The one where you walk into the bathroom one day, to find the walls nicely decorated for you??? And I don't mean with crayons, no, that would be too normal, I mean know....the.....oh come on don't make me say it, look I'll just tell you what I saw and you can use your imagination ok?
So it's friday afternoon, Nicholas says he has to go potty, he runs in there like usual. I come walking in after a minute or two, and he is pointing it at the bathroom walls next to the toilet and you know......painting the walls?!?!?!
Then I heard a blood curdling scream and I jumped, only to realize that the scream actually came from somewhere deep inside me. I think I scared him too cause he finished up real quick and ran out of the bathroom.
There, I've said it......I've now joined the ranks of the many of you out there who know exactly what I'm talking about. Why couldn't I be picked to join the "Cool Moms Club"??? Only my luck that I get picked for this!!! So now, he is not allowed to go near the bathroom alone, hopefully I can nip this habit soon.
I have pictures to share with you this morning, some asked for the candlewicking pattern, so I'm giving you that and I'm also showing you how mine is coming along. I also posted another recipe on my food blog, it's for Feijoada (Portuguese Chilli sort of) and it's really good, so if you like beans and bacon, sausage sure to take a peek :)
Here's the pattern for you all, I also made sure it included the instructions AND I am also giving you the directions for the most common stitches, so now you have NO excuse as to why you can't try some candlewicking, and hey, with holidays just around the corner, wouldn't it be fun to make some as gifts???

Yesterday afternoon, I started my second pillow, I picked one of the new patterns, it's a beautiful basket called "Granny's Spring Bouquet", I only had about 20 minutes to work on it, but I'm liking the outcome so far, can't wait to finish it today and then get this one and the last one washed, ironed and sewn.....I should have them ready to show you all tomorrow!!!

I have quite a bit planned for today, got a backyard needing some attention, the grass is getting high and I'm scared one of the kids will get lost out there (well not really, I'm just kiddin lol), my car also needs to get a tire aired up, I have some carpets screaming for attention, so I'm bringing out the trusty Steamer, love that thing.......gotta figure out what to fix for dinner, bake some bread, clean out my refrigerator and then work on my candlewicking.

From "31 Days Toward Intimacy with God":
He Already Seeks You!!!
God is an intruder. He encroaches, presumes, invades, and infringes. He crashes the party. Tears aside curtains. Throws open locked doors. Hits the light switch in dark rooms. Pulls the fire alarm in stuffy, sacrosant hallways.Wow, isn't that the truth??? But you know I welcome the intrusion in my life, as a matter of fact He is the only one that I allow to intrude at any time, wherever I am. Doesn't He have every right to intrude? I AM devoted to Him, I belong to Him so you can't really call it intruding.
"You can throw the whole weight of your anxieties upon him, for you are his personal concern" 1 Peter 5:7He has intruded in my life, sometimes with small things, the things that we tend to overlook and not even realize until much later that he indeed did, and then there's times that he intrudes with a BANG.....those HUGE wake up calls. It just reminds me that He is never too busy for me, or too worried about someone else, or sitting around just watching me mess up......He is interested in MY life, in what I'm doing, He is involved in my every day things, no matter how small.
But it also shows me that He wants intimacy with me, probably more ardently than I seek it with Him, and that saddens me but it also pushes me to try harder, to make the extra effort to reach Him and to show Him that I can be just as involved in all things Godly, as He is involved with all things earthly.
Can't wait to read the following Chapter, this book has helped me realize many things and I'm so eager to learn many more.
I have alot to look forward to with little Miller...dont I?
That was too funny.
Your bread sonds yummy....I like to make homemade bread in the fall...the smell is wonderful.
You always put together the nicest variety of subject matter in your posts. I just never know what I'm going to find when I get here, but I'm never disappointed.
Now, Nicholas and the trip to the potty??? ROFL
Uhhmmm... unfortunately, I know EXACTLY what you meant with "painting the walls" --- yuck! I'm so sorry.
I agree with you that we don't seek God as we should. I know I need to quit being so busy and just be still with Him.
Welcome to the mom's of little boys rank. Having had 5 I am not sure this is even a habit, seems like more of a game. They do eventually learn to get most of it is the potty, my 14 year old son is the worst because he is usually in such a rush, anyway buy one of those mister clean things with the long handle and diamond shaped head, this works pretty good, I use mine all the time. Oh and of course antibacterial wipes. I usually find these expensive, but they sure do work well in this situation. And don't forget to get used to cleaning the bathroom 4 or 5 times a day at least.
Glad to hear you are liking your book. I remember she was one of the first woman I had heard a story about and helped ingrain being a Christian in a lot of ways.
Sounds like you have a busy day planned!! Enjoy your weekend!!
Do the really learn to get most of it in the potty? I mean I think even men enjoy the game. :)
My boys are 7 and 8, and I still feel like I am cleaning up everywhere, all the time. I agree, get the antibacterial wipes. And look forward to adding extra laundry to your list, for the days when they are in so big a rush, they seem to drip more in their underwear than the toilet. Ah, mothering boys.
Enjoy your day.
Man do you know how to stuff a post plumb full! It's such fun to come over and see what you're up to - you never disappoint!
Ah, the moment when a mother realizes... no, TRULY realizes... she is indeed the mother of a boy! Seems this has been the week for that. I have read similar stories at other places as well. Sorry... but Welcome! :-)
Thanks for coming on by in that cute little blog mobile of yours!! You know you are welcome to come by me and "My Quiet Corner" self anytime! :-)
i have to comment on this, because my post for today(though I posted it yesterday)is a story about JUST THIS VERY THING. You MUST read it!!!!! :) LOL!!!!!! Welcome to the ranks of MOMS OF BOYS!!!!!
LOL! Sorry I have to laugh because I have been there oh too too many times!
I love your blog mobile. Too cute!
I KNEW there was a reason I was thankful for little girls. They can't paint the walls like that. And your blog mobile is just cute cute cute. I love those little sparkly letters.
Hi Sandra!
I love your blog mobile! Too cute! Your pillow is absolutely gorgeous! So inpiring. Thank you for the patterns to print off. I know what I'm doing this afternoon!
Oh my word. I'm SO thankful my boys have not done that. URGH...oh no. YUCK
Oh I'm so sorry you had to join the mom of boys who pee on the walls rank! Yuck! I had 3 brothers in the household growing up, so I can feel your pain!
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