
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Pumpkin Decorating Day!!!

Tonight the PTP is having the annual Art Night "Pumpkin Decorating" get together. It's always a lot of fun to go in with the kids, have some snacks and let our creativity run wild.

The school provides all the pumpkins and decorations, there's NO carving allowed though, so it always thrills me to see what the kids come up with.
They also have a contest afterwards for the best pumpkin!!!

Now me, I'm a pretty creative gal I think, I mean at least when it comes to graphic design and computers etc....but for some reason I have a hard time getting the creative juices flowing to create some great masterpiece.
Hubby on the other hand is a genius....last year he took a small pumpkin and using black pipe cleaners, he created a spider pumpkin. It was THE cutest thing, but he didn't enter it for the contest, he brought it home, it was too cute to leave there and he was mighty proud of his creation. ;)

This year the school encourages everyone to bring in their own decorations too, so this should be fun. I'll post the pictures tomorrow :)

So what do you think of my latest template??? I love PINK, it's my favorite color and I was thinking that being it Breast Cancer Awareness Month too, it was the perfect time to go girly on you all. I'm pleased with the results, and yes I know that October is almost over, but I'm enjoying this relaxing and calming does wonders for my stressed mind.

It's not that I'm stressed, per say, but you know with kids there never is a day of completely peace and quiet, especially when they start bickering over everything, from who's turn is it to watch TV down to who touched who's toy. It's an all consuming constant sibling rivalry that will end one day...I hope....

While running errands with hubby yesterday we stopped by Arby's for some roast beef sandwiches. I didn't know at the time that the Large really did mean LARGE, I mean this sandwich was huge, so by dinner time we weren't too hungry, but of course the kids were, so I made Chicken and Dumplings.....goodness gravy, they were SO good. Let me just say that the minute the wonderful aroma started permeating the air, I grew hungrier and hungrier by the minute....literally starving by the time I sat down at the dinner table. Nothing like a good big bowl of Chicken and Dumplings to warm the body AND soul.

wonderful Dee over at "All the While" tagged me for this fun meme. It's the Refrigerator Tag, and we're supposed to take a picture of the front of the refrigerator, in all it's glory, boy am I glad I just cleaned it all out the other night, or you would see tons of unnecessary decorations. Did I mention that my kids love using the door as their personal Gallery???

So the top half holds:

Jasmine's School Lunch Menus
Jasmine's School Calendar
Important upcoming events or notes to be signed
Extra Magnets

The bottom half holds:

Family and friend pictures
Kids never ending art gallery (I have to go through it every few days and rotate with the new one they just made that day)

there you have it, behind those brilliantly decorated doors, lay the ingredients for all my yummy meals, some secret ingredients too....not really, but it's nice to wonder isn't it? LOL

I want to tag Judi, Sharon Kay, Mrs Blythe, Brony and Morning Glory. Now please don't run away just cause you're tagged, I really really want to see those refrigerator doors LOL

I'm having one of those days where I just want to lay in bed and do nothing. Of course that's impossible when you're a mom of two little ones, but it's nice to dream right??? I tend to go through phases where I run at turbo speed, constantly on the go and do expect too much of myself. It's like I feel that if I'm not doing something productive, I'm being lazy and far be it from me to lay around and actually live up to it.

But I think today has to do with the fact that Nicholas is extremely whiny and clingy, he has been sniffling around and sneezing, so I know what's coming, and if I didn't, his chirpy sullen attitude sure lets it on. It's time to pull all the stops, it's funny that I do that with my kids but not myself. The minute I see them feeling sick I tend to nip the cold in the bud, but for me it seems to just go on and on, as I'm sure you've realized I'm not exactly the best nurse for myself....something I need to work on.

What's majorly contributing to my "not so happy" mood is my wrist. If you've been reading my blog for a while, I'm sure you remember the day that I shared a picture of my's not for the weak of stomach (no really it's not that bad), but I do have two huge cysts that for the most part don't bother me, unless it's really cold or I move my hand a certain way, how dare I move my hand at all, they seem to say. But yeah, if you look at this post you will see what I mean.
So this morning it's really hurting, and it's bad enough that I don't have much strength left in that wrist, but when it starts acting up it's even I'm wearing my trusty wrist brace and I'm trying to "own it", you know, make it look all that and all....don't think it's working though.

Well anyway, now that I'm done whining about "poor ol' me", it's time to head out, I have some errands to run with hubby again, mostly we're going to go pick up some pumpkins to carve, seeing that he has the day off. :)

You all have a great day, you know one of these days we should pick a time and all meet on the computer, in some chat room or something, with a cup of coffee and some cookies, and just have a great time :)

See ya tomorrow, God Bless,


For dinner we're having Fettucine Ala Carbonara!!!


