
Thursday, August 17, 2006

I'm going to be in SO much trouble

when school starts next week. You all know that I'm a morning person, and my wake up time is around 6:30am. Well for the past 2 weeks I've been sleeping in until 8 am, and the other day it was actually almost 10am. (I was lucky that the kids slept in too).

But now with school starting next wednesday, I am just not ready to go back to waking up that early.....I'm in so much trouble!!!
I've tried going to bed earlier thinking that "hey, I fell asleep early that means I'll be ready to get up early"....but NOOOOOOOO, mybody says "oh come on, just a few more minutes, and besides it's still summer break you don't need to be up yet". See, even my own body is betraying me!!!

I managed to get some of my to do list done, but what I didn't do I'll obviously be achieving today, or so I hope. As soon as I get things straight out around the house, then I'll start on my kitchen curtains, I'm dying to get those done and see how they look :)

As we were heading out the door yesterday, I snapped some pictures of the kids, my family had asked me when I would post more and it HAS been a while, so here you go.......

A few ladies asked me yesterday how I make my fleece blankets, and it really is so easy. Jasmine loves helping me and she actually wants to make some herself, I think she said for some of her dolls as well....I think it's great and it's a project that the kids can get involved with :)

I'm going to point you in the direction of a really easy method, using two pieces of fleece fabric. I've made it that way and I've also made it just with a single piece of fleece, cut the four inch long, one inch wide fringe around the blanket and then tied a knot on each to create the tassled look. That's the way my kids do it, they get confused with the two piece blankets :)

This morning while checking my email, I had one from my stepmom about Cell Phone vs The Bible, I thought it was so cleverly done that I had to share with you all.

Cell Phone vs. Bible
I wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our
cell phones?
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we turned back to go get it if we for got it?
What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
What if we used it as we traveled?
What if we used it in case of an emergency?
What if we upgraded it to get the latest version?
This is something to make you go...hmmm...where is my Bible?
Oh, and one more thing. Unlike our cell phone, we dont ever have to
worry about our bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid
the bill!
Isn't that the truth?!?!?! Why is it that we as Christians at times feel almost ashamed or embarassed to show that we follow Christ??? Do we really care so much about what other people think???

I feel that the way society has become, we're far too obsessed with fitting in to some sort of mold or standard. If we don't then we're scared of being outcasts or looked down on. It's just amazing to me that some would rather turn their backs on the Lord than proudly announce thatthey're Christians. I'm not saying this without fault, I too used to be the same way. Here's an example, I get tons of emails everyday, a lot of them just forwards and jokes etc.....and I would quickly pass those on to my friends, but then one would come about "If you love Jesus, pass this on to all your friends" and I would think twice about doing it, I didn't want to offend anyone or let them think I was trying to preach or impose my way of thinking on them. How sad is that?!?!?!?

After reconnecting with the Lord, I am no longer afraid to pass those on and let others think that I'm a Christian. I now forward those emails with the same happiness and excitement (or actually MORE) than the jokes or friendship emails. Has the world come to an end because I do that? Do people criticize me or judge me? Has anyone turned their backs on me because I did it?
NO, if anything I feel a million times better with myself, and right now I couldn't be happier with my relationship with God. So next time you're in that situation, proudly announce or better yet, don't DENY that you're Christian, who cares what others think as long as HE is happy with you?

Well it's time for my "Blog Drive", and then I have to get started on my To Do List.

Post today's dinner "Smothered Steak" on my food blog.
Vacuum living room and bedrooms.
Finish putting laundry away.
Clean up computer desks.
Start kitchen curtains.

I hope you all have a wonderful thursday, God Bless,


  1. Cell Phone vs the Bible was so true. One of the people at the church used to tell me they could always tell when they were in the home of a practicing Christian because the Bible would be out in full view and look like it had been through a tornado (worn like it had been used a lot).

  2. Proclaiming our faith is what Jesus commands. Good thoughts on that today and the Bible vs Cell Phones is great!

  3. I don't know if I've ever left you a comment; after spending a bit of time at your blog I had to come back and tell you I so enjoyed it; the music was just great too - really, really enjoyed it. We got to see them in concert last summer and it was fabulous. Goosebumps all night long!

    I'll be back to visit again.

  4. I got several of those handmade fleece blankets as shower gifts. My baby still loves toting them around.
    I'm certainly not ashamed of my faith, but something about who I am makes my faith feel deeply sacred and private. It's hard for me to break through that feeling and share my faith with people.

  5. I know what you mean about getting up earlier. Today was Kayla's first day of preschool and it starts at 8. Now I'm up by 8, but usually not dressed and ready to head out the door!

  6. Amen Girl - well said and SO TRUE!!! I love the song as well - we need more songs that are written like this - powerful!!
    Have a super day!

  7. I hear ya on the getting up early! I'm in no way, shape or form a morning person!!! It's been a tough week and half trying to drag myself out of bed early! Good luck!!

  8. That cell phone vrs Bible is so true, and a good "stop think".

    Your son looks like you.

    I'm snap awake every morning at exactly 6 am..I don't even use an alarm clock..just happens. I wish I could sleep in. When I get tired in my day, I pull over and have a 5 minute power nap, and then I'm good to go again. Handy talent to have.

  9. What precious children you have. I enjoyed the photos!
    Thanks for sharing the blanket link. My sister made these last year and we love them!
    Also, thank you for stopping by my Haven for Home blog and leaving your kind comments. It's always nice to meet another military wife.

    ~ Christina
    HsKubes HomeSchool Haven
    HsKubes Haven for Home
    Christian Military HomeSchool Mamas

  10. Absolutely adorable pic's of the kids! And love the new site!! GREAT job!!

  11. Love the Cell Phone vs. Bible!!! SO SO TRUE! I have been lurking for a while.. and really enjoy visiting your site. I wanted to tell you that I am struggling with denying that I need to get back on "the school routine" as well!!! :)

  12. What a great post Sandra!! I loved the whole analogy. It really does put it into perspective. You are such an inspiration. Thank you!

  13. I'm not a morning person at all and I am not looking forward to when school starts in 3 weeks. My two oldest have to be on the bus at 8:30am, which means I'll have to either go to the curb with my housecoat on and hair madusa style or get with it. My hubby's hoping for the later... ;-)


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
