
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Works for Me Wednesday!!! August 23rd

I didn't get to participate in the "Works for Me Wednesday" last week, so I'm glad to be back :)

I think the tip I have today will be one that a lot of us can relate to.

Summer time in my house, usually means ice cream, or actually more in the line of popsicles. Anything from Crayon shaped to Dora to Heroes, there's just so many to pick from. The kids love them and hey, even I get in there sometimes, especially when it's really really hot outside.

BUT there's a downside to it.....the popsicle sticks. No matter how many times I tell them to throw them in the trash, I still end up finding everywhere, under the couch cushions, on the floor, behind their beds....yeah BEHIND THEIR BEDS.....why they were in their rooms to begin with, is another issue altogether.

Anyway, I was walking around one day, cleaning the house, and I must have collected at least 10, so I thought "you know there has to be something I can make with these". Then I remembered a long long time ago, I mean years ago, I had seen a craft using these sticks to create a little "Recipe Window". AHA!!!!!

So yesterday I sat down and made one real quick.....and now I'm going to show you how easy and how cute they look, and then I'm going to show you the many ways I've found to use them. With school starting today, there's always permission slips, reminders, teacher notes etc...and this will be the PERFECT way to keep them all organized on my fridge door.

Here's what they look like alone. You take 5 popsicle sticks and hot glue them together, then take one of those small ready-made wood cutouts (the one I used was from an old door sign), I'm going to buy some little apples, or hearts or something for the glue those to the front of the sticks.....and then glue some magnets to the back. I used some magnets I already had laying around, but for the others I make today, I'm going to use some magnetic strip.

Here's how it works as a recipe holder:

Or to hold photos:

Or important school papers:

Or even mail:

So you see, the uses are endless, and what better way to get rid of all the popsicle sticks laying around the house. AND here's the best that the kids know I'm making these and collecting the sticks....when they're done eating, they go wash them and then bring them to me. NO MORE finding popsicle sticks all over the house :)

Works for Me!!!

If you want to play along with the "Works for Me Wednesday", just head on over to Shannon's "Rocks in my Dryer".


  1. Sandra that is a cute idea...even a non crafty person like me should be able to handle that lol. Good one!

  2. great idea...
    you must subscribe to Taste of Home or one of those mag...looks like the mag. that my mom gets...and I copy recipes out of...

  3. THAT is adorable! Okay, on my way to buy a box of popsicles!

  4. What a great idea! I love it!!! I know what you mean about finding popsicle sticks everywhere too. They show up in the strangest places!

  5. Excellent craft to do with kids, too, as long as the adult works the glue gun! They could decorate with all sorts of stuff! You're so creative!

  6. That is once again another great idea...I'll be doing this one for sure.

  7. I like that. I'm gonna make some. The front of my fridge looks like a tree barfed all over it! Ha ha... lovely visual!

  8. Cute and clever! And you can buy popsickle sticks at your craft store if you don't have any popsickle-eaters around your house.

  9. What a great idea! I'm bookmarking this one. :) I even own a glue gun. :)

    Thanks for your comment on my WFMW (alternate use for a pot rack) post. As always, I appreciate you stopping by!

    Oh, and if I haven't said it before, I LOVE your new blog design! :)

  10. Adorable!!!! I sense a craft time coming to light in our home......

  11. WOW bet those would make great gifts too! LOVE it!

  12. Very cute idea and I bet your kids can spice them up with paint and beads.


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