
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Dagnabit, no Bellydancing.....

I was all excited, even my hips were shaking....well not literally, but you know, the excitement was running through me.

I walk up to the fitness aisle, look through the DVD's and am met with NO Bellydancing video. WHAT?!?!?!?!? Seems that I can only get it at Walmart Online, not at the actual store. BLEH!! that's all I say to that.

I did spend my whole Gift Card on some craft stuff. Wanna see what I got?

I picked up some fleece to make the kids some blankies with the little tassles on the bottom, they are by far the easiest to make and the kids LOVE picking their own. Of course Nicholas got Dora and Jasmine picked up one with dogs on it.

I've started some of the tassles on the bottom, but wasn't able to finish because they wanted their blankets, like, yesterday....LOL

I also picked up some yarn to make some scarves, gloves, hats etc....needed more yarn since the one I had at home wouldn't be enough. Again they picked their own colors, I think they like being a part of the whole process.

Then I went to my favorite part, the $1 a yard fabric. I could just get lost in all of those, and the possibilities are endless as to what I can make. I settled on one for the kitchen curtains, it just caught my eye.
Then I bought another cream colored fabric to make the pillows and coverlet etc for my bed, the one I want to make using candlewicking....can't wait to get that started :)

I was able to find a refill kit for my soap making and then hubby later bought me another kit called "Spa Indulgences" which is just heavenly....can't wait to make these. I'm thinking that for christmas I'll make a whole bunch of different shapes and scents etc, and send them to my family as gifts.

And there ya have it, that's just some of the stuff I bought. I find crafting very relaxing, no matter if I'm knitting, sewing, making soaps or's just a wonderful way to have fun doing something which you can then use, gives you a whole new sense of accomplishment and pride :)

I finally got to watch the second part of the movie "Victoria and Albert", totally loved it, it's not only a love story but also historical and hey, if you can get both out of one why not right????

I got my groceries done this morning, all my errands got done too, and now I'm going to start my laundry and work on my kitchen curtains. Oh Oh I also plan on changing my bed, got some new linens etc so I'll take a pic of that and post it for you tomorrow :)
But since I mentioned groceries, you know what grates on my nevers, BIG TIME??? Those people that sit in the middle of the aisles, with their cellphones, asking annoying stuff like "Hey you want the yellow or the blue box of cereal?", "you want chicken or pork tonight? Really? I was leaning towards steaks!". ARRRRGGHHHH!!!!

When I got home this morning, I had all of my paperbackswap books waiting for me. YAY, I got "31 Days Toward Intimacy with God" by Joni Eareckson Tada (just ordered her book entitled "Joni" which tells her testimony). I also got Brave Hearts Under Red Skies by Col. O'Leary and also Saved by the Light by Dannion Brinkley. Can't wait to add these to my Reading Pile.

I haven't yet had a chance to go on my usual "Blog Drive", but I'm hoping to do it tonight. Isn't it funny how just a few days before the new school year, everything shifts into overdrive??? I feel like I'm back on the crazy run run run schedule, feels good in a way, doesn't give me a chance to get bored with anything.

I got an email from mom this morning, seems that she wasn't able to have her PET Scan done on monday, the machines were not working, so she now has to wait until they've been fixed to go in for the exam. It seems that the appointment for the 21st (on monday), has now been moved to the 21st of September to give time for all the test results to be in. She's in good spirits and she is going to fight this, no matter what. I only wish I was as brave as she is, I honestly don't know how I would react in her shoes.

She wanted me to thank you all for the prayers, it meant a lot to her to know that she was being prayed for by ladies that she has never met.....I say, that's the power of the Lord at it's best isn't it? If you could keep her in your prayers still, and pray that the cancer hasn't spread anywhere else, I would be very much appreciative :)

Well I better start my day, or actually, continue my day. Here's my to do list:

- Redo bedroom
- All the laundry, washed, folded and put away
- Vacuum living room and bedrooms
- Start my kitchen curtains
- Post today's dinner recipe on my food blog

It's actually not a lot and I'm sure I'll get it all done before dinner time, just gotta get moving.
I leave you with a prayer taken from Joni Tada's book.

