
Sunday, March 11, 2007


Morning everyone, it's a beautiful Sunday morning, crisp and sunny and just perfect for Spring which is just around the corner.

I actually forgot to set the clocks ahead an hour until I saw it on my tv this morning, so if you're like me and didn't remember, now would be the perfect time to get with the program, unless you're willing to show up an hour late for work tomorrow.

The picture to the left is one I took at Silver City, Idaho. A ghost town just 20 miles from where we live, we had such a good time there and it's just beautiful.

So the simple things huh??? You know why I titled my post this way??? Because that's exactly what yesterday was about. We didn't do anything special or elaborate, we stayed home and had fun.....good old silly fun.

Curt is back to working midshift this week which means he goes in at 11pm and doesn't get home until 7:30am. It used to be my most hated shift because obviously when we're sleeping he is at work, then we get up in the morning and he is just going to bed. BUT after he gets up around 2pm, we have the rest of the day together, and it's great for appointments or running errands etc.

Anyway, he has to get into this schedule so after he woke up yesterday, I took the kids to the BX to pick up something fun to do. We all ended up buying puzzles, cheap puzzles. See you don't need to spend tons of money, the puzzles were only $2 each.

We brought them home and then we ALL sat down at the kitchen table and did the kids ones together.....yes because mine is 1500 pieces, little easily lost and chewed up by dogs pieces.

After the puzzles, Curt took the kids to park while I started on mine and must I say how good it felt. Just sitting at the kitchen table with my coffee cup and my table covered in puzzle pieces.....overwhelming yes, but so thrilling, I just got in there and started it while listening to the birds outside, watching the neighborhood kids riding their bikes and rollerblades, yelling with excitement and was just perfect!!!!

Now I want to share something with you, you all know that I love watching the show "Most Haunted". For the most part I actually get a good laugh out of it at times, it's very entertaining and while I don't know why I watch it, I just enjoy hearing the british accents and seeing new places. I was on YouTube (yes I know) and I found this clip from
the show. I almost wet myself laughing at this one, you can't help but have your mind in the gutter with you've been warned. Let's see if you can get through it without laughing LOL

LOL OH.MY.GOODNESS.....I tell you I watched that yesterday morning and literally spit my coffee all over my keyboard. Mary Loves Dick (Richard)......COME ON!!! LOL
Anyway, I thought you could all use a good laugh, I tell you, I can NOT watch this without laughing until my sides hurt, I can't even think about it during the day without just going into a laughing fit....Curt got a good laugh out of it too.

So anyway, after the kids and Curt got back from the park we all went a little bonkers...we decided to play a game of tag inside the house. Now, I am NOT fit at all, I haven't ran around since high school, if that, and though I felt like my lungs were on fire, we had SO MUCH fun. Imagine if you can, 2 adults, 2 children and 2 pugs running around th
e house laughing and screaming, tagging each other. It was the BEST 30 minutes I have spent in a long time, I laughed so hard and almost passed out with exhaustion but watching the smiles on the kids faces was worth it.

One thing I haven't done in a while, is give you a link to the fun and interesting posts around blogland, so I thought I would end with those today.

My dear friend Sarah from "A Bend in the Road" has put up her Home Management Binder. She mentioned it on her blog a few days ago and we all encouraged her to share because honestly, I could use some help in my schedule and routines and I know Sarah will give me good ideas.

Barb is a woman after my own heart. I think she loves cooking as much as I do, so when she offered to share her Jalapeno Garlic Tilapia, I was ecstatic. Well she keeps to her word and shared the recipe PLUS another 2 great recipes for us don't walk over to Barb's site.

I am not even going to tell you to just check one post from Kelli's blog, this lady always has the best posts and pictures to share. She's the kind of SAHM and homemaker that we all want to be like....I know for myself I get a lot of ideas from her. Kelli when I grow up I want to be just like you LOL

There are so many others and I wish I could mention them all but if I did, you would be here for the rest of the day, probably falling asleep at the keyboard too.

Have a great sunday, enjoy the wonderful weather and again, don't forget to set your clocks one hour ahead.

God Bless,


  1. Hi Sandra - thank you for the link :) you are such a sweetie. Lol, hubby was highly amused by the Most Haunted video he was walking past while I was playing it. If you like the accents Derek Acorah (he's such a faker isn't he, it's funny) is a Liverpudlian ('scouser') and Yvette Fielding is from a town about 20 miles from me, but her accent is more what I would call 'BBC' English - posh accent affected for TV presenting. I don't watch Most Haunted though, but I can see why you find it funny.

    I loved the picture of the ghost town, does noone live there anymore? How spooky that must be.

    I'm going to post some more from my binder over the next week or so, I have a very thick binder, lol, that's why our printer is always running out of ink! :)

    Hugs my dear xx

  2. What a fun day!! I always love it when you lead us to great blogs to check out. Thanks!


  3. Happy Sunday, Sandra,

    Hope you do make the tilapia - it's wonderful. You might want to go easy on the jalapenos, depending on how you think your children will like it. I was mostly just tickled to figure out how to make my favorite dish from Johnny Carino's. Let me tell you, the copykat recipe I found on the web left a lot to be desired but I "fixed" it and the dish I made is exactly like the restaurant's.

    I love working puzzles! Sounds like you had a nice relaxed weekend, just like me. Boy, I was ready for one. LOL

  4. The simple things are the most important things, I agree!

    Thank you for the links to others blogs, I really enjoyed your friend's household notebook and it gave me the incentive to update mine!

    Have a blessed Sunday,


  5. We don't have daylight savings time here so I can't forget it, but when I lived on the mainland I always forgot it.

    I am going to try Barb's talapia recipe too. The italian nachos looked real good and pretty easy so I might also give them a try.

  6. I promise my sister and I ARE related, in spite of how much she cooks, and how much I don't. I wanted to tell you I LOVE your new template. Adorable.

  7. Hi Sandra! Thank you for the link and the sweet comments!! Your weekend sounds PERFECT! I can just see you sitting at the table, working on your puzzle and drinking coffee...wish I could have joined you! Have a wonderful week.
    P.s I laughed at the video. :0)

  8. sounds like you had the most perfect of days! A couple years ago we were at the inlaws for Thanksgiving and we all put together 2 or 3 Kinkade puzzles. Nice quality time together!

  9. LOL that clip was funny.

    Ooh, I LOVE puzzles! I have a hard one I haven't finished sitting in a closet, now I want to get it out and work on it.

  10. Oh my goodness, that clip made me laugh too, I have to admit!! :-)

    I loved all the insight you shared on Following Your Bliss, also, by the way!! Sometimes I start to get discouraged when people tell me I should finish school and do something "more valuable" with my time, but this is the most valuable thing I could be doing, and I am definitely following my bliss, too!! :-)

    Have a happy Monday!!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
