
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

School News and a Meme!!!

Yesterday I told you we would find out who Jasmine's teacher is. Well I'm soooooo thrilled to announce that it's the teacher we requested. Jasmine's first grade teacher recommended her.

What's even better is that her best friend from her class last year, is also in the same class this year....and another 4 boys from her first grade class which she just adored, plus another girl from her kindergarten year. She's ecstatic and I have to say that a HUGE weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I think I can breathe better LOL

So we are all set for school to start tomorrow morning. I can't believe how fast the summer flew by. My hopes and prayers are that all our kids have a great school year :)

A couple of you asked me if I made the pillow that I posted yesterday, and unfortunately, no I didn't. I have made a few similar, and actually made the pillow for the wedding bands for my brother and SIL's wedding. It came out beautifully :)

If you're interested in my "Tackle it Tuesday" or my "Treasure Tuesday" posts, they are just below.

I don't have much planned for today, here shortly we have to go by the commissary to pick up WIC. Then later this afternoon, I'm taking the kids to the park just behind the school because then at 4:30pm we have the Open House/Meet the Teacher night.

Let me just warn you all that I may be real cranky tomorrow, I've gotten spoiled by sleeping in (if you call 8am sleeping in, that is) and it's been hard trying to get back on schedule....maybe if I didn't keep turning off the alarm and actually TRIED to get up...but hey, that's neither here nor there right?
So be forewarned, tomorrow may be tough LOL

One thing I'm anxious for, is the return to normalcy. I love my kids and I love being with them, but there's nothing like when school starts and everything just falls back into a routine.....I'm a stickler for it, there's a time for breakfast, lunch, dinner, playtime, crafting, cleaning etc etc etc. When summer comes around, all that goes out the window, we don't have set meals, we eat whenever and whatever, we go to bed when we're tired (which could be midnight), and we get up when we want to....sounds great doesn't it??? But for some reason, it really messes with my body and my mind.

But anyway, enough babble about me. Moving on to the MEME I was tagged for. Thank you Leah :)
I am going to enjoy this one, mainly because it has to do with love love love books :)

1) A book that changed my life:

After going through my two miscarriages, I was desperately seeking answers and trying to overcome my grief. Needless to say, I was in a very bad place in my life. I came upon a book called "I'll Hold you In Heaven" by Jack W. Hayford. One quote in particular stuck out "Dreams that become unfulfilled...anticipated joy that was suddenly quenched." It's a christian book and it uses scripture to explain how our children are in heaven, it really offered a lot of comfort at such a crucial time in my life.

2) A book I've read more than once:

I have to say that I don't really like reading books more than once, I don't know why. There are very few that I've read more than once, but the only one that sticks out in my mind, would have to be "You're Late Again Lord? The impatient woman's guide to God's timing" by Karon Phillips Goodman.

3) A book I'd take to a desert island:

Only one?!?!? That's not a fair question to ask a book lover....I don't even think I could ever just select one, but I'll give it a try. I would say the Bible, I think that is the ONE book that has everything in one, romance, action, guidance....what more could you want?

4) A book that made me laugh:

The Shopaholic Series by Sophie Kinsella. She is hilarious and has you laughing from beginning to end.

5) A book that made me cry:

"Night" by Elie Wiesel. I think I cried throughout the whole book, it was one which brought such heart wrenching feelings, and on more than one occasion I wanted to set it down, but I forced myself to read it and I'm glad I did. It's one of my favorite books!!!

6) A book I wish had been written:

I think the story of my life, my childhood through divorced parents, my constant struggle to get closer to God, meeting the man of my dreams only to find that he was NOT christian, the hardships we survived to be together, my moving to another country and leaving my family and everything behind and my two miscarriages, the last one having to grieve through alone when hubby was deployed. I don't know, I think someone out there might have been interested in reading it!!

7) A book that should never have been written:

This is hard for me, I love books and can't imagine any that should never have been written...although I would have to say, books that could in any way harm others.

