
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Bond that Never Breaks........

Last night I was feeling really down and depressed, and I couldn't understand why. I was on the verge of tears and everything was getting to me.
I tried to figure out what the problem was but obviously was getting nowhere. When I got ready for bed and was doing my usual prayer, I mentioned to God that something was really upsetting me and that I needed some sign or guidance as to what it was.
I fell asleep and then had a dream, or what I think was a dream.
It went something like this:

I was walking through a beautiful garden, just amazed at all the beauty around me. Out of nowhere I heard this voice say "mommy", I stopped and turned around and saw a little girl walking towards me. As I'm sitting there looking at her I am thinking "this isn't Jasmine, who is this?", but I felt a huge bond with her. She came over and we hugged and just talked, I don't remember what it was about and it was all kinda hazy, but I remember talking for what seemed like hours. All of sudden I woke up, sat up in bed and I knew why I was upset.
It hadn't even occurred to me that it was around this time in 2001 when I had my first miscarriage. WOW!!!
It all makes sense now because I get really down and sad around May-June of every year, the time I had both the miscarriages in 2001.

I thanked the Lord for showing me the reason why I was so upset. It put my mind at ease and helped me understand the reason for feeling that way.
Guess it really is true that a mother and child bond never breaks, no matter how little or how long we've had them in our lives.

For those of you that don't know, I have this love for coffee mugs. I could just collect tons and never get tired of them. This morning while messing around with my Graphics Program, I decided to make myself some mugs at my Cafepress Store. So I made one for every day of the week, except Thursday, still need one for that day. But here is the cool thing, I guess so they would inspire me, lol, I used the different themes. So I have the "On the Menu Monday", "Treasure Tuesday", "Works for Me Wednesday", "Remember When Friday". Need to find a theme for Thursday that I like, I'm not too keen on the Thursday Thirteen LOL

Don't forget to check out the Works for Me Wednesday post, just below. Shannon has a list of all the participants and they have tons of useful tips to make your life easier :)

On base we have a place called "Airman's Attic". They are located at every base and they are pretty much like a thrift store just that everything is free. According to how many members you have in your family etc, they assign how many items of clothing or miscellanous you can get. Mine turned out to be something crazy like 80 items of clothing a month and 20 miscellanous.
Now that spring has started, I've gone through spring cleaning the house, and when I got to the kids rooms I realized that the clothes that didn't fit them anymore, were far more than the clothes that were now left on the hangers. Just a few lonely items remained. So, what I do, I take all those clothes (in good condition, some of them practically new), to the airman's attic as a donation, and then on monday, wednesday and thursday I go back and get more summer outfits for them. You would be surprised at all the NEW clothes I have found up there. I don't think I need to buy my kids anything for a LONG time.
It becomes sort of an exchange system!!!

Well I have to get going, got housework to do. I wish Emily would come over and help me with laundry LOL
We both seem to love doing it, and I have to say I really like her idea of having the guys come and help us do it instead of going overseas.....THAT would rock!!! LOL


  1. Oh man, I almost have tears in my eyes. What a lovely dream ... that was so touching. Thank you for sharing such a private thing with us. I'm *so* sorry that you had a miscarriage. Hugs to you.

  2. I have a friend who lost 2 babies. She lights a candle for them on their anniversarys and remembers them as they could have been. She has 2 beautiful kids too, but always lights that candle.

    ((Sandra)) on a difficult time, heaven must be a wonderful place for children.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriages - it must be one of the hardest things for someone to go through. Your subject of dreams really interests me, I have a LOT of dreams that are really either 'prophetic' or give me insight into things. When I was pregnant with the bubby, I wanted to know what gender he was so badly (desperately wanted a boy first) but we couldn't find out for so long - during this time I dreamed that I was holding a little baby boy who said, "Hi Mommy, here I am." Then these letters appeared above his head A R O N. I asked him if that was the name he wanted, and he said, "It's already my name." I remember asking him if it would be ok if we mixed the letters up to make another name and he just gave that great baby giggle and said ok." I mean the whole dream was totally weird, I mean a talking baby for a start, but it was SO real!!!! Anyway, I was so ecstatic to know that I was having a boy - we found out a week later for sure, but I knew already. We also gave him his third name, which is Ronan.

  5. Huge huge hugs to you. Got is so amazing hey

    I totally love coffe mugs too

  6. I deleted my first comment because I had totally given you the wrong information. So here's the right stuff. If you are looking for a Thursday thing for a mug (very cute idea, by the way), go over to the blog called Just Peachy. She has a Thursday's Thanks Tank that is very nice. A neat way to count blessings.

  7. Thank you all, and thank you morning glory for the great link, I'm going to go check it out right now. :)


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