
Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Since I'm going to be out all day today, I tackled my project yesterday. Wanna know what it is???

Yep not just one single room, or a drawer, or maybe even a, that's too normal for me, I have to deviate from the norm just because....well, just because I'm ME. LOL
I'm doing the whole house, and why you may ask? Because I have family coming in this morning, and yesterday I had to watch my friends kids the whole day which meant by the time they left, at 6pm, THAT is when I was able to get my house cleaned and ready for company.

So what happens when you mix 5 kids and two dogs??? Although I shouldn't even mention the dogs, the poor things didn't do anything but try to stay out of the kids way. It's not like I caught them playing with a toy LOL
But this is what you find......

Not a pretty sight huh???? I had to set the 1 year old down in the middle of that chaos so I could grab my camera LOL
In the meantime, my hubby was busy with the upstairs bathroom, removing the old sealant and adding new one, so my bathroom looked like this.

Not exactly what you want to see when you know it's 6pm and you have family arriving early the next morning.

After the kids left, hubby and I got to work on the house and trying to get everything done, well apart from some little things that I need to finish off this morning. But at least those 3 rooms look like this now. MUCH BETTER!!!!!

Not perfect but hey, it's a lived in house, we can't have Martha Stewartish rooms around here, that would just be silly LOL (for us at least)

So what have you tackled today, a room, a drawer, a craft project.....whatever it is, come share it with us at 5 Minutes for Mom.....go on, don't be shy, we won't laugh I promise :)


  1. I don't think it's possible for me to have the Martha Stewart house! A friend of mine's house actually is spotless and perfectly decorated at all times, but she never sits down all day long. That's just not me. Our house is clean, but lived in for sure! Your house looks great to me!!

  2. Wow, you guys were a whirlwind of cleaning energy! Looks great. Have fun with visiting family.

    And I want to say thanks again for helping me out last week with photobucket! It was much appreciated!

  3. You did an awesome job. I don't know where you got the energy after having your neighbors kids on top of your own. Thank God hubby helps. That sure makes it a lot easier. I love when mine is around and can help me.

  4. Good job!! Now go take a nap for about 7 deserve it.

  5. Looks like you have been busy! Enjoy your time with your family.

  6. Wow!!! I wasn't expecting "after" pictures so soon!! I was going to offer to come help clean. What a job! At least everyone had fun! LOL. You did a great job cleaing up! Enjoy having your family for a visit.

  7. Great job! I know what you mean! I just need to clean my HOUSE! I'm not exactly Marth Stewart anyway but I really try to do my best with 4 kids. Feel free to stop by mine. : )

  8. Great job! I wish I could work that quickly and miraculously! ;)

  9. Way to Go! WE've have erruptions like that in the play rooms too and I only have 2 kids LOL

    Good job! Bet your company was impressed!



  10. I think you did a fantastic job! :)

  11. Aren't you always amazed at how much destruction kids can make in such a short time. The rule in my house is that every night my son has to at least make a "path" to the door. I have visions of him tripping over everything in the middle of the night if he had to get up. Kids! Good job getting it cleaned up. Enjoy your company!

  12. Wow, are you ambitious! Still, I gotta say the mess is very colorful...especially when you throw a few cute little redheads into the mix, LOL!

  13. You did a great job. Hope your visit is a relaxed one.

  14. Oh my - three rooms...You are the bomb!!! You did a terrific job. Did you stay up all night?
    I was so beat last night I wasn't even sure if I would get mine done...

  15. I'm exhausted just reading about it. I forgot to tell you BTW...I like the new pic of you on the's cheaky and cute!
    As usual, I only tackle work on Tuesdays...and all other days for that matter.

  16. OH WOW WOW WOW...its hard to beleive that's the same house!!! looks amazing! You did a wonderful job, I know that after 6 PM here I am ready for BED not hard labor...GREAT JOB!!!

    Mine's up to, come see what I got into this Tuesday:

  17. wow you guys got a lot of work done today!! Rooms look great :) Have fun visiting with the family!

  18. hello. here send by Dr. John. what a busy task you had/ must be a very energetic lady....i had 5 kids of my own so i hear the mess and chaos that a house can sometimes find itself in...good luck. and have a great time with your company.

  19. You did a super job. I had your blog up on my screen when my beloved sat at the computer. He absolutely loved your daughters' red hair. How cute!! Thanks for sharing.

  20. you certainly did a great job!!!! it looks wonderful! here from dr john


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