
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Another Fine Mess Lord!

I finally got the book in the mail yesterday and let me tell you, it's worth it. What a great book it is!!!
I started reading it and right in the first pages it grabbed my attention. Listen to this:

"We are what we make room for in our hearts. We are full of peace that has lived there since we were born, if we'll just let it breathe. We can have a life of simplicity, order, and insight when we allow ourselves to be possessed by the love of God, the intangible, unsurpassed, grace-filled love of God. It's what possesses us that counts. That's the more we need in our lives if we are to have less - more God, more peace, less of everything else."

"Sometimes the more things we hold (that we once thought important), the less peace we have (which we once thought we could manufacture)."

Wow, talk about an eye opener. I think we get so caught up with all the material things that we loose track of what really matters. It's so true that the more you have the more stress and complications you have in life. Can't wait to keep reading this book!!!

I want to start by thanking everyone for the kind and sweet comments left yesterday. It meant a lot to me and made me feel so much better.
I'm having a better day today, putting it all in the Lord's hands and letting him carry me through this month of sadness.

Carrie Underwood "Jesus Take The Wheel".

This song gets me through a lot, it always reminds me to let Jesus take the Wheel, let him do the driving. There's times to drive and there's times to be the passenger, sit back, and let someone else guide you. With Jesus at the wheel you CAN'T go wrong, EVER!!!

Reading Shannon's blog this morning just reiterated what I said. She talks about being tired, and those moments in life when you think....I can't do this anymore!!!
We've all been there and we've all had them, but somehow we pick ourselves back up and continue. See, I don't believe that we shouldn't have a bad day, we're moms, we're entitled to them. There's a difference between having God in your life and by your side......and just walking alone without him.
If you have him with you, you fall, you stumble, but you get back up and continue, get knocked down again, get back up and continue forward.
Without him, you fall and you stay there, in that dark and lonely place. If you have a minute, just go on over and say hi to Shannon and let her know that we are ALL on the same boat and occasionally feel the blah's too.

I've been on the so called "Diet"....shhhhh, can't say it loud for fear of my body hearing.
I've done really good this week, I've chugged tons of water, I've even done the exercises they suggest and counted my calories. Hope when I weigh myself on monday I will have lost at least a pound. Keeping my fingers crossed!!!

Remember the badger problem at the school? Well it still hasn't been fixed. We keep being told that it's their "natural habitat". This is frustrating, I don't understand what they are waiting for. A badger attacking one of the little ones during recess???
I'm going to stay on their case about this, until someone does something, anything, just not sit there and wait for a kid to get hurt. Isn't it always like that though??? Don't pay any attention until something major happens and THEN we wake up and try to do the right thing.

I have tons to do today, so I'm making this one short....well by my standards I guess cause it's not short at all LOL

I'm ending this post with a Night Prayer of a Wife and Mother. Just love this one :)
See you all tomorrow :)

Night Prayer of a Wife and Mother

Lord, bless the man with whom I sleep
And in Your constant care him keep.
Bless our children as they grow,
Keep them safe from head to toe.
Bless all those in heaven with You
Give them the peace and rest they're due.
Bless all my family and my friends
Help them with means to their good ends.
And Lord, please bless me with sleep divine
To mend and soothe a weary mind. Amen.

Edit: I was tagged by Julie at Everyday Mommy, so here goes :)

Accent: Being from South Africa I have a british accent, although I've lost a lot of it, but people ALWAYS tell.

Bible Book that I like: I would have to say Joshua. Especially for "Be Strong and of Good Courage".

Chore I don't care for: Dishes

Dog or Cat: Dogs

Essential Electronics: Coffeepot, Computer, TV.

Favorite Cologne: Stetson

Gold or Silver: Gold

Handbag I Carry Most Often: I don't, got so used to diaper bags that I hardly have a purse LOL

Insomnia: Yes, it appeared out of nowhere the minute I gave birth to my first child

Job Title: Follower of Christ, Wife, Mother, Friend, Chauffeur, Chef, Psychologist, Laundromat Manager

Kids: Daughter Jasmine, 7 years old and Son Nicholas, 3 years old

Living Arrangements: Us four, plus three dogs in Air Force Base Housing.

Most Admirable Trait: Good Listener

Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: Being Miss Drama

Overnight Hospital Stays: April 1999 for the birth of Jasmine and then April 2003 for the birth of Nicholas

Phobias: Mice, they totally gross me out. If you want to see me scream like a little girl, show me a mouse.

Quote: "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey."
-Stephen Covey

Religion: Christian

Siblings: One sister and 3 brothers

Time I Wake Up: 6am

Unusual Talent or Skill: Ummm I sing and once recorded an album AND sang in front of 2000 people

Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: Tomato

Worst Habit: Eating junk food

X-rays: Chest and Wrist

Yummy Stuff I Cook: Oh Lordy, I can't think of one, my hubby and kids say EVERYTHING LOL

Zoo Animal I Like Most: Panda

I tag anyone who reads this, if you read it, consider yourself tagged LOL And I WILL go check to make sure, well, not really, but anyway.....TAG YOU'RE IT!!!


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better today friend. Thanks for that book title. That's 2 books now I am going to pursue finding thanks to you!! :-) Thanks for the reminder to evaluate what I am making room for in my heart!

  2. Beautiful post today, Sandra. Those are such good thoughts and the song is wonderful. I'm glad today is looking better for you than yesterday.

  3. I love that prayer, never heard it before. Thanks!

  4. momrn2 - Let me know if you find the books, they are so good :)

    Julie - Yep a tag would help LOL

    morning glory - Thank you so much :) It's always great knowing others out there care :)

    Janice - Glad you enjoyed the prayer and the song :)

    Emily - You're so welcome :) I'm so glad you are able to visit me every day, you're an amazing lady :) Hugs!!!

    Stacy - Glad you like the prayer, it is certainly powerful :)

  5. momrn2 - Let me know if you find the books, they are so good :)

    Julie - Yep a tag would help LOL

    morning glory - Thank you so much :) It's always great knowing others out there care :)

    Janice - Glad you enjoye

  6. Dear Sandra ~~ Thank you for your kind words about my book! I'm truly touched :) [I don't know much about blogging, but I'm trying to start and I added you to my list :)] Thanks again!

    Many blessings,


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