8) A book I'm currently reading:

"Brave Hearts under Red Skies" by Col. O' Leary.

Whether you are part of the military family or just love America, you'll be challenged and changed by the stories of those who came before you--of those who faced faith-shaking storms similar to the ones we face today. Through these stories, you'll see that God is waiting to give you strength--He is waiting to give you a brave heart under your own red skies.

9) A book I'm planning to read:

" by Joni Eareckson Tada.

In a split second on a hot July afternoon, a diving accident transformed the life of Joni Eareckson Tada forever. She went from being an active young woman to facing every day in a wheelchair. In this unforgettable autobiography, Joni reveals each step of her struggle to accept her disability and discover the meaning of her life. The hard-earned truths she discovers and the special ways God reveals his love are testimonies to faith’s triumph over hardship and suffering.
10) Five people I'll send these questions on to:

Well I would LOVE to have some blogging friends answer these....

Courtney - Waiting on my Soldier
Morning Glory - Seeds from my Garden
Christina - All that Blog
Stacy - Exceedingly Mundane
Michelle - Big Blueberry Eyes
Mom of 2 - Ramblings of a Stay at Home Mom

And there you have it, I think this post is long enough, hope I didn't bore any of you to sleep, I'm sorry if I did.

I have some laundry to iron and the kitchen floor to mop, so I'm leaving you all, just promise to close the door when you're ready to leave ok?

God Bless,


  1. I got the tag and I'll work on it for later this week. Stay tuned......

  2. My girls are grown but when I saw the little school bus drive down our street yesterday morning I got a little nostalgic. I'm so glad it all worked out for her. The right teacher AND her friend in her class. Perfect.

    Love your book list. I had a hard time with the dessert island too. Being stuck on an island without fifty or sixty good books would be awful!

  3. I enjoyed your post. I am happy for your daughter. Boy, I understand the feelings after a miscarriage. I had four before I had to have a hysterectomy at age 33. I was supposed to have it years earlier but I so wanted a child. Just one and it was hard for me to come to grips with the fact I never would. But God knew what he was doing. Our only neice needed a mother and father since her own parents gave her up to the state. she calls us mom and dad and we are all the family she has. She is in the pic with us on my blog. Sorry, I got long winded. Huggers!!!! Michelle

  4. Hey Sandra, I did this meme too. I also love the Shopaholic series!! Did you know she is writing another one due out next year? I can hardly wait!

  5. I'm glad you tagged me because I actually did this one but I don't think anyone saw it because no one commented on it. I think I had posted too much at one time, but I liked answering it so I am going to put it at the top again. Of course I don't actually know how to get it to the top, but I will post directions on where to find it tomorrow. Anyway if you are on my blog and go to August archives and then scroll down about 17 posts, you will see it. I hope I can put it at the top though but I kind of stink at using blogger so wish me luck. I can't wait to see what the others you tagged will write.
    PS I am so glad to hear your daughter is excited about the first day and what luck to know kids in her class and of course to get your teacher recommendation. I was lucky this year but yesterday the principal sent home a note that the school was under enrolled by about 60 students due to demoliton so some grades had more in classes than others so the kids may be changed due to some restructuring (however you spell it), I hope this works out ok, but who knows. Anyway good luck on the first day, I hope it goes great.

  6. Hello again, Sandra.

    I just tagged you. I think you'll like this one - Three Things About My Kids.

    Now that they're in school you have lots of spare time, right?


  7. Yay! Thanks for the tag you know I love these.
    ♥ ya,

  8. I'm so glad your daughter got the teacher you wanted...yeah!!!!!

  9. I hope her first day of school will be great. How wonderful that she got the teacher she wanted :)

  10. Glad to hear she got the requested teacher and will have some former classmates in her class! Should make for a smooth transition!

    Thanks for tagging me! I'll work on this one and get it up as soon as I can :)


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