
Thursday, July 20, 2006

I give up on internet explorer

I'm SO sorry my template is not showing up right for some of the IE users. This is the reason why I even changed it, because it kept pushing my other template to the bottom of the page, and now it seems it's doing the same. What is it with IE and templates????

It's best viewed with Netscape and Firefox, so I think I'll just add that piece of info on the template. Again, I'm really sorry.

I'm waiting for Jasmine to wake up and then I have to head to Airman's Attic to drop off some stuff, then the post office to get my package and then the commissary for some WIC checks. I have to tell you, with all the milk my son drinks, I'm extremely lucky to have him on WIC or I don't know where I would go. I'm sure I could buy a cow couldn't I??? And I did milk one once, back in school on some weird that I think about it, why did I milk a cow, what's up with that???

I want to take a few moments to wish my dad a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Yes, he's back in South Africa and I miss him dearly, wish I could be there for his birthday, but since I can't, I guess the next best thing is a phone call and being there in spirit.

Dad, I hope you have a great day and eat loads of yummy food LOL Have a couple drinks for me too. May you have a many many more birthdays and hopefully with me nearby. I love you!!!

You know what I've come to realize these last 8 years of marriage??? That men really don't know what they're doing. Well, hold on, let me rephrase that.....Men really don't do things to annoy us, they just think differently!!! THERE, better, don't want to go upsetting my hubby or the rest of the male population in the world.
The reason I say this is because things that may seem just common sense to me, seem really complicated to my husband....he's an extremely smart man (seriously), but there's stuff that makes me shake my head and think "Oh COME ON". Ever feel that way?!?!?!?

Don't believe me???'s a few examples:

The trash is overflowing:
Me - Gotta be taken out
Hubby - Wonder how much more I can fit in there?
Take the last "whatever" out of the box:
Me - Throw the box away
Hubby - Let me put it back where I found it, empty and all.
Toys are all over the floor:
Me - Pick up the toys, I HATE stepping over them
Hubby - I'll just step over this one, and this one
Dishes have to be done:
Me - *sigh* wish I had some help
Hubby - Well I can't read your mind just ask me

The list goes on and on, and when we first got married it would really grate on my nerves. I honestly felt like banging my head against a wall. "What is wrong with this guy? It's right in front of him why can't he see it?". BECAUSE HE'S A GUY!!!! I've learnt the hard way!!!
Sorry honey, I love you to death, but you know it's true!!!
I think the moral of the story is, for all you ladies out there who are single, or engaged, remember that men don't think the way you do. If you want him to do something, SAY IT, specifically and to the point, don't dilly dally and beat around the bush. It will save you years of wondering what you're doing wrong. LOL

I desperately need to get back on my usual routine. I was used to waking up at 6 am every morning and the past 2 weeks I can't get up until almost 8 am. This would be great if it was the beginning of summer but seeing that school is going to start again soon, I really need to get back to normal. Whatever normal is.....anyone know???

Well the kids are acting up and not listening, I can tell it's going to be one of those days. - The hair pulling, want to pack and run away, please shoot me now kinda days.-
Jasmine especially has been testing my patience lately, I don't remember having such a bad attitude when I was 7 years old, but then again, maybe I did and just don't remember. Wish there was a way to bypass this stage, you know come to think of it, when she was an infant I kept saying I couldn't wait until she was a toddler, then she became a toddler and I thought "man, I can't wait until she's 5 or 6, I can't handle the terrible two's". Now she's at the age I wanted and I'm dying for teenager years (maybe not dying, I know that's going to be a problem all on it's own). I GIVE UP, I'll just enjoy whatever stage she's on and quit wishing for another one, it just seems that every age has it's ups and downs, right???

I better get off here before the kids destroy the house, or kill each other, the sibling rivalry is at it's peak today. See ya all in the morning, if I'm still here and haven't managed to run away to the circus. (oh wait, I AM there LOL).


  1. I agree with you on the men thing...they are just a different species. I've been married for almost 13 years now and during our first year of marriage my husband revealed to me that he could not read my mind. Very helpful hint! I think as women for some reason we expect them to just know what we want, well, unfortunately they do not. LOL

    As for the 7 year old with a bad attitude, I have an 8 year old with a bad attitude so I'm feeling your pain! I wasn't aware that the attitude started this early. I'm imagining it will only get worse and I can say I'm not looking forward to it! I'm with you on that we just have to appreciate the kids for where they are now!!

  2. Hey Sandra- Even tho i do not see the entire change to your site I like what I see!

  3. Sorry to burst your bubble sister, but no matter what age/stage they're at, they're still sinners! Oh what a curse.

    Anyway, for more bad news, I'm seeing your main content at the bottom instead of side by side.

    Hope you have a great day anyway... LOL!

  4. Okay we have too much in common! I am so glad you posted at my blog and I was able to find yours. I am 30 years old and my husband and I have been married for nearly 9 years. I agree all too well with all that your wrote about men! You are right - they think differently. VERY differently! Anyhoo - glad to meet you and I look foward to perusing your archives now!

  5. Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling...ahh, there you are! Found your post! LOL.
    Ok, that was some of the best advise I've heard for marriage communication ever...."don't beat around the bush...SAY IT!" Absolutely!! Why do we women tend to beat around the bush? Just SAY IT...thanks for the wisdom!!
    Enjoy your least I assume it's evening, since it's almost 4 here...I'm so behind everyone!

  6. Oh wow Matt's the same way! Drives me up the wall! Again oh wow my kids are the same way. Drives me back down the wall...LoL!

  7. I love the template change Sandra! Looks great!!!! :)

  8. I know what you mean about milk. I get WIC also and for some reason that is what my 3 year old loves to drink. I buy at least 1 gallon every 2 or 3 days, now that you mention it a cow would be cheaper. My husband also is like yours, he can walk past it overflowing, and I'll say "do you think I can stuff more in since it keeps falling onto the floor," and he just acts like he doesn't hear me, well maybe he doesn't.

  9. AMEN!!! I could have written that myself!!!

    I have been married 12 years and even though I have accepted these things, sometimes, even still...I try to "discuss" these issues with my DH. Prime example - we just painted our kitchen (see my blog) and he decided to clean out the roller in the kitchen sink when he was done. Fine, but the next morning, when I come into the kitchen I have RED latex paint on my faucet, in one of my glasses...and numerous other spots. I tell him this, and his "manly" response was, "Baby, if I had seen it, I would have cleaned it up." LOL!!

    Nonetheless I love him -- in spite of his "man" flaws and I thank God daily for him!

  10. HI Sandra, I posted on my blog that I couldn't open your blog but I just didn't realize how far down I needed to scroll. Glad you are here....I must admit I did panic for a minute there...LOL


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