
Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Well another tuesday and another project to tackle. I've been tackling the back yard for a LONG time now. It's been a few months and it's still not what it's supposed to be, obviously it doesn't help that we live on base, the yards are all the same, pretty much just the minimal things you need and nothing pretty or special about them.

We had to tear up the yard to try and replant grass, so that is taking forever.

Anyway, it's come a LONG way since then, and keep in mind we are NOT finished, not by a long shot, but I figured I would have to share something today, so it might as well be this.

Here's the yard before....this is what happens right after winter time and when you have a dog that destroys everything around, including chewing up the trampoline.

After many hours of working on it, this is what it's looking like right now. Yes again I remind you, it's not finished and it's not pretty, but it's a LOT better than it used to be.

So this is what we've been tackling for a while, and will continue to tackle until we can get rid of the darned weeds, grow some grass, and just have a nice yard. What have you tackled lately???

For a list of more tacklers LOL head on over to Janice's blog.


  1. OHH wow, it has come a L-O-N-G way you should be soo proud...and frankly my 7 year old saw your trampoline and she said "Who care's about the grass, lets go jump!"

    LOL! :D

  2. Looks like you are moving along over there! I look forward to seeing when you are all completed! Keep it up!!

  3. What a lot of work! Just think how much you'll enjoy sitting out there when it's all done!

  4. You are right - that is a huge project and you have come already a long way. Much better than I, with my huge project of redoing the guest bedroom, which also serves as my little office. But like I said, it is just way to hot right now. 106F today...So, I know what you are talking about walking out into an oven...
    BTW - your dog ate your trampoline? Yikes!
    Thank you so much for stopping by this morning.

  5. I can sympathize with you on this one! We're also living in base housing. Joe tilled up our backyard a few months back...just about all of it! It was hard because I couldn't take Kayla out back anymore until the grass grew in! We finally have grass! Yay! You'll get there day :)

  6. Wow what a lot of work. I'm not much of a yard person (no green thumb here) but am always impressed with others that are. Well done!

  7. Wow, I'd say that's a pretty big improvement! I need to do something with my front yard! I had a Rott/Black Lab mix that tore the grass up out there! Worst part is, the dirt is so packed down from him running back and forth over it, that the grass just won't grow now! I'm gonna have to till up the dirt to give the grass something to grow in! Fun, fun, fun!

    Great job girl!

    ((BIG HUGS))

  8. I have a yard like yours where the grass doesn't grow all that well. I think it's the red dirt here. I have been trying all year and all I have are weeds and dirt.


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