
Monday, October 23, 2006

Monday Monday....

I'm so glad it's Monday, I know I know, the weekend could have been longer, but being that it's monday already, it just means my hubby is home. I even welcome his snoring, it makes me happy just to hear him, would you believe me if I told you I actually MISSED the nightly serenade???

He just laughs at me because usually I complain and wake him up, oh, a hundred times a night just to tell him to lay on his side. But it's those little things that you miss when they're gone.

Anyway, I got up this morning and as I put the dogs outside to go potty, I saw this lonesome pinecone sitting there on my bench. I had to snap a picture. I don't know what it is about it that I love, maybe the thought that pinecones mean christmas trees, hence the realization that's it a mere 8 weeks away??? I love the smell of pine trees and when the pinecones start falling, I start collecting them for numerous projects around the house.

I know we're supposed to be in Fall Season, but it's been more like Winter here, there is frost on the grass, ice on the windshields and that wonderful crisp chilly air in the morning. It's only 36 degrees right now, and to say that I was freezing this morning when I took Jasmine to school, would be an understatement. We've quickly moved from a light jacket to sweaters, coats, gloves and hats. It's THAT cold!!! Brrrrr indeed!!!

I have a couple of errands to run this morning with hubby. He has tomorrow off but it's stuff that needs to get done today. Usually when they come back from a Deployment or TDY they have a week off to be with the family, not only does he not get that this time, but he's been put on Swing Shift. You all know how much we ALL love's the shift where he goes in at 3pm and doesn't get home until 11:30 pm. He doesn't see the kids, especially Jasmine, so they're bummed about that, but as my sweet daughter reminded us "It's ok, I would rather have daddy home and working these hours, than having him gone, it's nice knowing that he is here with me". How sweet is that???

Nothing a like a child to bring things into perspective, I tell you, if we would allow ourselves to see things as kids do, at times, things would be so much easier and pleasant to deal with.

Last night, hubby insisted on me going upstairs and having 2 hours to myself, to read or watch tv or do whatever I wanted to. He spent time with the kids, which he dearly missed while gone, and I got to watch my movie "The Lake House"....what a sweet movie, it had me smiling the whole time, though I did get a little confused in some parts, then again, doesn't take much to confuse me these days ;)

Let's see, what else is going on over here in cold and dreary Idaho.....Oh tomorrow Jasmine's school is having a PTP Art Night for the family. We get to go in and decorate a pumpkin, something we always have a lot of fun doing. :)
We're also going to get some pumpkins to carve this week, and then enter them in Theresa's Blog-O-Lantern contest. Don't forget to get your pumpkins carved and pictures taken, we all want to see what you come up with.

I updated my Weekly Menu on my sidebar there on the right, and the meals that have recipes posted already...there's a link to them to make it easier for you all to check them out.
My menu for this week is also posted at Full Bellies, and speaking of menus, don't forget it's monday so Laura is hosting her weekly "Menu Plan Monday".

I want to ask you all for a prayer for my MIL. She has been going through the chemotherapy and we've seeing how amazing the Lord has been in shrinking her tumor by 50%. Unfortunately she's now starting to have a hard time with the chemotherapy and I don't want to go into details, but if you could please say a little prayer that she is able to get through the treatments without too much discomfort....I would appreciate it. She is very thankful to all of you who have kept her in her prayers and she appreciates all the well wishes :)

I need to get going so I'm leaving you with my usual daily happenings. Have a wonderful Monday and I'll be here tomorrow bright and early.

God Bless,


Tonight we're having Beef and Onions with Rice. I made Apple Cider Chicken last night, and though it was quite tasty, I think next time I am going to cut back on the Apple Cider Vinegar, it had a bit too much for my taste, but it's really good otherwise :)


Rachael Ray - *New*- The CW- 12pm

General Hospital - *New* -ABC- 1:00 pm

The Bachelor Rome - *New* - ABC - 8pm

What About Brian - *New* - ABC - 9pm


Clean bathrooms


  1. Glad your hubby is home safe and sound. Will pray that your mil can start tolerating her treatments.

  2. I will be praying for your MIL.....treatments can be brutal.....your apple cider chicken sounds really good....I have been going through recipes lately getting ready for the Christmas holidays putting meals together for friends and family...I love doing thins like this.

  3. I love your pinecone pic! But Christmas is 8 wks away? Did I want to know that, yikes! That's too close!
    I might have to try Lake House soon.

  4. So happy you have your whole family together again. I watched the Lake House on Friday night and also enjoyed it yet I got confused in some parts too and my hubbie had to explain it to Laura

  5. I watch What About Brian, too... didn't know anyone else that does!!!

  6. I first wanted to say I will be praying for your MIL. My mom is a survivor of stage 4 breast cancer she had 12 years ago. Sometimes If you are having a hard time with the chemo they can change it, or add something to help her with most of her symptoms. If she is getting real tired, that usually you adapt to over time. Tell her to keep on her doctors about how she feels so they can keep on top of things. Sorry for going on, but I remember us with my mom and want to see your MIL feel as good as she can too. Tell her she will survive this. It can be a hard road, but like my mom, it can be overcome.

    I'm glad to hear hubby is home. Mine snores too and I am always poking him and saying roll over. I wonder how these guys survive in the field with each other always snoring and making noise.

    Hope you are having a great day now that hubby's home.

  7. Cool pic of the pinecone! Yeah I was confused during lake house too!

    Will be keeping your MIL in my prayers!

  8. I love the photo.
    So glad Hubby is home to keep you awake at night :)

    The movie also confused me at some points. It was good though.

    Hope the errands went well.

    I will pray for you MIL.

  9. You've been tagged - visit my site to see why!!! :)

  10. Your hubby is so sweet to give you a little time to yourself. You two sound so happy together. Your MIL is in my prayers, I hope she can tolerate the chemo or maybe they can make adjustments. :)

  11. So happy for you that your family is all together again. We all have to take the time to thank all of the family members that have to go through all of the good by's because they are helping to protect the USA. A big thanks.

  12. Prayers for your MIL!!

    That is so sweet about your daughter being ok with just knowing daddy is home even though she doesn't get to see him! And how nice for him to give you some time to yourself...very thoughtful!!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
