
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I feel so rebellious this morning

It's 9:30am and I'm still in my pj's, haven't brushed my hair and I think (not sure) but I think I may have that deer caught in the headlights look?

I'm the kind of person that wakes up in the morning, takes her shower, gets dressed and puts on shoes *snicker* not really, I put on slippers or even better, flipflops. But this morning, I dragged myself out of bed at 8am....another post altogether about how I need to get back on schedule........and came downstairs with Nicholas.

Made him and myself breakfast, nothing special, just toast and scrambled eggs for me and he wanted a ham sandwich.....grabbed my cup of coffee and sat down at the computer. Btw, I think my computer chair has my behind engraved in it because if I move a little to either side, it gets really uncomfortable. Guess that one should go down in the "You know you're addicted to blogging if..........".

I have to finish my menus and grocery list before heading out to walmart. I posted my menus for this week at my food blog, so go on over and check (again, only if you're interested), and if you want to see what other's are cooking (do you smell what the ROCK is cooking?!?!?), head on over to Laura's blog "Organizing Junkie" and look for her Menu Plan Monday post from yesterday.

I also need to finish getting all of Jasmine's school supplies, though we're having a hard time with her because on the list it says "an old sock", and this child is determined NOT to take any kind of dirty (well clean lol) old sock to school. I'll have to find one and sneak it in her backpack that first day LOL

Did I tell you that I also have a gift certificate to Walmart??? Can you sense the anticipation in my voice? Just the thought of all the craft stuff I can buy is making me giddy!!!!

I need soap making materials, yarn for knitting, embroidery stuff and also some fabric to make some new curtains for my kitchen etc. BUT there's another thing that I want to get, and please don't start laughing and spit your coffee at the monitor when I tell you.....I want to get *drumroll* a Bellydancing fitness video Bwahahahahahah (oh that was me laughing, how embarassing lol).

I've decided that I want to get fit, and I already printed this great routine schedule list thingamabob from "The Helpful Housewive", which by the way you should go visit because she's awesome, and in the list she includes an hour for exercise. That's when I had my light bulb moment, I could get fit doing something fun, and bellydancing is sexy too right? At least that's what hubby says, though he hasn't seen me shaking my kid bearing hips around, he may change his opinion really fast LOL

If you want to see what I tackled today, check my post's nothing earth shattering or jaw dropping, just a simple bookshelf that had been neglected. Go on, go look and then come back ok?

On my "Morning Blog Drive" yesterday, I found some more neat blogs along the way. It's amazing how many interesting blogs are out there if we just pay attention. I already added them to my blogroll, but hey, I'll be nice and mention them here for you too :)

The World According to Julie - Julie lives in Canada with her family and I admit one of the first things that caught my eye was that she says "It's a Somewhat Crazy Place... but the Coffee's Good!" There ya go, I'm SOLD!!! LOL

My Laughter Thoughts - Mom of 5, she says she lives in a Monkey Zoo LOL Love her outlook on things, and you HAVE to check out her "chicken pancake", it's too funny.

HELLOmynameisHeather - Ok you all know I LOVE crafts, so this blog is like a craft book open with wonderful ideas for me to make. She shares the best pictures and always has something neat in the works.

There ya have it, 3 more blogs for you all to obsess about, see I think of my friends too LOL I figure, if I'm going to be addicted to more stuff, I might as well have friends along with me so I don't get bored and don't feel alone. (I'm sure some of you would rather I DIDN'T string you along though lol).

Well it's that time of day again, time for my drive through the blogging neighborhood. I really do enjoy it and I thank each and everyone of you for your wonderful blogs, they always put a smile on my face.
Better go, car's all warmed up and my coffee is cup is full.....better get your donuts out, SANDRA'S COMING OVER!!!! :)

God Bless,


  1. Nice picture of the road in autumn - it made my heart lift a little bit. I'm bumming around in my pjs, too - maybe it's just one of those days.

  2. Love the header - you're so creative with this stuff!

    It's a rainy day here - perfect for bumming around in pjs!!

  3. Love the header - you're so creative with this stuff!

    It's a rainy day here - perfect for bumming around in pjs!!

  4. Sandra - you've offered before and I'd love a banner - let me know when you're ready to tackle it for me!!! I love yours - you are a genius over there!!

  5. Today was my first visit to your blog and I'm in love! What a fun and friendly writing style you have! I'm looking forward to reading more! (and hearing about your bellydancing experiences!)

  6. Good grief! I'm breathless. For a slow starting day, you sure got cranking! I laughed my head off about your chair. My chair's in exactly the same condition. I can totally see my rear end permanently imprinted there. Totally.

    We're nuts.

  7. I am not laughing at all at the bellydancing video. A friend of mine took a class and she loved it...Great exercise. I might have to check it out myself :)

  8. Love the new look of your blog. You always inspire me to get up off my butt and do something. You seem eternally busy. The bellydancing sounds fun!

  9. Man I wonder if there is a support group for blog addiction? I think I need to join too lol

  10. I love your new look! Thanks for sharing all the great blogs!

  11. Hi there, thank you for sharing some of the blogs you've visited. I really like some of the crafty ones. I don't have lots of time to do crafty things right now, but I can dream, right? ;0)

  12. I think belly dancing is a great idea. Go for it.

    Thanks for stopping by with kind words and encouragement recently. I really appreciate it.

  13. Oh wow I totally missed this! Thank you so much for adding me!!! You're awesome!




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