
Monday, August 28, 2006

The Name of the Game?!?!?1

Barb at A New Chelsea Morning is asking us all a question, one which I'm sure we've all asked at one point or another. What's in the name of a blog??

Are you like me? Since I created my blog four months ago I've visited hundreds of other blogs. And some of the names are so creative my first thought is, "I wonder why she chose this name. What does it mean to her? Does it say something about her?"
Well I think mine is pretty obvious and at the time I started my blog, I also felt like Barb, I wondered where all the cool eye catching blog names were coming from. I wanted one that would be cute and memorable, but after racking my brain for an hour or so, I just decided to stick with the plain and simple truth. I'm a stay at home mom, and there really is nothing exciting about the title for that, hence "Diary of a Stay at Home Mom".

Yes I know, it's not fancy shmancy and not exciting or memorable, but then again, neither is my life, I'm just a plain and down to earth, mom, wife, military spouse and christian try to come up with a name that incorporates all THAT!!!

I think I achieved what I wanted, people to know that this is a mom blog above all, so if they're moms themselves or even slightly interested in "momdom", hopefully the name will entice to come on in and sit for a bit. There's talk of everything in here, some neat things and some not so neat ones as you can see here.

So there you have it....this is the downright truthful, pure, direct, no lies DIARY OF A STAY AT HOME MOM.

If you want to play along or just want to know how others picked their blog names, just go on over to Barb's blog.


  1. Simple and to the point. I love it! I can relate to your life and will be back around soon. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love your blog title, I can relate to it!

  3. Your blog title totally suits what you have here! Love it!

  4. OK, I'll try. You could have named your blog Diary of a down-to-earth mom wife military spouse Christian lady. See? Easy peasy. :-)

    OK, that cartoon is hilarious. I'm sitting here clacking my teeth.

    Here's what surprises me. I'm amazed you able to use the name you chose. Surprised blogger didn't tell you a jillion other women were already using it.

    And I so get that it really does say it all about you. But you know, um, you do have that OTHER blog. You know. The one with the REALLY cute name. Ahem....

  5. Oh my goodness, I just LOVE all of your leaves (read my profile...I am an autumn person trapped in Florida..heh heh...just kidding, Lord!)

    My son is in the military so there is a link there, as well!

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. I think you chose a great title for your blog!

  7. Sandra, I alway love reading your blog, I love the recipes and the crafts and just peeking into your just so fun. lol My dad was in the military and my son is a Marine and was over in Afghanistan and Iraq.

  8. I loved your name......very well put.

  9. Nice blog! I just love your header! I'd guess by the title and appearance that you are down to earth as you say. Good choice!


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