
Monday, July 17, 2006


I'm sitting here trying to eat my Special K, and may I say that even though this is the first day and the first bowl, I'm already NOT enjoying this??? (why do I do this to myself?)
You should have seen me this morning, staring longingly at the bread, the bagels, that one last donut sitting all alone and begging me "eat me please eat me". BUT I forced myself to push all that away and grab a bowl of the cereal.

Here's a little hint for the cereal about you make it tasty so that we actually ENJOY eating it??? I mean, just a little hint, suggestion, whatever you want to call it ok???

It has been so extremely hot here, yesterday was 110, enough to fry an egg on someone's forehead. I was out back grilling some burgers, btw, they were SO good, I will be posting the recipe on my blog this morning....but I'm getting off track here, so I was grilling and the kids were complaining that they were too hot and needed to cool off. I had the sprinkler on because we're trying to grow new grass out there, and so it's like watering a desert, literally, it's frustrating, I never thought I would be watering a mud hole.

The kiddos ended up putting on their swimsuits and playing in the sprinkler. Cheap toy + hot kids + jumping in mud = Happy, tired, sleep in kids. What more could you want huh???

Last night I got out my "15 Minutes Alone with God" book by Emilie Barnes. I had 15 minutes to spare and what better way than to do it with the Lord right???
The first chapter is called "Stand by your God" and goes on to talk about how we should spend time with him, even if just a few minutes a day, and that it's not important where we do it, whether it's in the car, in the bathroom, out shopping etc.

She gives some good scriptures to read and also suggests ways of praying. You've heard me say before that sometimes I get performance anxiety when it comes to prayer. I just go completely blank and then end up mumbling or rambling on like a fool, repeating the same things over and over. I think yesterday I finally realized what my problem is. This whole time I've been trying to pray to God as if I'm doing some very cleverly written out speech and that I have to impress the audience. Are you kidding me?!?!?! I'm His child, I don't need to impress him, I need to say what I want to say as if I'm talking to an earthly parent.

Once I realized that, the words just flowed out of me and before I knew it, I had been in conversation (prayer) with the Lord, for well over 20 minutes. What a wonderful feeling!!!
The scripture that stuck out to me was 1 Peter 5:7 "casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." See, still having trouble just giving him all my this is why I picked this next song for you all and for me, obviously. I always feel so much better when I hear it.

By Josh Groban

Father God, may I never forget to call on You in every situation. I want to call on You every day of my life and bring before You my adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. Thank You, for being within the sound of my voice and only a thought's distance away. Amen.
Curt is back to normal day shift today, so that is good. It means I don't have to keep the kids quiet all day long and I also can get my housework done faster. It's really hard cleaning your room if someone is asleep. I'm not one of those people who think "well I'm just going to get back into bed anyway, why make it?". NUH UH, my greatgrandmother would have a fit if she saw that LOL
I like a clean bed to get into, it's so much better isn't it???

Here's my to do list for today:

  • Finish off my laundry, just one more load
  • Put all laundry away
  • One basket of clothes to iron
  • Sweep and Mop the kitchen
  • Dusting
  • Sweep Back yard patio
  • Library to return books

Before I leave though, I want you to head on over to some blogs for me. They have very interesting posts that I would love for you to read. The first one is mupwumpmom, she always has such uplifting posts and today is no exception. When you're done there, skip and hop on over to Organizing Junkie, she's like my hero LOL I wish I could organize like she does, but this lady has great ideas, so go take a peek.
On your way back (you ARE coming back right?), stop at Ramblings of a SAHM, her post today is hilarious.
Oh and don't forget to stop by Seeds From My Garden for a visit, she posted pictures from their family reunion, and may I just say, I'm SO jealous LOL I miss the beach and the ocean, and that lodge just looks heavenly.

Well I'm outta here, got kids to take care of, food to cook, things to clean and a sanity to keep in check. Have a great day all.


  1. You sound just like me with the Special K. I don't like the taste so I add about 4 Tblsp. of sugar. As soon as I hear the word diet It's like my body says no you need candy, cake, soda. Once I tell myself I can't eat something it is all I can think about until I cave and actually eat it. I thought the pictue of your kids in the sprinkler was adorable. Thank God they got to cool off, 110 is a little too hot!

  2. Thanks Sandra for mentioning my blog! Wow I was reading along with your blog and then you mentioned to check out mupwumpmom so I did and then I went to click on the next link and did a double take....wait a minute here....someone else has the same name as me?.....I'd better check this I clicked on it and was ME!!!!! I'm a little slow I know (lol) but I've never been mentioned before. made my day! You are too kind! Organizing is my passion so if I can help someone along the line somewhere I'm a happy camper. Oh by the way, I just love the Josh Groban song.....I hope that plays everytime I visit!!!!

  3. Hey, thanks for the mention...very nice of you...glad you enjoyed it!

    I, too, find myself rambling on and on about the same stuff in prayer. I have to remind myself that God knows what I need even before I know and that I don't even need to talk sometimes, but just be still and silent with an open heart. It is a great feeling to have that relationship...I pray for that for everyone!

    Have a great day!!

  4. I've tried eating Special K too, but I always end up adding sugar! lol. I just love kiddie cereals too much!! Froot Loops, Lucky Charms, Golden Grahams....sugar has ruined me for life. :o)

  5. I hear you on that cereal thing. Of course it's "healthy"; it doesn't have a pound of sugar per bowl! Oh well. Good luck with that whole thing.

    I think I need you and Org Junkie to come help me get it together! I'm working on it!

  6. Special K...blah!

    It has been very hot here too. So humid that it is hard to breathe outside. My A/C has been working overtime...poor thing!

  7. Ah Sandra, you're a sweetie. Thanks for the blog plug.

    BTW, do you have any idea where Emily at Consider the Lillies has gone? We both read her and she hasn't been around for a week or more. I'm worried about her.

  8. I could never do that Special K diet. I love me some cereal and I mean sugary cereal. I eat Fruit Loops and Honeycombs and yummy stuff like that. I know, I know, but it's so good.

  9. Have you ever tried the Special K with strawberries? It's doable.

    It's supposed to be 100 here this weekend... not necessarily looking forward to it. 80's works just fine for me.

    And prayer... why is it we make it seem so much more complicated and difficult than it really is? Maybe Satan likes to use that to discourage us to do it. Glad you found yourself able to "talk with God!" :-)

  10. Can you add anything to the Special K with the plan you are trying? Like some fruit - bananas, strawberries, blueberries? How about sprinkling some granola on it? I've never tried it before so I don't know how it tastes :) You got through the day though so good for you - stick with it :)

    I really like that song too! Thanks for the insight on your reading today!

  11. Josh Grobin's voice is wonderful!
    I don't like cereal either. I eat one boiled egg and one slice of whole grain no flour bread for breakfast everymorning, the protein from the egg tends to satisfy. But you gotta like eggs!
    Thanks so much for the mention on your post. I enjoy visiting your's everyday too.
    And yes, the wonders of sprinklers on a hot day. We used to put plastic down and dishsoap in the water, and make our own slip and slides. Fun and a bath all at once!

  12. The kids do LOVE playing with water hey

  13. That picture looks soooo nice right now. Its 100 here too. So hot you can barely breath if you do go out. I sometimes live off cereal. I do like the healthy stuff but like Mystik I add sugar. LoL!


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