
Wednesday, August 23, 2006


The First Day of School and I'm not even cranky or in a bad mood, I was up at 5:45am and ready to start the day. There's one thing I've learnt, that the earlier I get up, the more time I have to get things done, do my devotionals and read the Bible, and all this without interruptions.

So this morning, was our first day of school, Jasmine was up and ready to go. She LOVES school and though I have to admit that she usually is pretty good about getting up early, when we get to the last month or so before the summer break, she starts whining and complaining. I figure I have a few good months of cooperation until that happens again.

Here she is ready to go, she picked what she wanted to wear, and THAT was THAT (hear that whip crack?) her own words:

I want to look pretty for my first day, I think wearing white will make the whole classroom bright and shiny.
Let me tell you, I DON'T like sending her anywhere in white, especially since I know that during recess you can usually find her running around, climbing the monkey bars or playing tag with some boys. BUT, she can't run or walk much, for that matter, due to the little flashlight accident. She won't be able to do anything during recess and so she says she is "pretty sure" she will stay clean (we'll see lol).

Know what the start of school also teaches me??? That I'm really unfit and that I got too lazy during the summer. Monday and Tuesday afternoon, we walked up to the school to see the lists and then to meet the teacher etc....I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I was sweating up a storm, I was as red as a lobster and I just wanted to lay down, right there and then, it's like I couldn't move another inch without my legs screaming "Stop, stop, we give up, just stop the torture". It's SAD!!!!!

I've got a house to clean, some recipes to post and laundry to put away. Now that things are back to a normal schedule, it's time to get my house back in shape. I miss Jasmine though, it's always heartbreaking for me saying goodbye that first day, I must be the wussiest mom in the planet.

I think we all take for granted just how fast their childhood years go by. I sometimes feel like I've just had her and now she's starting second grade....where did the time go??? And most importantly, how do I let go of the control and allow her to grow without me constantly monitoring her every move? It's just something else to add to my list of things to "Hand over to God"...that list seems to be growing daily, now if I could just give it to Him instead of holding on....see, there we go with the holding on to something.

Hubby is working 12 hour shifts, so we don't see him much at all, it's almost like he's deployed overseas, but we see him walk by the house about 5 minutes a day. In a way, at times, it's harder than when he's physically gone know, you see him, you want to hug him or kiss him or talk and you just can't. Torture I say!!! The kids feel it the worst though, Jasmine misses playing with daddy and Nicholas wants daddy to chase him around the house.

Hey I offered to do these things, but apparently I'm not part of their "club", and I don't follow the rules to the letter. Something about games they play and me not knowing how to, move along mommy, you just don't understand. Oh well, there's some crafting waiting for me anyway LOL

Well here's my to do list for today.....someone once asked me if posting my list made it easier, and it really does. Here's what I found out, if I post my to do's for that day, I feel like I have to get them done because now it's public, EVERYONE and their mother has seen it and now they're going to be expecting me to do it....I can't very well come back the next day and say that I didn't accomplish it all. I guess posting the list on the blog makes me accountable and makes me feel like I really need to do it. Whatever, if it motivates me to get things done, then it's perfect for me.

  1. Vacuum living room
  2. Clean downstairs bathroom
  3. Bake cookies for Jasmine's after school snack
  4. Clean out my refrigerator (I have to thank Kristina for that, she motivated me lol)
  5. Post my recipe for tonight's dinner "Kielbasa Bundles"
  6. Pay Bills
  7. Remember to mail off paperbackswap book
I have about two hours before picking up Jasmine, so I think I may be able to get this all done. Nicholas is happily playing "Miss Spider" on the other computer and pretty soon it's lunch time too, so I better skidaddle on out of here. Have a great day!!!


    1. Two things:

      Those puppies waving their tales are toooo cute!

      That statement of Jasmine's wanting to make the room bright and shiny is about as precious as it can be!

    2. hope the first day of school went well for Jasmine! What a great attitude about wearing white to brighten up the classroom! Hope the dress stayed that way :)

      How is her toe by the way?

    3. She is absolutely adorable! Here's hoping she had a wonderful day!!! (and that Mommy did too! ;))

    4. What your daughter said is *so* amazingly precious! You need to frame that picture together with her on her wedding day, in white. :) Gosh, it almost makes me teary! She's so cute. I hope that she had a wonderful first day of school!

    5. how adorable is she? and you brave for sending her in white - my daughter is 11 and i still don't even buy her white - LOL!!

      i agree with you about getting up early - my kids start school next week (my baby is going to Kindergarten - boohoo) and i have been trying to get up early each day this week and get them up shortly after. it has made a difference. i had so much done this AM only to look at the clock to find out it was only 8:45am. how grand is that?!?!?!

      hope the first day went well!

    6. Hope it was a nice first day for both Jasmine and Mommy...ditto what Lisanne said, she looks like an angel.

    7. She looked so cute for her first day! I too, was sad to see my little girl start school, so I can relate!

      My husband too, is working shiftwork right now and it is crazy. He gets 2 days off a week though which makes it bearable.

      I am starting to do a good cleaning at our house too, to get ready for the holidays. I always do that after school starts. I clean out closets, wash linens, clean out under beds and organize! Just like spring cleaning but I call it fall cleaning.

      Hope you got all your to-do list done. You have officially joined me in the "mommys who wake up way to gosh dang early club", my kids started school a few weeks ago and we have to wake up about 5 or 5:30 depending on tired I am.

    8. Sandra please tell where you get all the great pics you put on your blog. I just love them. Laura
      PS: Your daughter is adorable.

    9. Hello there. I have been "sneeking" around your page for about two days now - got your link from MelfromSA's blog. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog and will back. Trust Jasmine's first day at school was as bright as her white dress.

    10. Ah, I remember those first days of school when my children were little. Now my oldest has graduated from high school and the other two are in 11th and 8th grade. I often wonder were the time has gone and the older I get the faster it seems to go by!

    11. Awww..she is adorable!! I'll bet the classroom was very shiny and bright! I hope she had a wonderful first day at school!!


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    Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
