raised her hand. The pastor asked her to come to the front. Slowly she made her way to the pastor. He told her how wonderful it was that she gave so much, and in thanksgiving he asked her to pick out three hymns.
Her eyes brightened as she looked over the congregation, pointed to the three most handsome men in the building, and said "I'll take him and him and him."

How funny is that???? LOL

But moving on, this week I have to get all of Jasmine's presents bought. Her birthday is on the 25th, but since it's a school day, we are having her birthday party on saturday the 22nd. She's SO excited about it, and a lot of her classmates will be there, which is even more thrilling for her. Instead of doing it at home, we decided to do it at the Bowling Alley on Base. It will cost about $4 per kid, but that includes a meal and a game of bowling, so that's not bad at all.

Here's what's frustrating. I'm sure you've all seen those new Yummy-Land Soda Pop Girls.....well Jasmine desperately wants the green one that comes with a PUG. But of course, I can find all of the other colors except for that one, which seems to be sold out EVERYWHERE. Even online.
I'm going to have to do some major investigating and hunting for this item, why can't kids be easy? If only they would be happy with a pair of socks or some new underwear!!! LOL

I'm again doing the potty training with Nicholas, he just turned 3 and now I think it's time to get rid of the diapers. Jasmine was so much easier to train, he is just stubborn and determined to do things his own way.
We've already had one accident this morning, but I'm persevering. Not that I have the patience for it because feeling the way I do, the last thing I want to deal with is the potty, BUT my kids come first and so as the mommy I have to oblige.

As if on cue, he's running to the least he knows where to go right?
I better go after him, so I'm signing off here, hope to see you all tomorrow :)


  1. Life at your house is so interesting!

    I loved the "him picking"!!!!

  2. Happy Easter!!

    Good luck toilet training. My son is a nightmare--3 and a half and still a nightmare. Arrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhh!!

  3. Boy when it rains it pours huh?!?! You get well soon ok!

  4. Hymm...Him...

    That was totally cute! Thanks for sharing. Get well soon!

  5. I hear ya when it comes to husbands! I also ignore mine or risk him getting so up himself that he starts saying he wants a divorce! They are so stupid sometimes men, aren't they? We can actually look at them while they're huffing and puffing and go (inwardly), "Man if you could see yourself right now...idiot!" Oh yes and I just checked out Amazon for those Soda Puff things you were after and they're sold out too! Darn it.

  6. morning glory - Life sure is interesting here LOL

    Toni - Oh man, I'm so wishing mine gets potty trained soon, Jasmine was so easy but Nicholas is just stubborn as heck.

    Emily - Thanks hon :) I'm hoping to get over this FAST, I can't afford to be sick.

    Court - It sure does LOL But I'm sure things will start to look up soon :)

    dabbling mum - Thanks for stopping by my blog and thank you for the well wishes :)

    Valk - LOL I do the same with my husband, he gets himself into such a state sometimes that I just go "IDIOT" and walk away LOL Darn those Soda Pop things are sold out everywhere....oh well, Jasmine will just have to make do without LOL


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