
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It's so great having family visiting......

You know it's one of the best feelings when you have family over and you can all just hang out and have fun. Curt and I were just talking about it on the way to the airport, because I was saying that when I'm with my family or his family is when I actually laugh until my sides know the kind, you can't breathe and you just laugh and laugh. What a great feeling!!!

Being military we are constantly on the move and don't have family living next door or just down the street, it's tough at times, especially when there's something going on in your life and you would like to have some help or even just someone nearby to talk to. Anyway, my MIL and BIL arrived yesterday afternoon and then we all headed to Chili's for some dinner........can I say YUM????
It's my favorite place to eat at, it's inexpensive and the food is just deliscious.

Our friends left this morning, it's the one thing about military life that always gets to me. You do make a lot of new friends and meet new people, but you're also constantly having to say goodbye to old friends. Life continues though, and we deal with it one day at a time. :)
Just hope they make a safe trip, I don't envy them being on the road for the next 6 days with 3 if you could say a little prayer for them to have a good and safe trip, please?

I know I haven't been here as much as I would like to, but you all understand right? I miss seeing everyone's blogs though and chatting, but I guess that will have to wait a bit, guess my blog is being put on the back burner for now. So if you haven't seen me commenting on my usual blog hangouts, don't panic, I'LL BE BACK *said in schwarzeneger voice*

I was just thinking that I didn't get to participate in the WFMW today, but honestly I couldn't really think of anything that makes my life easier, I've pretty much shared all my shortcuts, tips and handy dandy things in my life.....I'm running out of ideas though.

The kids are hanging out with grandma right now, having fun and playing, it's always wonderful seeing the joy in their faces when they know their grandma and uncle are coming to visit. So they're spending a lot of time with her, my BIL and hubby are playing games on the Playstation, and I took this time to sit down and quickly write my post.

We don't have anything planned for tomorrow, just talking and playing games. Did I ever tell you that my hubby's family is big into playing card and board games???? It's just so much fun, we get together and instantly the games appear, it's something we've passed onto our kids too and they're very competitive but also great loosers....they've learnt how to shake hands and say "Great Game" even if they loose, something my father in law did ALL the time :)

So as you can see, nothing much is going on here, I'm just extremely grateful to God for the time he gives us with our families, it may not be long but it's always the best.

Hope you're all having a wonderful wednesday, I'll be back tomorrow morning.


  1. I think it is perfectly OK to put blog world on the back burner....the time you spend with family is PRICELESS especially when you know it is limited. We love playing games brother and SIL are coming in town this weekend and we can usually get them to play with us!! Anyway, ENJOY!!!!!


  2. Wow, do you know how fortunate you are to be able to enjoy your extended family so thoroughly! Not everyone can and I think the joy in your post is wonderful. Good for you!

    To Love, Honor and Dismay

  3. I don't have much family so envy those who have big extended families and enjoy close ties. And I'm with Becki...real life trumps blogging every time.
    I'm here by way of Dr. John.

  4. I missed reading your blog this morning...I posted late....I understand about the military and family thing. We were stationed at Tyndall AFB in PC Florida. So I know how happy you are to have family there...enjoy it and stay up late talking....and drink coffee in the morning and cook big breakfasts...just have a ball, because you are on vacation too.
    have to you soon,

  5. I appriciate what you said...thanks for
    tuning into me everyday......we are very blessed,

  6. It's good for you to spend this time with your family. All your blog friends will forgive you. ;)

  7. Spending time with family and just hanging around with them is quite some fun. Hope I could do that too.
    Hello! I'm here from Dr. John.

  8. I don't like when my friends leave either. I just said goodbye to one last week, her hubby went to Iraq and with a 3 month old baby, her first, she decided to stay with her mom in Ct. for this year, but she will be back here in May. My MIL and FIL came this past March and they are so into cards and board games. My husband hates losing to his mom and one night we were all playing scrabble and me and my FIL finally went to bed about midnight and when my husband came to bed around 2:30 he kept saying "she beat me by 1 point." When I talked to her the next day we were laughing because she said her son was taking 20 minutes a turn just so he could lay down a word that would finally win the game. She won't let him live it down. The next night she got 5 Yahtzee's in a row. How's that for luck? Anyway I hope you have fun, this is just the visit I like. Game playing and all.

  9. Its hard saying goodbye at any time!

    Thanks for your encouraging comments on my blog tonight. Get this...I was second guessing my decision to stop nagging my daughter and trust God with her choices, and then, in my class tonight, this was the scripture they focused on:

    And the Lords servant must not quarrel; instead he msut be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him, he must gently instruct in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil who has taken them captive to do his will (2 Tim 2:25-26)

    Isn't God good?

  10. It's great to hear you're having a great time with them, Sandra. My husband's family also loves cards! Can't wait to see more photos from you. And thanks again for stopping by my blog.

    just having a great time with my aunts last weekend on my cousin's wedding :)

  11. I dont' know how you all cope with being on the move all the time. I'm sure that you get used to it..I don't know if I could though. I've been living in the same town for 27 years.

  12. It sounds like you have an astounding WFMW suggestion--a positive perspective. God Bless you!


  13. Sounds like your visit got off to a good start. Enjoy your time with them.

    I will keep your friends in my prayers as they are a on their journey.

    Take care and have fun!

  14. Sadly being a product of a military family, all of my relatives are spread throughout the United States. We all got together for the first time last year, and it was great. I am very happy that you are able to spend time with yours. :)


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