Lord, even though I face a busy day (or have just lived through one!),
even though I find myself running from this to that,
from here to there, I still want to crawl into the shelter of
Your arms. Even though my life moves at a blur,
I want to still myself in Your strength.
I want to rest in Your protection and tender care,
even when I feel like I'm wrestling alligators.
I take refuge in You, Jesus.
This day, all day, and all days.


  1. OOOHHH!!! I like that spa induldgence!!! you got it at walmart?? HOW FUN!!! might have to check it out for xmas gifts too!!!

  2. Not to a blog for someone!! Thanks again!!

  3. We love those little fleece blankets with the tassels! Emily's Brownie troop made small ones and donated them to a children's hospital. She loved making them so much she made another one for her great-grandmother for Christmas. They are so cute and easy!

  4. So sorry for the wait your mom is being put through. That's so scarey to be up in the air on these kinds of things.

    The projects sound so fun. Can't wait to see the finished products.

  5. Wow...I don't visit a few a days and you completely redecorate! Love your new look.

    I laughed when you said ..better go start my day...huh? You get more done before you start your day than I get done in an entire day. LOL.

    Your craft ideas are great..I admire that about you.

    Sorry to hear that you have to wait on your mom's test. Frustrating! Tomorrow is hospital day for my mom..and I'm taking her. Sis is gone camping, so it's my turn...the office will just have to do without me for the most of the day. That thought gives me butterflies! Ugh.

    Have a good evening.


  6. Wow I really must look into the Spa Induldgence! The Christmas thing sounds like a great idea & I may just do that myself. I just have to figure out how to make! Does the kit have directions??? LOL!
    Prayers still going out to your family & no need for the thank you's!

  7. becky - I LOVE the Spa Indulgence, it's really easy to use, and you can make 2 pump bottles full of soap and 4 big bar ones with flowers inside :)

    beckyb - Oh you're so welcome :) I'm glad you're happy with it :)

    mom of 2 - aren't those fleece blankets just the best, they're so easy to make :)

    morning glory - It's extremely hard for her, but she's a very devoted Christian and she's put it all in the Lord's hands, so she's handling very well :)

    Rena - Yeah you've been away and have missed so much LOL I've missed seeing you here :) LOL I have to push myself to get things done, if I get up and don't start doing something straight away, that's IT, I'm pretty much doing nothing for the rest of the day LOL

    Courtney - LOL the soap kits come with directions and they are SUPER easy to make, I couldn't believe how easy it was, and I figure this way I can make everyone different shapes and colors and scents....wrap it with some nice wrapper and even add my name to it. Ooohhh or even make a whole gift basket...yeah yeah LOL
    Thank you for the prayers :) Hope you're doing good, been thinking of ya lots :)

  8. Wow, what a great blog Sandra (and you have a wonderful name too, I might add!). I'll be back often.

    I also checked out your pug blog, ahhh, what cuties! I've always loved pugs and although we have a sheltie, pugs would be my next choice for a dog.

  9. Sorry they didn't have the belly dancing fitness DVD! (and I've heard that is a really great way to get in shape!) but looks like you got a lot of great stuff anyway!

    Still keeping your MIL in my prayers!

  10. OOOOOOh let me know how the spa indulgence kit is. That looks like something I would like.
    I make those fleece blanket too. I can't knit or anything else, but those I can do. I love how they come out even though they are so simple.
    Tell MIL we will all keep her in our prayers. I hope it turns out well.

  11. too bad they didn't have the bellydance video- it is a great workout and alot of fun. I've taken classes...I have a real skirt (with coins sewn on it)...confessions of a in-my-real-life- conservative/long skirt-wearing/homeschool mom...
    liked your fleece blankets too, very cute.
    Jenny in Ca


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