Rachael Ray - *New*- The CW- 12pm

General Hospital - *New* -ABC- 1:00 pm


Post Office
Commissary for Pumpkins
Bx for Pumpkin decorations


  1. I love your new look...I'm even going to say that I think its your best yet...I love pink too though so that might be swaying me a bit but they really have all been nice. Enjoy the day with your hubby! Laura

  2. I love your pink look! You do amazing things with your blog.
    The bickering will end one day! I know it's hard sometimes; mine would tell me, "he's looking at me!" Ugh.
    Sounds like a fun day with your hubby.

  3. I love the pink!!! You are so creative! :)

    Thanks for participating in the Refrigerator Tag - fun to see others things, huh?

    Hope your wrist begins to feel better and that the little one feels better soon! It's no fun having a sick little one!

    Have fun with the pumpkins!!

  4. You are one talented girl, doing your own site design like this. I never know when something new is coming and it's always a nice surpise.

    Hope your wrists feel better soon!

  5. Pink is one of my favorite colors...I love this new look for it.....

  6. As usual your blog looks fantastic. That's so awesome that you used the pink for breast cancer awareness. What a thoughtful idea.

    I can't wait to see what your pumpkin looks like. Your hubby should do the spider again, that one sounds like a winner. I bet you guys will come up with something new though.

    I had to talk about the kids. My daoughter Kira who is 23 and her brother Josh who is 21, both born Sept. 11 2 years apart, had the same type of sibling rivalry like your two. Well sometime around the teen years they stopped. By the time I realized they stopped bickering I realized they had become great friends. My son is going up to Wa. from Nj to visit his sister on Oct. 28th. So believe me this too shall pass and I would bet that Jasmine and Nicholas will be this close too. You know I really think siblings have this dance they perform known as a rivalry, but I'm not sure that it really is as big a deal to them as it is to us.

    BTW I made the super easy chikcen manicotti and boy was that as good as your other recipes. Once again my husband was in awe. I am going to pop over to get your cookies recipe in a minute. Thanks again for the great food blog.

  7. I think I'm going to have to try those chicken and dumplings soon - it just sounds so good right now.

    And I love the new blog look - until next time, right? I'm the same way. LOL!

  8. The pink look is perfect. It looks like it's all bordered with layers of ribbon. Very lovely.

    Ok, I'll photograph my refrigerator and let you know when it's up and ready.

  9. I LOVE the pink!!
    I'm sorry to hear about your wrist bothering you. I will keep you in my prayers. (((HUGS)))
    I can't wait to see pictures of the pumpkin decorating. It sounds like so much fun!

  10. I don't suppose I should have been surprised when I landed in a whole new place again today. After all, it HAS been at least a week since you changed your look. But I have to tell you, I love this one and I love the way it supports breast cancer research. It's so soft. It's just lovely.

    I thought the whole pumpkin thing would end when our girls grew up and left home but guess what? It turns out my husband wasn't just carving those pumpkins for the girls. Hee hee.

    You'll be pleased to know the patterns for my ornaments are all ready to go out in tomorrow's mail. You should have them by Friday at the latest. :-)

    As always, such a pleasure to stop here and visit for a while.

  11. As always - love the new look! I love what come up with for your blog templates!

    The pumpkin carving fun at the school sounds awsome! how neat that they do something like that!

  12. I love the new look! Pink and green are an excelent combination, and how fitting that it's breast cancer month.

    I'm a fairly creative girl, and i have to agree....Pumpkins aren't my medium of choice. We'll just let all the hubbys have fun with the carving :)

  13. It's unanimous, we love the look. And we had carbonara for dinner too.

  14. Love the new look.
    Pumpkin decorating sounds like fun.

    Sorry things aren't great right now. I say go ahead and take some type of a break.

    I'll do the tag tomorrow or Thursday...I promise.

  15. Hey Sandra-

    Your new template is SOOO pretty. I LOVE pink!! It's my favorite color and would explain why almost everything I have is pink. lol. The pumpkin decorating sounds like a ton of fun. I'll have to keep that idea for a rainy day. I'm sorry to hear about your wrist. How long do those things tend to last? I hope you have a great day decorating more pumpkins with your Hubby. I'm so jealous. lol. :O) Take Care!!

  16. Isn't the fridge thing a great idea???? :) I have mine up too!!


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