
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Works for Me Wednesday!!!

It's time for another WFMW and this time I had no problem thinking up one. It's one I've been using for the past few weeks and really came across it in a sort of desperate way, trying to keep things easy and simple for me.

It has to do with Prayer and praying for others, especially our blogging friends.

When I started meeting all these wonderful people online, I wanted to pray for them, for whatever they were needing at that time, just for their well being in general, or for their specific requests. But, I was finding that I couldn't keep up, I would tell them that I would pray for them, but then go on to another blog or my home life and forget about it, or get to nighttime and struggle to remember who I was praying for that day and for what.

So I started keeping a piece of blank A4 paper, that I tape to the door of my computer armoire. Throughout the day, I jot down the names of anyone that needs a prayer said for them, that way at bed time, I take the paper down with me. No more forgetting who and what I was praying about. This is the one I started just this morning:

Another thing I do, is, when I come across a blog that is asking for a prayer in specific, I say the prayer right there and then, write their name on the paper and THEN I comment back. I have found that this way, I never forget to do it, and hey, this way I not only pray for them once but twice and what could be better than that huh??? Works for Me!!!!

If you want to join in, just go on over to Rocks in My Dryer and add your name to the list :)


  1. The prayer list is a nice idea.
    I remember those shift changes, even now that my hubby is a civilian (he still works on the base as an instructor) he will go from days to nights,but not as often as your husband does. I am really glad he is retired ~ the last few years he was in was rough, I guess he was just tired of putting up with all the nonsense.
    Anyway, what you said about minding your tongue, you could have been writing about me, and of course the one on the receiving end of my spurts is my beloved husband. Then afterwards I feel terrible, I don't call him names or anything, mostly it is just my impatience right now with the housebuilding. For me, it really all goes back to patience (and my lack of it) I know he is doing the best he can!
    Sorry you are still feeling yuky ~ and sorry my comment was so long...
    I hope you are feeling better, a mom without a voice is scary thing indeed!

  2. Those are great ideas, Sandra. I also find the list growing very big sometimes, so I do the method of praying at the time I read the request. Sometimes that person will come to mind during the day and when that happens, I say a prayer again at that moment.

  3. Excellent idea! If prayer has been requested, I usually do what you do and pause right then and then comment to them. The list is a great idea for those that are ongoing or whom you feel led to keep praying for!

  4. Love the prayer idea! I always keep a Bible on my computer desk too. That way I can add some scripture if I feel led to do so.
    And I understand loving to think about the days of childhood or fond memories. Brings a smile to the face. Love and hugs!!!!

  5. Now that is a great tip. I am definately going to try this one.

  6. Great idea! I usually stop and pray for them right there and then go post my comment. Because come night time with my usually lengthy prayer list I'll forget. Not that I'm not thinking of them just my brain can only hold so much.

    By the way, thanks for offering me up a button! You're so cool! I was waiting to see the feedback first and it looks pretty good. So if you have time by all means we'll take a button! :) Again, thank you so much.

  7. That is cool. I appreciate that so much. I want to thank you so much for your prayers, thoughts, and kind words of encouragement. I'm gonna try to work my blogging into my daily schedule so I can still visit my buddies - even if it's every other day! I'll still be around. You can get rid of me that easily!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
