
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

TACKLE IT TUESDAY!!! August 15th

YAY I tackled this week LOL
Last week while family was visiting, I didn't have time to tackle any project, so I'm thrilled to be back and organizing and cleaning etc. So come along, I've got a project to show you....... come on, this way, no no no, don't stop at the coffee machine with those puppy eyes, I promise I'll get you a cup soon....

So this was my project. TA DA!!!! *Act surprised and in awe of such beauty*

This bookshelf has been sitting around looking miserable, and at some point we just started dumping anything on it. So last night I was sitting around trying to figure out what to clean or organize for "Tackle it Tuesday" (yes I actually have to FIND something to do lol).....and I remembered the poor shelf.

I decided to put my TBR (to be read) Christian books on the top shelf. And on the bottom shelf I have my Scrapbook Kit and my library books and DVD's so I don't forget where they are when it's time to return them. Doesn't it look much better?

Oh and those are my teddy bears, I LOVE teddy bears it's almost an obsession with them, though it would be weird if I had them all over my bedroom and on the bed etc. Don't think hubby would feel comfortable in there LOL

So there you have it, my tackled project for today. If you're tackling anything and want to join the rest of us, just come on over to 5 Minutes for Mom and add your name to the list, OR you can see what other ladies have been tackling at their houses.


  1. LOL Jaymi, when I read it that's how I made my voice sound LOL It's just DAHLING.......LOL

  2. You've cleaned something already? I'm officially amazed. At this moment, I am still in bedhead mode! LOL.

  3. You did all that this early?? I'm impressed. Take a nap now, you deserve one.

  4. WOW, that's awesome great job! My sister also loves LOVES teddies, she has a whole room devoted to them at home! :) Yours are soo cute though!

  5. Well you know I'm gonna LOVE it..LOL. Looks fantastic...gets my heart all a twitter..he he. Laura

  6. Very cool project. I like the idea that you are using the bookshelf shelves (say that three times really fast -lol) for different stuff. I need a shelf like this in my house. But first I want to complete our bedroom before I tackle to oh so famous guest bedroom...But you gave me an idea what I would like in that room.


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