
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Oh Blissful Rain......

There's something so calming and relaxing about waking up to the sound of rain. The pitter patter on the roof, the rain drops slowly rolling down the kitchen window and the lulling sound created by it. I could so easily slip back into bed for the rest of the day.

I'm a rain kind of girl woman, not necessarily BEING in the rain, but enjoying it from inside. Perhaps cuddled on the couch with hubby, or reading a book, or watching a wonderful movie.

It was a nice way to wake up, would have been better if it was the weekend and we didn't have to go outside, but you can't have your cake and eat it too, or that's what I've always heard. Me??? I always try to have my cake, there's no way around it LOL

We're slowly getting accustomed to this shift. At least we still have 3 more days of it, so I won't feel totally lost when he starts the new one next week.

Thank you all for the "get well" wishes, this cold is just not budging and it seems that every day there's a new symptom to add to the list. My sinus is having an end of year party, at least that's what it feels like, I can almost feel the "conga" in my nose. Strange!!!
My voice is still gone, actually it's slightly
better, I can actually whisper, which is fine at home with the kids, but not when trying to talk on the phone. So, I do the next best thing, I don't answer it at all, guess I'll be calling everyone back next week.

So anyway, come on in, I have some Irish Cream Coffee ready and I also have some Pumpkin Pancakes. YUMMY!!!
When the weather starts changing, I start seeing pumpkins everywhere, I can't wait for pumpkin pie and soup and pumpkin carving. Which btw, reminds me, if you and the kids love carving pumpkins and want to have some fun this year, go on over to Bullfrogs & Butterflies, Theresa is going to be hosting a Blog-o-Lantern contest, how fun is that???

I'm already thinking up patterns and fun stuff. It's a big deal in this house. I still remember Halloween a couple years ago, actually I was pregnant with Nicholas.....we carved I think, like 10 pumpkins and had them all set up on the driveway leading up to the front door. Everyone stopped by to admire them. It was just great :)

Theresa had mentioned that she didn't have a graphic to go with the Blog-o-lantern contest, and you all know how much I love messing around with my graphics program, so I whipped this up real quick and sent it to her....what do you think??? Think she will like it???

Last night after the kids were asleep, I watched "Anne of Green Gables", all 3 hours of it. I can't believe that it's taken me these many years to finally watch the movie, and let me just say that I'm "Hooked", now I'm getting all the Anne of Green Gables movies to watch. See that's my kind of movie. I honestly believe that I should have been born in different years, the pull to those days is so strong at times, it just makes me wonder.

I love reminiscing about old times, childhood memories, places I lived, things we did. It makes me feel closer to my family. With the holidays arriving so fast, it's always a bittersweet time for me. I LOVE celebrating, but also being military, it means that there will be times when I'll be spending thanksgiving or christmas alone, it just goes with the territory, so when I DO have family nearby I like treasuring every minute and enjoying it to the fullest. Nothing like making a huge celebration even if it's just four people.

One of my most treasured memories growing up in Portugal, was definitely Christmas. We would walk across the street to the Tree Lot and just revel in the beautiful trees, the smell of pine and the anticipation of presents and good food in the air.

For the last few years, we've used an artificial christmas tree, quite honestly just because we figured it's cheaper, but every year I open that box, there's another twisted or bare branch and it really doesn't give that Christmas-y feeling to me.

So we've decided that from now on, it will be REAL Christmas trees, and the kids are thrilled, they can't wait for their first real tree.
I leave you with some images of Christmas in Portugal, it's just like I remember it :)

The beautiful lights in the city of Lisbon,

Now THIS is something I miss, the Bolo Rei, ask any portuguese person and they know exactly what I'm talking about. You can't have christmas without it, and usually inside there will be a "brinde", a small prize, whoever finds it, gets to buy the cake the next year. I remember being 7 and 8 years old and always looking for the prize, which used to be small little silver charms.

And now I really MUST leave you, though I wish I could stay all day, have coffee and talk about the holidays, the food and everything in between.

Enjoy your wednesday :)

Oh, BTW, seems that blogger has finally sorted out their Beta and non beta issues, so we can all post everywhere, YAY, now there's no more excuses from anyone for not posting. LOL


For dinner tonight, I am making Crab Cakes, some Tomato Rice and a Salad. I'll have the recipes up on my blog later.


