
Friday, July 21, 2006


"...For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." Philippians 4:11

"If you want any one thing too much it's likely to disappoint. The healthy way is to learn to like the everyday things, like soft beds and buttermilk..."-- Augustus McCrae-"Lonesome Dove"

I think one of my favorite everyday things is my computer. You may be shaking your head right now and wondering why on earth I would bring that up, but the truth is that without it I would be totally lost.

Being a military family, it means moving, from one place to another, from one state to another and many times, from one continent to another. Right now, my whole family is back in South Africa and I'm here in the States.

Every morning, I am able to get on my computer and email them, or write in my blog so they know what is going on with our lives, and even better, I'm able to call them on the computer and talk as if we were using a phone, use the web cam as if we were standing right there next to each other.

My computer has become my eyes and my ears with my family, and it's one of those everyday things that people take for granted, but not I. It's what's made those special moments even better, allowing them to see my children grow, allowing me to see my nieces and nephews turn from beautiful babies to gorgeous young kids. We've even shared New Year's Eve together, using the webcam, we were able to BE there when the clock struck midnight.
And when my hubby is deployed, it becomes the connection between us, the chats, the pictures of the kids missing daddy and the voice of reason when I'm freaking out over him being gone.

So there you have it, my Everyday Thing. For more simple yet meaningful everyday things, please run on over to Everyday Mommy.


  1. That's funny - I was going to put down my computer as my everyday thing today, too! I love my computer - I don't think it's a silly choice at all.

  2. Totally understand you on this one! When the interent is down or something you feel like "what am I going to do now?!" LOL


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