
Monday, March 12, 2007

Ahhhhhh, my ideal place to live!!!

You know as I get older I find myself thinking about the kind of place I would love to retire to, live out the rest of my days.....and for some reason I'm always drawn to England. Why?? I haven't the foggiest idea!!!

I think maybe my obsession with Anne of Green Gables? LOL

Seriously though, I dream of moving to one of the small English Villages, I picture green everywhere and beautiful quaint cottages, just like the picture above and my house would be the white and blue one just because it's so cute.

I guess in a way it's my homemaker screaming in me, wanting to be released into a small cute cottage to run amock. I picture beautiful breakfast tables overflowing with waffles and bacon and eggs and cute teapots, a small vase of flowers sitting ever so prettily on the table.

I also envision a bedroom much like this one:

A girl can dream can't she??? That's what I plan on doing, keep dreaming and who knows maybe one day in the future I'll be blogging from the english countryside, talking about crumpets and Yorkshire pudding LOL

You do know if I ever go to England even if just on vacation, I'll be searching for my friend Sarah to finally meet her face to face....poor poor Sarah LOL

Anyway, it's another beautiful monday morning here, we're finally heading for Spring, the temperature is supposed to be in the 60's this week which after all the cold and snow is a much welcomed one. I can NOT wait to start walking, taking the kids to school and picking them up, walking to the park and the library or just around the neighborhood.

Winter always brings on the pounds for me, I have a little tire around my stomach that needs to go like, yesterday, I think because I sit around snacking and not really getting much exercise outside. When Spring arrives and I get out there with the kids, the pounds just drop and I for one can't wait.

I have a house to clean, menus to plan and grocery lists to write up. The next 2 weeks are going to be busy ones, I have a couple of dental appointments and errands to run, some reorganizing to do and house hunting too. We're still searching for the perfect house for us to buy, it's such a huge step and so scary isn't it?? Wish us luck!!!

While out at the base thrift store I found a couple of books and even though I have so many already, I can't pass up a good one. I picked one up and I'll be honest and admit that the only reason I grabbed it is because it says "Delicious Recipe & Knitting Pattern Included". Am I the only one who picks up books just because they have a recipe included???

It's from a series called "A Knitting Mystery" by Maggie Sefton and even though I'm more into romance and christian contemporary romance books, I think I'll enjoy this one. What's even better is that I paid NOTHING for it. They always have a bunch of books for free and you would be surprised at the great ones you'll find.

With that I'm going to leave you all, I better get back to cleaning around here. I'll be back later to post my menu on my food blog.

Today's TO DO LIST:

Put away laundry
Start bread
Wash children's bedding
Clean appliances


  1. Love the pictures, I sometimes imagine my home all English Garden and Cottage Perfect, too. Yes, a girl can dream.

    I'm with you, I am loving the beginnings of spring, and I can't wait to start walking the kids to school and playing outside, too. I have MORE than a little pudge to burn off this spring!!

    Have a happy day!! :-)

  2. Ooh, I love the idea of a little cottage like that! I think lots of us dream about that, wonder why?

    What a great find at the thrift shop, intriguiging title, you'll hae to let us know how it was.

  3. ohhhhhh I LOVE that house. The flowers, the little fence, the colors.......... *sigh*

    I would love a bedroom like that too -- but all done in "shabby chic"! The bathroom too -- with a claw tub and everything done in white and that really pastel aqua color -- more shabby chic-ness......

    Oops! Getting all carried away here!

    I couldn't ever live in England though. The weather would make me depressed all the time. But I'd love the house!


  4. Oh, I love that house, Sandra and have always been drawn to England too. I could totally see myself living there someday. I hope you have a great day, I need to join you on the laundry and vacuuming!

  5. What a pretty bedroom that is! I like dreaming of places to one day live :) Good luck on the house hunting!

  6. GIRL - England is gray and rainy! You come from South Africa! NO NO!!! Head back to the sun!!! (And Green Gables was on PEI in Canada. And let me tell you - it is BEAUTIFUL there!!!)

    But a girl can dream - so if England it is - than so be it! :)

    I actually quite love England and then English countryside. When I was young I dreamed of going to Oxford. Then I visited Oxford with my dad when I was 13. I was sooo shocked by the ancient plumbing and tiny bathrooms I said, "no thank you!" LOL But it sure is lovely in the country!!! Oxford was gorgeous.

    How exciting to be house hunting!!! Good luck! :)

  7. gosh - I hope my comment didn't sound nasty! I was totally teasing! :) I think England is so lovely! And I live on the west coast near Seattle - we LIVE in the rain! And I still love it here. :)

  8. I love the quaint small cottage style of living! I love that bedroom and would love to do one for Little Princess that way.

  9. It's so fun to hear you talk about living in England.

    Although I know I never has also been one of my daydreams.

  10. The English Cottage look has always appealed to me but with my 2 guys...NOT.

  11. Sigh, I wish my house were that cute and I live in an English village! :) Houses that cute cost a small fortune (i.e. big fortune).

    If you do ever visit England you WILL visit me or else I will sulk Mwahahahahahaha(scary laugh).

    Loves ya Sandra.

    And LOL at Janice's comment, here in the Pennines it's rain, rain, rain, sun, rain, rain, rain, rain, sun, rain, rain, rain.........It's to do with the hills or something...and my bathroom's tiny and my plumbing is, yes, noisy :)In all seriousness most old houses here in the UK do have tiny bathrooms and bad plumbing because many of the cottages are very old and indoor running water just didn't happen in small cottages until probably the 1950s, so when they got around to having an indoor loo and bath they squeezed it into the tiniest space they could (ours is a 1950s house and the bathroom was definitely a second thought in the architect's mind! We English got so used to small bathrooms and so even in new houses they build tiny bathrooms with noisy plumbing just so we really feel at home. Hehehehehe :) Hugs.

  12. That's such a sweet cottage Sandra-I dream about living in the country too. I'm going through a Scottish phase at the moment though. I'd love to live in a village like Lochdubh, as in the TV series Hamish Macbeth or even better, live in a cottage on Glenbogle, as in the other Scottish TV seriesMonach of the Glen!! Hehe!

    Happy house hunting!

  13. What a pretty little house, no wonder you want to live there someday. It looks very peaceful. Enjoy your new book, especially since it was free.

  14. I love that bedroom! It's adroable! I would love to visit England sometime. I would love to go from store to store and hear people talk. :-)


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