Rachael Ray - *New* UPN 12pm (mountain time)

Montel Williams - *New* ABC - 3pm (mountain time)

Kidnapped - *New* NBC- 9pm (mountain time)


Taking Donations to the Airman's Attic
Running by the BX for some medicine
Working on my Cafepress Store
Updating food blog


  1. I always enjoy coming by for inviting.

  2. I enjoy a good rain now and then too - especially when we don't have to go out in it :)

  3. In two weeks I'm going to Prince Edward Island to see the Anne of Green Gables musical! I haven't seen it since I was a kid. We even did it in school - it's a wonderful show. If you ever get to Atlantic Canada you've got to go to PEI - your whole family will love it. We'll probably pop by Green Gables while we're there.

    I made your chicken tetrazzini tonight and it was a huge hit - the 12 year old liked it so much she's taking leftovers for her school lunch tomorrow. Any more one-pot wonders? Thank you so much. I could even make the adjustments for the celiac diet no problem so it was completely gluten-free.

    Enjoy the rain. We love to hear it on our cottage roof. Makes us feel cozy.

  4. So many wonderful things in your blog today :) I don't know where to comment! Love the pics, pumpkin pancakes sound wonderful, that bread looks awesome! and I think your daughter would make a lovely Anne :) I've always thought Megan Follows was a cutie patootie :)

    Happy wednesday :)


  5. Are you serious that you have not watched Anne of Green Gables until now? Oh friend... you must absolutely get Anne of Avonlea and follow the rest of the story!!

    In college those of us that couldn't get home on the breaks would get all of the Anne movies and would do an Anne marathon in the lobby. Hours and hours of it. What great memories of a great movie!!

    Welcome to the "Anne Club"... is there such a thing? Never heard of it but maybe there should be?? :-)

  6. Yeah, you're right... appears beta blogging issues are over!! (for now....)! Thanks for passing that along!

  7. I love the rain. Listening to it, dancing in it...the fresh smell after it.

    I am also a huge Halloween girl. I decorate my yard like crazy. I bought a few things for it today. I even put out my skull fence. I couldn't resist after I saw that a friend had put out some of her decorations. Next week I will get started on sewing our costumes.

    Love the photos in your post.

    Glad to hear you likes Ann of Green Gables. It is good. Something humbling about it.

    Your Christmas memories sound great.

    Thanks for the post. There is so much in it, I'm not even sure what to say.

  8. I watched Montel today. I can't help it, I love Sylvia Brown. I also checked out Kidnapped. That was pretty scary. I think I will watch it again. How did you like Wife Swap the other day? The pirates were hysterical. Also I finally caught Rachael Ray. Who doesn't love Rachael?

  9. I do hope you get to feeling better soon! Sounds like it's turning into a sinus infection...I get those...miserable!!!

    Take care!!!

  10. Oh my word - I've have a woman after my own heart. Another RR got to check out my TT today!

    And, I SO just rented the Anne of Green Gables about a month ago - FOR MY FIRST TIME...and I absolutely loved it. My husband travels a lot so I'm trying to rent movies in the evenings that I always wanted to watch but never had for this summer. I'm just hoping our small town carries the sequels. Like you, I'm hooked.

    I've been renting a lot of musicals too. As a matter of fact it's time to get one tonight! Here's to "Anne with an E, thank you!"

  11. Hi Sandra,

    I'd love to try and help your brother-in-law out with his new diagnosis. I assume he's in the US. The first thing he should do, I'm sure his dr. has already told him, is to join the local chapter of the US CD support group. It's a great way to meet people, find resources and get the real scoop on shopping, etc. in his area. The web is great as well. On my blog is a link button to the Canadian Celiac Association. There are loads of cookbooks out there. Thankfully, due to more and more correct diagnosis, it is much easier. I don't know if I can comment on food products/brand names because I don't know if there are the same in the US. He needs to get his US rules. It's a process, so not to get frustrated. Since you like to cook I'm sure you'll be a big help with what he can make. There are new all-purpose gluten-free flours available that you can substitute cup for cup or you can cook/bake with gluten-free flours (rice, corn, potatoe, etc). That way is a bit more complicated. It takes patience and practice and there will be a lot of surprises along the way with what he can and cannot eat. It's a very healthy diet though, lots of fruits and veg and things made from scratch. Processed food is generally out, as is fast food and lots of restaurant food (we in North America eat a lot of battered foods). The hardest thing is getting fibre since most grains are out. He can email me directly if he wants.

    Let me know,


  12. Glad to see someone talking about Bolo Rei outside Portugal!

    I really liked your blog...


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